This is the Message Centre for arrietty42

ACE's welcome Arrietty42!

Post 1

jaz'd(ace & yada yada *sigh* chocolate yada)

I'm one of the assistant community editors or <./>ACEs</.> here. We pop in on the recent arrivals or newbies like yourself, both to welcome you on board(so to speak) & to leave you with useful info. So I guess combining those 2, visit the 'Welcome page'@ A53146 . And it was really great of you to provide that intro, if you want to modify it at some point look@'spicing up your page'( A690518 ).

You might be interested to know that like most large communities, we have our own newspaper <./>thepost</.> which comes out every Thurs. evening U.K. time. There's usually some interesting reading there & it might give you an idea of just who's out there(in here, if you know what I mean.) And like any big community we've got numerous Clubs & Societies. You'll find those listed by category@ A660340 (& it includes various regional researchers groups.)

Anyway my esteemed ACE colleague Feisor has compiled a list of Hints & Links designed to assist new researchers. So carefully go over everything@ A719840 & have a good look around - plenty to see as well as do here. I think you should find this a fun, friendly & informative community to be apart of. Feel free to contact me using the 'Reply' button if you have any questions or anything. I'll try to help or at least find someone who can, alright. Make yourself@home & enjoy...adios!*waves*

ACE's welcome Arrietty42!

Post 2


Thanks so much for the welcome! Right. I'm off exploring. It seems a wonderful place already from the bits I've seen. *waves back*

ACE's welcome Arrietty42!

Post 3

jaz'd(ace & yada yada *sigh* chocolate yada)

Good to get a reply & you're welcome!smiley - smiley It really Is quite the place - enjoy!

ACE's welcome Arrietty42!

Post 4


Wooopeee! I am friending you, buddy!

ACE's welcome Arrietty42!

Post 5

jaz'd(ace & yada yada *sigh* chocolate yada)

smiley - smiley Hey thanks,if it's ok I'll do likewise ok?

ACE's welcome Arrietty42!

Post 6

jaz'd(ace & yada yada *sigh* chocolate yada)

Uh yeah this Is ok with me!smiley - laugh

ACE's welcome Arrietty42!

Post 7


Immensely accepted. I love having friends.

ACE's welcome Arrietty42!

Post 8

jaz'd(ace & yada yada *sigh* chocolate yada)

Hi...& Agreed,I do too...and this's a great place for making friends! In fact I was just leaving a message for a friend & fellow Blues fan in Scotland.smiley - cool

ACE's welcome Arrietty42!

Post 9

jaz'd(ace & yada yada *sigh* chocolate yada)

Got time to chat?

ACE's welcome Arrietty42!

Post 10


Sorry to have missed you. I am in USA and only get on a few hours Saturday or Sunday (sometimes Friday nights...)

I've always wanted to go to Scotland. And I love Blues. My MSN Messenger name is Caledonia. Hehe

ACE's welcome Arrietty42!

Post 11

jaz'd(ace & yada yada *sigh* chocolate yada)

smiley - sorry I missed your last posting ther! I'm actually north-? of you in western Canada...pretty much straight north of Great Falls Montana. Ok I'll take that(your limited time online)into account & try to work out the 'kinks'-Totally non-sexualsmiley - rofl in my system & maybe get onto MSN Messenger.

ACE's welcome Arrietty42!

Post 12


I am in Cleveland, Ohio - a 20 minute plane ride from Toronto. My dream is to live in either Canada or Costa Rica after I stop working (if that ever happens! lol)

I would adore having a new pal!

ACE's welcome Arrietty42!

Post 13

jaz'd(ace & yada yada *sigh* chocolate yada)

Ok as would I!smiley - hug

ACE's welcome Arrietty42!

Post 14


Fabolous! I admit your mentioning dark chocolate made you a "shoo-in" (sure thing)

I am on US EDT right now it is 9:45 pm I am usually on in afternoons Saturdays and Sundays - Hubby wants the eveneings and mornings seem to be running around maintaining the house, etc.

ACE's welcome Arrietty42!

Post 15

jaz'd(ace & yada yada *sigh* chocolate yada)

ok, it's just coming to 8 here

ACE's welcome Arrietty42!

Post 16


I have MSN Messenger, ICQ, mIRC and Yahoo (which I don't like.) On MSN Messenger I am arrietty1952 (yes I am as old as Douglas would be) althought the email is calednocia_111@hotmail.

I use that the most although I can use other chat thingies and we are nearly chatting here...but I have to go to bed in 1/2 hour - early job. Usually don't get on of a work night but that may change...heh! Did tonight!

ACE's welcome Arrietty42!

Post 17

jaz'd(ace & yada yada *sigh* chocolate yada)

I'm not really on anything right now - I'll try to fix that.

ACE's welcome Arrietty42!

Post 18

jaz'd(ace & yada yada *sigh* chocolate yada)

smiley - sorryI hadn't gotten back to you arrietty42, it's just that there've been quite a few more newbies to welcome aboard ever since the Hitchhiker's movie came out. I will try to e-mail though, alright!

ACE's welcome Arrietty42!

Post 19

Prof Animal Chaos.C.E.O..err! C.E.Idiot of H2G2 Fools Guild (Official).... A recipient of S.F.L and

resurrects old post, don't believe in wasting paper.

From what I have noticed and noted down,you are member No24 in H2G2 Fool' Guild

ACE's welcome Arrietty42!

Post 20


typos galore as always (very big sigh)

MSN: [email protected] - showing up as plain Arrietty
(caledonia for an old name for scotland and a great blues song)

ICQ - old one bombed - new one: 251-468-412 - again Arrietty

broke down and got yahoo again - [email protected]

no AOL

mirc I am twilightrain or twinklelittlestar heh but haven't found a really fun room yet...
(i love twilight and rain and twinly stars)

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