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Post 61



Well the cannabis did (in the head) - the nicotine would have done and the alcohol has on many occasion smiley - weird. High on life doesn't work at mo'. Am on tabs for depression. Though they're working I still think lifes gonna get me again sometime. But you got to laugh smiley - laugh <- that's me laughing smiley - laugh and smiley - boing is good aswell. smiley - biggrin

No-ones called me enigmatic before - many may have thought it but none have said it. As for a kind heart, perhaps too trusting would be more like it. Past girlie-type friends have accused me of boringness but I'm just not into straight forward "let's go out for a drink. Now let's go see that couple. Now let's go to this video-store......" Spontaneous stuff is what I is into. A bit of planning but that always come into paying bills and shopping et al. smiley - laugh Oh well, I know what I mean....!

Gosh, I'm writing alot again. I feel like I'm on some dating website smiley - laugh. Just remembered I put down, on one dating website once, that my ideal place for a first date would be an RSPB hide smiley - laugh. smiley - erm no takers there then....!

Haven't even mentioned smiley - dog, smiley - cat or smiley - tit's. Well smiley - dog is playing dead on patio. smiley - cat likewise but in her bed. smiley - tit's singing and-a playing as usual. No Yellowhammer sighting just it's call today.

See you later meduck (Lincs talk smiley - winkeye)

Mesmiley - smileysmiley - hug


Post 62


smiley - hugDepression isn't easy to cope with is it.One of my friends has suffered from bouts of depression for several years,it cost her a marriage,and a lot of people just don't understand just how badly it can affect you.She actually manages her illness quite well for long periods of time then out of the blue it hits her.Making decisions is really hard for her and it could just be a simple decision like what to have for lunch.Sometimes she just retreats into her shell for a few months and wants to be alone.To the outside world she looks like a bright attractive women but inside she can be so sad,but the good news is she still has loyal friends and the periods in between depressions are longer and longer.So the future looks quite bright now she knows she can manage and cope with life despite depression.
So hang on in there,because there are people who understand and care.
Think you have to believe in yourself a little moresmiley - smileyand my Yoga guru always tells us to smiley - love one's self because if you don't love yourself how can you expect others too.
You love nature and wildlife,you are kind and smiley - lovesmiley - dog andsmiley - cat.You have a sense of humour and you are sensible because you gave up all that stuff that was bad for yousmiley - applauseOh and you know some great quotessmiley - biggrinLife can get us all but just keep trying to smiley - somersaultsmiley - boing and you will be smiley - ok
Wildamethystsmiley - bluebutterflysmiley - cupcake


Post 63


smiley - ta for kind words. smiley - hugsmiley - smiley You're a smiley - starsmiley - smiley

Can be difficult though when your own family doesn't get it and thinks you're not as bad as you really are. I get asked the same questions over and over again about it 'cos they never got the answer the last time and I have to really grit my teeth to stop gettin smiley - grr with 'em.

But anyways thanx again for words smiley - rainbow

Haven't got any exciting stories to relate at mo'. smiley - dog un smiley - cat asleep. smiley - cat was trying to kill a cardboard folder (!) earlier. It's all wet now with her saliva but it's safe from her smiley - laugh

Yamsmiley - sharksmiley - hugsmiley - smiley


Post 64


I know people think you are alright because they can't see a visible sign of illness,a broken leg and they would sympathise,but depression is very misunderstood by lots of people.Still many people know of someome who suffers and do understand!Hang on in theresmiley - bravesmiley - hug
Have the afternoon off from collegesmiley - biggrinso am off on the train for a little retail therapy,a case of having to because I have another family wedding next month.
For some reason am not at all hungry today am usual starving by lunch timesmiley - weird
smiley - laughI smiley - love it when smiley - cat's attack things ,they look so serious before they pounce.Sensible smiley - dog having a snooze.
Hope I get back in time for a potter in the gardensmiley - smiley
Wildamethystsmiley - bluebutterflysmiley - somersault


Post 65


Just to say Hi and hope you are alrightYamsmiley - shark.


Post 66


Hello, hello smiley - smiley

I'm fine (kinda) but the PC isn't. Main processor keeps getting to hot and stopping. Sometimes works, mainly doesn't. Hope I can type this b4 it goes again. smiley - laugh

Money will make it work properly. smiley - sadface

Hope you are fine un dandy and thanx for encouragement.

smiley - hug

Hopefully speak soon - take care

Yamsmiley - shark


Post 67


Hello Yamsmiley - shark,I was worried about yousmiley - hug am glad it is your PC that is not well instead of you that issmiley - smiley
No PC smiley - yikessmiley - run and fix it quicklysmiley - biggrin
Come back as soon as you can(I thought you may had been on holiday)
Say hello tosmiley - dog and smiley - cat for me
Wildamethystsmiley - bluebutterfly

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