This is the Message Centre for givemefood


Post 41


Hello smiley - smiley

How's your weather now? Ours is getting slowly cooler but still sunny, though sun keeps deciding it's afraid and goes hiding behind a cloud every now and then smiley - biggrin
Looking at your weather map on telly it seems a bit wet! Were you one of those that didn't like Beebs new weather map? Not that I'm calling you a whinger smiley - laugh

Had to go and see Star Wars Ep3 2day (s'morning) 'cos my niece said I had to go with her(!) Well, I did want to see it I suppose. And it was a lovely day with her though we had sulks later (old enough to have periods y'see, bless her heart, and her hormones can get the better of her sometimes smiley - smiley)

Haven't got anything special to report or any wisdom to expound so will leave you to your things and say good day/evening (and oh-my-god Dr Who's on in 15 mins)

Bye smiley - smiley


Post 42


smiley - laughNo I didn't find anything objectional about the weather map,just the weather we have had !Wet,windy and cold but today was nicesmiley - smileySo I could get out in the garden at lastsmiley - somersault
Was Star Wars good?and did your niece enjoy it(apart from her hormones)smiley - smiley
So you hadn't any wisdom to impart to is some for yousmiley - smileyIf you feel good and you want to feel better then you can't feel better than thatsmiley - biggrinsmiley - winkeye
Wildamethystsmiley - bluebutterflysmiley - hug


Post 43


Hello smiley - smiley

Hope you had a good bank holiday weekend meduck. My was spent here, there and everywhere. Mine was spent in the cinema, Belvoir Castle (the grounds of) and somewhere in Lincolnshire (can't remember name of) smiley - biggrin

Star Wars was fantastic (about time - have been waiting for 25ish years for another good un from Mr George Lucas).
And of course my niece enjoyed it, after all Hayden Christensen was in it (Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader) and we're Hayden fans apparently. smiley - laugh

How's this for a piece of wisdom - "The only way to be absolutely safe is never to try anything for the first time." Magnus Pyke smiley - laugh

Well smiley - dog-walking looms

Speak soon smiley - bluebutterflysmiley - hug

Me smiley - smiley


Post 44


Glad you enjoyed the Bank Holiday.The castle visit sounded interesting,I like historical placessmiley - smiley
Film sounds good will have to make time to go see it.
smiley - dog and smiley - cat are well I hope,give them a bigsmiley - hug from me.
smiley - laughWords of wisdom or thought for the day todaysmiley - erm'the best way to view a mountain is from the top of another mountain'smiley - smiley
Have to go for now ,take care
Wildamethystsmiley - bluebutterflysmiley - hug


Post 45


"He felt that his whole life was some kind of dream and he sometimes wondered whose it was and whether they were enjoying it." - from the great Douglas Adams himself and HHGTG. smiley - biggrin

Walked smiley - dog in rain this morning. Gave him a wipe with a towel once we got in. He just dtands there like some great fool as I do it smiley - laugh. smiley - cat told me off for leaving her out in it when I got back. She has a certain "I'm not happy" miaow that she uses on such occasions! smiley - laugh

I do hope all this doesn't interfere with your revising and studying 'cos, of course, you musn't feel obliged to answer these posts asap or at all even smiley - smiley

Hope you're well and you get the weather you want up there

Yamsmiley - sharksmiley - smiley


Post 46


Don't worry about interfering with my studysmiley - laughI can always find a distraction from thatsmiley - smileyI just ration myself to Hootoo as treat for studying,and I like talking to yousmiley - hug
We had rain today too,heavy rainsmiley - groan but it wasn't windysmiley - biggrin
Poor wetsmiley - dog and poor smiley - crosssmiley - cat and poor you for being told offsmiley - laugh
The countryside can look lovely in the rain though ,even if we do get a little wet.
Great quote by Douglas Adamssmiley - cheers My words of wisdom for today are 'always carry an umbrella in June'smiley - winkeye
Take care ,until next time
Wildamethystsmiley - bluebutterflysmiley - booksmiley - booksmiley - book


Post 47


I WISH this weather would get a bit more consistent smiley - grrsmiley - laugh

2 quotes from Mahatma Gandhi,

"An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind."


