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Found it! But where is it?
Posted Jun 1, 2009
I dreamed of a wonderful city last night - I'd love to see whether they have a university where I could do my Master's, but I have no idea where it is
It was on the water, either the sea or a large lake or river, and then went uphill from there in a sort of amphitheatre shape, that is, uphill in all directions with a flat bit in the middle. The structure of the city itself was medieval (relatively narrow streets, except for the main ones, and not built on a grid) though not all the buildings were old. Some of the streets going up the hills to the sides were steep enough to have stairs in them, many were cobbled. It had interesting little shops in the centre, and excellent ice cream.
I remember photographing a map or diagram of the city I came across on a tourist information board (as I'll do in any strange city - you can zoom in on the photo later, and have a portable map). I don't know whether north was at the top, though.
It started out at the bottom with the shoreline, and a wide street along that, then had two canals running horizontally (there must have been a vertical connection as well, somewhere) which enclosed the old town between them, and then at the top was a wide promenade (probably up the hill a bit) with an old, white church at one end (don't know how old, possibly romanesque but certainly not gothic, though it may have been later than that) and a government building of some sort, possibly a palace, at the other, built in what looked (from the icon on the map) to be a baroque style. That promenade may have been called Temple Street, though that could just be a nickname for the brochures.
I managed to get by speaking English, but didn't know the local language, though they were either using the Euro or a currency with a buying power similar to that of the Euro, judging from prices. Someone told me that the "M"s on the signs were pronounced "PR", but that may have been a joke.
So, anyone know where that is, so I can go there?
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Latest reply: Jun 1, 2009
Back - and there again?
Posted May 24, 2009
Well, I did rather enjoy Ireland (and the meet, of course), so I'm rather tempted to go back.
Slowly working my way through all the backlog here, now .
I'll probably upload some photos soon, and keep an eye on the Post for our write-up.
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Latest reply: May 24, 2009
A kitchen update
Posted May 2, 2009
In a sudden attack of spring cleaning, Yarreau has made the kitchen all shiny, so we thought we'd photograph it while it lasted
I've still not gotten around to doing the missing panels and trim and painting the doors, but since I have a paper to write, I don't think I'll have time until I get back from my Uk/Ireland trip.
Sooooo... This is what the kitchen looks like now, starting here:
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Latest reply: May 2, 2009
More about the same old...
Posted Apr 27, 2009
I went to see the new GP today. The poor woman now has to read through the stack of letters and lab reports she asked me to give her... I hope she at least has a glass of with it
At least she asked the obvious question - *why* isn't the part they identified being treated? Unfortunately, I'd been hoping *she* could answer that, I assumed it was an insurance thing
I'm to call her after I get back from my UK/Ireland trip. The good news is, she did permit me to use a backpack for that, albeit at my own risk, and only if it's a good padded one with a hip belt, and only if I don't carry it for hours on end, and only (the difficult bit for me ) if I don't overload it too much. I should still be able to fit in a
and any souvenirs people want me to bring for the meet.
If all else fails and it's a problem for my shoulder after all, I'll just have to strap it on a skateboard and pull it behind me
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Latest reply: Apr 27, 2009
Smiley Strike
Posted Apr 21, 2009
I'm not going to be doing any more smileys. It's simply not worth the bother.
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Latest reply: Apr 21, 2009
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