This is the Message Centre for Nikki-D
It's time to go - NO IT'S NOT !!
Nikki-D Posted Sep 3, 2001
Sorry, I forgot ...
I've told Kaeori already, but when (not if) I get my first novel published or my first screen-play into production in Hollywood, it's going to be dedicated to all my friends here !
It's time to go - NO IT'S NOT !!
Nikki-D Posted Sep 3, 2001
And it must now come to pass, because my last post was no. 42 !!
It's time to go - NO IT'S NOT !!
fatbird Posted Sep 3, 2001
Nikki I heard your email on BH. (I didn't realise it was you until I re-read this thread)
I am so so glad you feel better. I wish I could tell you that life will be easier from now on, but it probably won't be. All I can say is that when life's whirpool starts dragging you down again, kick for the surface like all hell! Cold and dark it might be down there but look up and you can see the sunlight play on the surface.
It's time to go - NO IT'S NOT !!
Argon0 (50 and feeling it - back for a bit) Posted Sep 3, 2001
Very Poetic Fatbird!
I'm glad you decided to stay Nikki...
My Probs paled in to insignificance next to yours last week, but my GF and I have patched things up for the moment and I hope we will be stronger than before now - a good weekend all round...
It's time to go - NO IT'S NOT !!
Orcus Posted Sep 3, 2001
I don't think we've ever met here on h2g2 Nikki but something Argon0 said last week brought me to lurk here.
I didn't post as it wasn't appropriate but now I just thought I'd say that reading this thread for the the second time (first was on Friday) I'm delighted to see the change in you over the weekend.
Here's a and a for you from a stranger.
The world would be a poorer place without you.
It's time to go - NO IT'S NOT !!
Nikki-D Posted Sep 3, 2001
Dear Fatbird (and in fact everyone).
Thank you. I've learnt so much over 6 days (that's all this thread's been running !).
* Some of it's about myself, and the lesson is I won't stop learning about myself.
* Some of it's about life - some of life is going to hurt like hell and I know I shall cry again over my own troubles, but with the support of friends I should be able to pull through.
* Some of it's about solving problems - I've always thought of myself as a problem-solver, certainly professionally, but it was a whole new ball game when the problems were mine - you have to ask for help, as trying to be completely self-sufficient is being too hard on yourself - I didn't talk to my friends until it was nearly too late
* Life is totally unpredictable, so long as you're out there fighting, and not sitting back letting life happen TO you
I'm glad a couple of you heard my e-mail read out right at the end of 'Broadcasting House' on Sunday. I felt I had someting useful to add to the debate about assisted suicides, and it was the most public way I could thank all my 'internet friends' who helped me pull back - 2 million people now know how much I owe to you.
Have to stop now - tears of happiness !
Love, Nikki
It's time to go - NO IT'S NOT !!
Bob Gone for good read the jornal Posted Sep 4, 2001
well as somone who atempted suside and couldend go thrue wiith it (although I did get very wet and a borken leg for my trubble trust theirish to b****r evrythin up {if your wunderin I wont go in to it here but if you all have a burning curosaty use [email protected]}) any way, you have maide the right disicion,I also was lurking here since yesterday. I was trying o colect my thoughts to write somthin but it looks like I dont need to. life is s**ty sometiems there is no douing that, just when you think things carnt get worse you find that they do. but then againe it carnt be s***ty all the time, and if you have friends that you are actull willing to rely on (I wasnt and that was a mistake) you can get through anything and then things imoprove.
gald you are goin to stay darlin
Mike (yes that is my real name but please dont let evryne know it will ruen my reputation )
It's time to go
Tabitca Posted Sep 7, 2001
Nikki if you need someone to talk to get me on [email protected]. I'm willing to talk on the phone if you think it will help. I won't try to change your mind ..thats your decision to make..but if this is because of the way someone else has treated you.......they are not worth you giving up your life for. People always let other people down..we are human we can't help it. I've lived through some terrible s**t ..being homeless, being beaten, all sorts of stuff...but I'm still here. I'm too stubborn to let someone else get the better of me!! You have friends here..whatever you decide to do they will support you but DON'T DO IT BECAUSE OF SOME ONE ELSE and how they have behaved.IF you are grieving a death or a loss it can take between 2 and 10 years to get over. You can't rush these things.
Just be kind to yourself...I mean what i say ..get in touch.
It's time to go
Researcher 183904 Posted Sep 7, 2001
Hi Nikki
I'm a journalist at the Guardian newspaper and was touched by the support you received on h2g2 during what was obviously a very distressing time for you and have been considering writing a very positive story about this. I hoped you might be willing to talk to me about your experiences and might be kind enough to give me a call or email me. I will completely understand if you feel you don't wish to talk to me. If you did want to get in touch I would be completely beholden to your wishes if you did not wish to be identified, or did not want to talk on the record about certain aspects of your experiences. I hope you would find that we would treat the whole matter with the delicate touch it requires.
Anyway, my direct line is at work is 0207 886 9726, mobile: 07947 040 535, or my email is [email protected]. Of course the sooner you get in touch the better, but I am on those numbers over the weekend and please feel free to call at any time.
Hope to hear from you
But in any event, best wishes
Mark Oliver
It's time to go
Kaeori Posted Sep 7, 2001
Nikki-D, call Max Clifford first!
Seriously, wouldn't it be wonderful if others could benefit from your experience. Maybe you would inspire and give hope to someone else.
