This is the Message Centre for Lord Reflection (Brought to you by Dylan Cobb's Continuity Bleach)

Room 013

Post 1

Lord Reflection (Brought to you by Dylan Cobb's Continuity Bleach)

*This room, used as Lord Reflection's personal quarters, is locked. Perhaps Stavro has the key.*

Room 013

Post 2


*En route to his room, Affy sees Room 013, and remembers the keys that he found on Stavro's body. Ever the adventurer, he unlocks the door, enters, and locks it behind him so that he can see what, exactly, is going on*

Room 013

Post 3

Lord Reflection (Brought to you by Dylan Cobb's Continuity Bleach)

*Room 013 is different from the others in many ways. For starters, it's larger. It contains three book cases, a large desk, a four poster bed, and various paintings. Twelve of them depict the guests. Oddly, the picture of Minos Krymla has been taken down off the wall, and a picture of a gravestone put in its place." On the mantel of the fireplace is a pair of statues, one of an angel, the other of a demon. The color scheme of the room is bright white, with black curtains, behind which are no windows.*

Room 013

Post 4


Hmm, I'd better tell GL about this one.

*Affy leaves the room, making sure to lock the door behind him*

Room 013

Post 5


*A book case moves, and Affy comes back in to the infamous room of paintings that he found earlier. He looks around*

Hmmmm, very interesting....I know who did it! I mean, I know who's setting this up! I think....I hope I know, anyway....

Room 013

Post 6

Big Bad Werewolf

*BBW enters the room and begins looking around. He notices that at one time there were twelve paintings on the wall, but a number of them are now in a pile on the floor and their places on the wall are filled with cardboard gravestones.

BBW goes over to the nearby pile of paintings and looks through them. First, there is KL's portrait. BBW turns it over and sets it aside. Next, there is Red's portrait. BBW turns it over and finds that the frame contains a small fragment of a mirror.*

Huh! This frame has been reused, I think.

*BBW puts the portrait on the pile and takes the next one. It is GL's portrait. BBW harumphs, turns over the portrait and tosses it on top of Red's. As he does so, however, a piece of paper that had been stuck in the back of the frame flutters free. He takes the paper and unfolds it.*

Hmmmm. Schematics for the Mangar. Curious.

*BBW takes the next portrait. It is a portrait of Mew. BBW examines it, but finds nothing out of the ordinary. The next portrait, showing UH, is also completely ordinary. That being the last portrait on the floor, BBW stands up and begins looking around the rest of the room. He notices the four-poster bed on one side of the room. He notices the large desk which is at the far end of the room from where the group entered. In front of the desk is a high-backed chair, facing away from the group. BBW notices a postcard on the floor near the desk. Even from there, he can read the large letters superimposed on the pictures on the postcard: BRAZIL! BBW begins walking over to pick up the postcard, but is stopped by a voice coming from the chair.*

That is far enough, BBW. You have found me, the real Lord Reflection, but I still defy you to guess my name.

*BBW turns and looks blankly at the rest of the group. He shrugs as if to say "beats me".*

So, now is the time for people to guess the identity of Lord R. I believe Affy already knows and so does UH, but does anyone else want to hazard a guess? There have been several clues - some of which were in this very post! As you may remember, the prize for guessing correctly is the mansion itself. Affy has already guessed, but if anyone else guesses correctly, then they could share in the prize too.

I'll contact Witty, Lil, NYC and Yo to see if they want a chance, too (Mew and Red haven't been back).

Room 013

Post 7

Peet (the Pedantic Punctuation Policeman, Muse of Lateral Programming Ideas, Eggcups-Spurtle-and-Spoonswinner, BBC Cheese Namer & Zaphodista)

* Peet arrives and looks on blankly...

Room 013

Post 8


*Affy grins maniacally*

Okay, with that last post, I'm positive that I know who it is! I'd shout it out, but that would ruin the fun.

*Affy casually leans against a wall, grinning to himself*

Nice setup, Lord Reflection. Very nice indeed....

Room 013

Post 9

Uncle Heavy [sic]

i know! i know! and when is he gonna come back! i missed my duels with him! and *************

Room 013

Post 10

Yowuzupman- New Top Speed 122 (thats mph you metric fools)

I know who it is....op... forgot it......

Room 013

Post 11


*Whistles to pass the time*

Room 013

Post 12

Big Bad Werewolf

*Waits, just in case Lil or Witty want to guess.*

Room 013

Post 13

Witty Moniker

Well, I've had a pretty good idea who he is since before Rupert. But I didn't want to blurt it out and ruin everybody's good time.

Who's going to go first?

*Sips her martini.*

Room 013

Post 14


I'd like to reveal how I figured it out, but I'll wait if anyone else is just dying to say it.

Room 013

Post 15

Big Bad Werewolf

We'll just wait for Lil to post, then anyone can go ahead. Or would you like me to drop ever more explicit clues until everyone has got it?

Room 013

Post 16

Uncle Heavy [sic]

dont ruin the suspense! i think peet is the only one who doesnt know...hehe

Room 013

Post 17

Peet (the Pedantic Punctuation Policeman, Muse of Lateral Programming Ideas, Eggcups-Spurtle-and-Spoonswinner, BBC Cheese Namer & Zaphodista)

* Peet kind of lost interest during "Rupert"... He was hoping for a little more action... smiley - zzz

Room 013

Post 18

Big Bad Werewolf

I just looked back and realized that NYC also hasn't posted yet.

Room 013

Post 19

NYC Student - The innocent looking one =P

*not that NYC has too much of an idea either*

I swear, that two month wait in the freezer really does wonders to your memory...

Room 013

Post 20

Uncle Heavy [sic]

tell us already!

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