This is the Message Centre for Malabarista - now with added pony

Mala, don't drop the ball

Post 2781

Elektragheorgheni -Please read 'The Post'

Darn it. You need to complain to the NI equivalent of the Better Business Bureau - those people shouldn't be licesncd if they'll do that to anyone. There might be some sort of listserve or consumer protection sites on the web where you could warn other people from them.

Mala, don't drop the ball

Post 2782

Malabarista - now with added pony

Oh yes, Trading Standards. Mentioning them was the only thing that got me any kind of reaction at all...

Mala, don't drop the ball

Post 2783

Elektragheorgheni -Please read 'The Post'

What are you up to?

Mala, don't drop the ball

Post 2784

Malabarista - now with added pony

I went to the SCA meeting you found me and have a ton of new friends smiley - biggrin Thanks!

Mala, don't drop the ball

Post 2785

Elektragheorgheni -Please read 'The Post'

Glad that they were nice! More fun to come.

Mala, don't drop the ball

Post 2786

Malabarista - now with added pony

Yes, it was good.

Unfortunately, the horses weren't so good today - I was lungeing two of them at once (they have to learn to walk together as a carriage team) and they took off on me. I nearly waterskiid across the arena, and burned the skin off my palms from the sandy rope. smiley - erm

Mala, don't drop the ball

Post 2787

Elektragheorgheni -Please read 'The Post'

smiley - yikes stampede! Sorry to hear about your hands - you need to invest in some leather gloves for those scoundrels.smiley - winkeye

Mala, don't drop the ball

Post 2788

Malabarista - now with added pony

smiley - laugh Yes. Gloves can't hurt anyway, it's gotten reaaaaaaally cold.

Mala, don't drop the ball

Post 2789

Elektragheorgheni -Please read 'The Post'

Poor thing, it has recently got cold (well seasonal in the 60s F) and last week it was in the 70s. I just hope it doesn't get bitter cold over the winter.

Get gloves. smiley - biggrin

Mala, don't drop the ball

Post 2790

Malabarista - now with added pony

I did - several pairs. And earmuffs. smiley - brr It's cold and wet, so now I wear a wool coat with a waterproof coat over it to cycle to uni in the mornings...

Mala, don't drop the ball

Post 2791

Elektragheorgheni -Please read 'The Post'

smiley - brrHope you don't get smiley - snowball

Mala, don't drop the ball

Post 2792

Malabarista - now with added pony

It did snow today - fortunately only after we'd brought the horse and the trailer back up the hill!

Mala, don't drop the ball

Post 2793

Elektragheorgheni -Please read 'The Post'

I'm glad you weren't out in it. Sorry about the peasant hunters, that is really mean and unnecessary.

Mala, don't drop the ball

Post 2794

Malabarista - now with added pony

Yes, and it scares the horses smiley - cross

That weekend was hard work! I'm almost glad to be going back to Uni tomorrow, I get to sleep longer smiley - silly

Mala, don't drop the ball

Post 2795

Elektragheorgheni -Please read 'The Post'

Besides smiley creation, what have you been up to? Are you going home for Christmas? How are both your sisters faring?

Mala, don't drop the ball

Post 2796

Elektragheorgheni -Please read 'The Post'

Also, what do you think of my second foray into Guide Entryhood:

Transgender and Intersex Olympians A87724588 ?

Mala, don't drop the ball

Post 2797

Malabarista - now with added pony

Hi Elektra smiley - smiley I'll read your entry later - promise. Right now, I'm off to bring the first car load of stuff over to the new house; I'm moving today! smiley - puff

Mala, don't drop the ball

Post 2798

Elektragheorgheni -Please read 'The Post'

smiley - cool I hope you get an apartment with heat!

Mala, don't drop the ball

Post 2799

Malabarista - now with added pony

We've got a whole house to ourselves (3 people) - a decent-sized (if not large) bedroom each, a kitchen, dining room, and living room. And a bathroom, of course. smiley - silly I get the attic room smiley - cool

And we'll only be paying 2/3 of the rent we paid here, so good deal all around.

Mala, don't drop the ball

Post 2800

Elektragheorgheni -Please read 'The Post'

And the heater works OK then, and do you still have the same roommates?

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