It's time to go
Munchkin Posted Sep 7, 2001
Just be careful, says a cynical (or possibly cyclical) Munchkin, you can never trust these journo types. Not that I've ever had any dealings with any (that I know of) and am mearly quoting rumour and hearsay. I now return you to your more useful advice.
It's time to go
The H2G2 Editors Posted Sep 7, 2001
Hi everyone. Just thought we should point you to a question Tabitca asked in the Editorial Feedback here (which we've answered): Hope this helps to explain the above posting. :-) {{{}}} to Nikki, too.
It's time to go
Nikki-D Posted Sep 7, 2001
I've copied my post to the thread pointed to by the 'h2g2 editors' above, here into my thread, as I think it belongs in both places.
To my friends, I would welcome your comments because, as I've mentioned below, you were all intimately involved in this too (and presumably would need to give permission for your postings to be used if Mark Oliver thought that appropriate
I think I agree with Kaeori's assertion that all h2g2 'researchers' are journalists, dot.journalists if you like, following the conversation earlier in the week on a suitable name for the special type of internet community and friendship which has developed quite spontaneously on our Thread "British English - the sequel".
This thread has followed in the footsteps of "British English" - which is STILL awaiting re-release from pre-BBC days ->> c'mon guys, please help us with this repository of knowledge and 10 months of our lives here - especially now a national newspaper is interested in the relationships originally fostered there.
I've checked my Consise Oxford (new ed. just purchased), and the definition seems too narrow now (I'll write to them!). It describes writing for printed or broadcast media, and seems to have forgotten the internet (which seems both and neither).
One of the key elements to my turnaround, the catalyst in fact, was writing. I have done this for pleasure, but have aspirations. As I mentioned on my "It's time to go" thread, the Monday after the turaround I received news that a trade paper I read has expressed interest in a series of articles I've written, so I guess that would (just about) make me a journalist in the traditional sense. BUT, I could have used my energies to write Guide Entries - the difference is rather small.
I am cautious. I will consider the offer before leaping in, and I certainly appreciate Kaeori's suggestion to talk to Max Clifford first - I could do with the money just now !!
Being realistic (which is in my nature) I recognise that my story wouldn't be shock-horror-tabloid stuff (hence no fat fee !), but is much more likely to be of interest to one of the two 'serious' papers (my definition for the Guardian and the Independant).
I will decide over the weekend, being guided by my instincts, my friends here (who have been so intimately involved too) and my friend from 25 years ago (mentioned last Monday, Post 40 of "It's time to go")
Thanks to Tabitca and the 'h2g2 editors' for their input and explanation of the h2g2 position on these things.
I'll post a copy of this back into my thread so my friends can find it there too.
Thanks to all. Nikki
It's time to go
Nikki-D Posted Sep 7, 2001
My friends know me - if talking to Mark Oliver does indeed provide a tangible benefit to others, "inspiring and giving hope" as Kaeori put it, I will consider this VERY seriously.
I feel I need the weekend to think it over, consult with you here, and two friends from elsewhere.
Please let me know what you think.
I'll e-mail Mark Oliver to confirm I am considering and will reply to him with my decision on Monday.
It's time to go
Ommigosh Posted Sep 7, 2001
In your very first posting on this, Nikki-D, you asked if YOU should write chapter and verse on how you came to your initial position. I think that you should get it written up in some form or other as it could very well be helpful to others. Maybe this is the way to go?
It's time to go
plaguesville Posted Sep 7, 2001
I have had both good and bad experiences in dealings with newspaper reporters, so I offer no advice on whether you should colaborate.
I can't imagine that my contribution would be of interest or help but I certinly do not object to its being used.
It's time to go
Chicken Run Ginger Posted Sep 8, 2001
Please do something for me Nikki-D .............? Promise that you won't go down the road from which there is very little chance of are loved and wanted by so many people - evidence the postings on this site, and the communications you have had in other areas. Leave 'Exit' because I would HATE to find you gone (again)......and I'd be bloody furious with you!!!
It's time to go
Nikki-D Posted Sep 8, 2001
Dear Researcher 183932
I began to get suspicious as I read through your posting - and the "bloody furious" rather gave the game away, I think.
I won't go 'again' - I have you love to help me.
Thank you
Hugs, Nikki
Key: Complain about this post
It's time to go
- 41: Solsbury (Sep 3, 2001)
- 42: Nikki-D (Sep 3, 2001)
- 43: Nikki-D (Sep 3, 2001)
- 44: fatbird (Sep 3, 2001)
- 45: Argon0 (50 and feeling it - back for a bit) (Sep 3, 2001)
- 46: Orcus (Sep 3, 2001)
- 47: Nikki-D (Sep 3, 2001)
- 48: Bob Gone for good read the jornal (Sep 4, 2001)
- 49: Tabitca (Sep 7, 2001)
- 50: Researcher 183904 (Sep 7, 2001)
- 51: Kaeori (Sep 7, 2001)
- 52: Munchkin (Sep 7, 2001)
- 53: The H2G2 Editors (Sep 7, 2001)
- 54: Nikki-D (Sep 7, 2001)
- 55: Nikki-D (Sep 7, 2001)
- 56: You can call me TC (Sep 7, 2001)
- 57: Ommigosh (Sep 7, 2001)
- 58: plaguesville (Sep 7, 2001)
- 59: Chicken Run Ginger (Sep 8, 2001)
- 60: Nikki-D (Sep 8, 2001)
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