This is the Message Centre for Malabarista - now with added pony

a Personal question

Post 1


I'm preparing a sort of guide to writing personal spaces challenge, with some links. I'd like to include yours because I wanted to encourage people to come and ask about some of the features they see and you have flying smileys. Also footnotes and text boxes. I'd like to suggest people come and ask you how to do it. There will be others in your category to I hope there won't be hoardes and hoardes and hoardes.

Would you have any objections to being linked to/ people coming to your space?

No probs if you have!

a Personal question

Post 2

Malabarista - now with added pony

Hi Sol,

Not a problem in principle - but my PS is at least two years out of date right now...

a Personal question

Post 3


Well, smiley - evilgrin one of the suggestions for this challenge is that those of us who could do with an update should have a go too... smiley - biggrin

Thanks! smiley - ok

a Personal question

Post 4

Malabarista - now with added pony

Fair enough - I just didn't want to hit the PS bug. That's my excuse, and I'm sticking to it!

a Personal question

Post 5

Create: endeavours in reading, writing, rhythm, blues, art, photography, and biscuits.

Hi there again!

That project I was asking you about is now up and announced and there'll be a link on the FP on Monday. A87679859

Brace yourself!


a Personal question

Post 6

Malabarista - now with added pony

Oh dear. I should've dusted, at least...

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