This is the Message Centre for Malabarista - now with added pony

Mala, don't drop the ball

Post 2741

Elektragheorgheni -Please read 'The Post'

Well you would definately need to ditch your feather comforter for that. smiley - smiley

Mala, don't drop the ball

Post 2742

Malabarista - now with added pony

smiley - laugh Gladly, at the moment. I'm very warm - just had a 90-minute Taekwondo lesson. smiley - puff

Mala, don't drop the ball

Post 2743

Elektragheorgheni -Please read 'The Post'

I hope you remember how to fall without breaking anything. smiley - smiley

Mala, don't drop the ball

Post 2744

Malabarista - now with added pony

Not much falling involved there, it's all rather formalised. A good workout, but I think I might try a few others and see if they're more interesting.smiley - ok

Mala, don't drop the ball

Post 2745

Elektragheorgheni -Please read 'The Post'

smiley - cool I hope the gyms are nice for you.

Mala, don't drop the ball

Post 2746

Malabarista - now with added pony

The PE Centre is huge smiley - bigeyes It has something like 8 gyms, two climbing walls, and multiple pools! Not that I like to hang out in gyms much...

Mala, don't drop the ball

Post 2747

Elektragheorgheni -Please read 'The Post'

Wow, you might like the climbing wall. smiley - cool

Mala, don't drop the ball

Post 2748

Malabarista - now with added pony

Sadly, I don't think that will work - I'm still a bit anxious about the nerve damage in my shoulder, not sure it will hold my full weight. smiley - erm

Mala, don't drop the ball

Post 2749

Elektragheorgheni -Please read 'The Post'

Oh, not a good idea then. you shouldn't mess your shoulder up any more. smiley - sorry

I am smiley - envy of your swimming options. Swimming offers lots of low impact opportunities for excercise.

Mala, don't drop the ball

Post 2750

Malabarista - now with added pony

Yeah, but possibly also not so good for the shoulder. Will see - at the moment, I get wet enough from above! Irish weather is, alas, true to the stereotype.

Mala, don't drop the ball

Post 2751

Elektragheorgheni -Please read 'The Post'

Well possibly there are strokes which wouldn;t stress your shoulder as much. See if they offer physical trainers or councillors that could advise you.

Mala, don't drop the ball

Post 2752

Malabarista - now with added pony

Might give it a try, but to be honest, I'm very nervous about it. Haven't tried swimming since it was injured, and I'd hate to lose power over it again.

Mala, don't drop the ball

Post 2753

Elektragheorgheni -Please read 'The Post'

Hey Mala, saw an interesting link in the BBC about the Devil's Causeway.

Maybe life started in NI instead of Africa. That would be a real kick in the head. How did your GPS paper go? Did you get a good grade?

Mala, don't drop the ball

Post 2754

Malabarista - now with added pony

smiley - laugh Thanks, Elektra - but it's the Giant's Causeway, not the Devil's - Finn isn't that evil smiley - winkeye Will go read in a moment.

Glad you made it across! smiley - smiley

Mala, don't drop the ball

Post 2755

Elektragheorgheni -Please read 'The Post'

Thanks it took the gurus about 50 emails to get me here and I really don't want to leave because it gets to be so time consuming. I hope the system goes live soon.

Mala, don't drop the ball

Post 2756

Malabarista - now with added pony

*Very* soon, yes. But the signup process will stay the same for everyone smiley - ok

Mala, don't drop the ball

Post 2757

Elektragheorgheni -Please read 'The Post'

Just as long as it works tomorrow. I'd hate to have to take another 50 emails to the gurus to get on again and I don't want a high electricity bill to leave it on all night.

Mala, don't drop the ball

Post 2758

Malabarista - now with added pony

Don't worry - once you're in, that should be that. smiley - ok Just remember your login name and password!

Mala, don't drop the ball

Post 2759

Elektragheorgheni -Please read 'The Post'

Will, write it down and save it on notepad.

Mala, don't drop the ball

Post 2760

Malabarista - now with added pony

Good idea smiley - smiley

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