
About Me.

Hi Folks!

I'm a member or the Archers Message Board - and I'm here testing the water. We've been told that we will be moving (i.e. moved, whether we like it or not) across to here shortly. I have created a temporary account just to see how things work. So I'm not using my Archers name at the moment, but one I use on another site.

Some things about me

I work in Higher Education - I really should be doing some marking at the moment - but this is less painful.

I like reading:-

History – WW1, WW2, American Civil War

Biography – Churchill, Hitler, Stalin, Abraham Lincoln

And Terry Pratchett.

Cheers (:<)


Conversation Title Latest Post Latest Reply
09.07.15 No Posting Jul 9, 2015
08.07.15 No Posting Jul 9, 2015
07.07.15 No Posting Jul 8, 2015
06.07.15 No Posting Jul 6, 2015
04.07.15 No Posting Jul 4, 2015


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Researcher U1541087


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