This is a Journal entry by Montana Redhead (now with letters)

Sex and drugs

Post 1

Montana Redhead (now with letters)

Is it just me, or at some point in your life, do your parents suddenly become cool again? My mother, who is in town for the holidays, has been cracking double entendre sex jokes for the last two days...either she has suddenly become funny as hell, or I have been missing some damned fine jokes for a while. And my mother and I have both lightened up about alcohol, after having spent way too much time with alcoholic parents. We actually went and had a beer today. It was the most bizarre thing. She surprised me, and I think I surprised her. We talked about my drug use in college, and she said she had always wanted to do LSD, but was afraid to, and then asked me what it was like. We decided that perhaps our souls had been switched, because I was so much more the hippy chick than she had been. Being 18 in 1968 would have been somehow easier, and more fun, for me. As it was, she didn't feel like she fit in until the 80s, where I felt completely out of place. I guess there is something to that.

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