"I think it would be a good idea." when asked what he thought of Western civilization

smiley - laugh


Post 48


smiley - laughDid like your quotes todaysmiley - biggrin
Well it is raining again so that is pretty consistent(panicing about all the plants that need to be planted in the garden but are still in the coldframes because of the flooding arrrgh)
Tomorrow is supposed to be better but every where looks like a paddling pool so am doubtful about how much I can get donesmiley - wah
My quote for today belongs to my yoga guru 'Anger only hurts ones self and not the object or person that it is directed towards'
smiley - peacedove
Wildamethystsmiley - bluebutterfly


Post 49


Well, it's raining here again. smiley - rolleyessmiley - laugh
My head feels a bit tight so I guess that might mean thunder. (poor smiley - dogsmiley - sadface) - I used to enjoy thunder but now I know dawgy doesn't it bothers me a bit. Tchh - guess ammer just tooooo soft. smiley - smiley

And I quote: "A good friend can tell you what is the matter with you in a minute. He/She may not seem such a good friend after telling."
---------------Arthur Brisbane, "The Book of Today"
smiley - laugh

D'yer know, I don't know of many people that can "give" advice ASWELL as "take" it. I like to think I'm one, but guess I would say that smiley - smiley

There's a smiley - tit that's been annoying me for a while now 'cos it was/is giving a whistle-type-tseeeeep over and over again and could I see it? could I smiley - bleep. Then it dawned on me that it was there in front of me all the time! A blackbird smiley - doh. Least I can rest now smiley - laugh

Have you been watching Springwatch w/ Bill Oddie and Kate Humble. Or is it just confined to us Inglanders? Wish I'd taken part in the surveys but only got to know of them near to the end of it all.

Well I'll be off over there, sitting beneath the eaves, waiting for the House Martins, Swallows and Swifts. You're welcome to join anytime. smiley - smileysmiley - biggrin


PS why not do you're yoga in a puddle. Be totally at one with nature smiley - winkeyesmiley - laugh


Post 50


It didn't rain heresmiley - biggrinand I got some of my plants bedded outsmiley - somersaultIt was a lovely day and warmsmiley - smiley
Have a large pile of ironong I must do though(the price I pay for pottering in the garden today)
I like to think I am fair minded enough to listen to good advice whether or not I take it on board is another thingsmiley - laugh.I like to be honest and think it is better to say if something upsets me(probably am too direct sometimes).
Yes I have been watching 'Nature watch'smiley - magic
I smiley - love to watch the swallows and swifts at this time of the evening,and everyone who knows me says'that girls heads in the clouds(birdwatching or sky watching)
Wildamethystsmiley - bluebutterflysmiley - hug


Post 51


Nice one with your plants. smiley - applause
My mum has asked me if I'll bed her plants but I've warned her of my non-green fingers. Not good with plants. Think they're fab but usually end up killing them smiley - sadface

I once planted roughly an acre of Oak saplings down in Norfolk (Foxley Wood and it was the mid 80's). I went back 7-8 years ago and over half had disappeared (ie dead) smiley - laugh Oh well....

I prefer directness from people as it doesn't set of my paranoia. smiley - headhurtssmiley - smiley

You like skywatching? Does that mean astronomy then?

And there's nothing wrong with having ones head in the clouds smiley - winkeye I do like to be a bit of a skysmiley - surfer.
It's sometimes more fascinating than whats going on down here.
smiley - aliensmilesmiley - martiansmilesmiley - ufo

AND you sometimes catch sight of smiley - bats at night to. smiley - smiley

How are your blackbirds btw?

yamsmiley - sharksmiley - hug


Post 52


Well the Blackbirds are fine and noiseysmiley - smiley they have all flown the nest but seem really fond of the garden,which is great for mesmiley - smiley
Plants respond well to love and care like humans do,so if you are kind and gentle to them they usually grow well and give them constant care (don't let them dry out or drown them with water)smiley - winkeye
I watch the sky day and night ,think it is just beautifulsmiley - wowThe stars,the moon the clouds.Have a large smiley - bat colony ,how good are they at flying,they swoop under the eaves of the house and swoop back out without flinching screeching in and outsmiley - wow
We can be sky smiley - surfer's togethersmiley - somersault
Oak trees are difficult to grow so if half survived you did wellsmiley - biggrin
Wildamethystsmiley - bluebutterfly


