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ACE's welcome Arrietty42!
jaz'd(ace & yada yada *sigh* chocolate yada) Posted Jul 27, 2005
*sigh*Procrastinator that I am, I still haven't gotten around to e-mailing, obviously! But my e-mail(which is all I've got right now)is '[email protected]'.
ACE's welcome Arrietty42!
arrietty42 Posted Jul 31, 2005
I added to you my email addy book - look for foolishness. I tried that Misc Chat. What an utter disappointment! More action in the guilds and groups. Try one of the US chats and get 40 people talking at the same time, all the time and you'll get what I am missing here.
Shoot I posted 3 times without a response. (The one before being an hour agao - I don't have that kind of time...)
And if I corrected the latest mis-spelling it would be 4!
No, give me the rowdy 50's groups on MSN or Depression in Yahoo.
Then we're talking rolling madness!
ACE's welcome Arrietty42!
jaz'd(ace & yada yada *sigh* chocolate yada) Posted Aug 8, 2005
Forty or fifty!! My typing & reading speed I'd pretty much be confined to basic 'yes', 'no' or 'maybe' answers. And even those would be sparse & inevitably frequently misplaced. Then of course I'd have to try & explain myself or I'd be p**sing 1 group or another short
Big Time, lol.
I've just been away for a week so I'll try to get an e-mail off explaining that. But it goes without saying that I've got some catching up to do! Hope you're ok & that job is going alright.
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ACE's welcome Arrietty42!
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