Post 53


When I see the smiley - moon next I can think "Wildamethystsmiley - bluebutterfly is looking at that aswell" smiley - smiley

Recently I was out with the smiley - dog and it was dusk. smiley - bats started coming out and one appeared to nose-dive toward the ground making me think it had crashed. But no, the little creature was just swooping low after its fodder. smiley - laugh They are superb creatures indeed!

Careful of that smiley - somersaulting. You might see your own smiley - stars if you hit your head smiley - laugh.

Are you quite oh fey with the night sky then? I used to be but have recently found that I've forgotten the names and positions of many constellations. Guess I stopped looking up smiley - sadface Light pollution was the problem what with living in the city of Nottingham.

Will have to go and visit those Oak trees again. See if Robin Hoods in one of 'em smiley - laugh

Yamsmiley - shark


Post 54


I used to be able to recognise most star constellations too but I have forgotten most of them ,although I have a great book that I can look them up insmiley - smiley
My friend bought a great telescope this year it is a wonderful thing,I really want one now (must save up).Although his neighbour thought that he was looking at his wife smiley - laugh because he had set up the telescope in the spare bedroom(only because it was facing the right way)he did explain to the irate husband and so alls well that ends wellsmiley - laugh
We are really lucky up here and get really good clear air with little pollutionsmiley - biggrin
smiley - moonwatching togethersmiley - smiley
Wildamethystsmiley - bluebutterflysmiley - batwatcher


Post 55


smiley - batwatcher - smiley - laugh

Whenever I have to grab the binoculars to see a nearby bird from the garden I wonder if people are suspecting me of voyeurism. Round here that can be bad for your health!!!! smiley - laugh

I read about those telescopes you can buy - supposedly relatively cheaply (whatever THAT means) - to connect to your PC which meant you can sit in the warm and stargaze smiley - bigeyes. Think I saw it on TV once with Patrick Moore.

Fraid there's little chance of smiley - moon gazing tonight. But the weather is the weather and I usually enjoy most of it as long as it's not to sunny and dry 'cos I worry about the nature then in the UK.

So aren't there many peeps/houses around you then? There once wasn't here but it's slowly grown.

Well, gonna have something to eat now. May be back later, depends on the telly smiley - laugh.

smiley - dog is staring at me but his tea aint for an hour or so yet.

speak later smiley - hug - oh and what's the star-gazing book you've got?

yamsmiley - sharksmiley - smiley


Post 56


smiley - laugh I have a pair of pocket binoculars and my friends always find it amusing when I whip them out of my bag ,oh baby chaffinches were in the garden todaysmiley - biggrin
No there aren't a great deal of houses but the farmer has sold one of his fields and they have built a small housing estatesmiley - sadface
I really hope he doesn't sell anymore.
But there is a farm, stables and the pond so think it will be smiley - ok
A couple of my friends moved up to the isle of Skye and it is really rural where they live but I would adore it out in the wilds.It made me sorely tempted to move but I would miss my family and friends and college and my garden.Maybe later because change can be good alas I do tend to be a creature of habit.
It is an enclyopedia and in it a large section on the skysmiley - smiley
Headed out into the garden after lunch
Wildamethystsmiley - bluebutterfly


Post 57


<> - smiley - smiley Me toooo. Though no-one laughs at mine 'cos I haven't got any friends around here to share my nature hobbies with. Seems to be alcohol ladies/men and job that keep 'em all going. Each to their own though I suspect the "job" bit is a case of survival as I seem to be the only one that hasn't got a mortgage or kids to sustain (or credit card debts smiley - cool). When I have a job I find time to nature-study smiley - cool and don't have to worry about earning extra cash outside of normal working hours.

These small housing estates do pop up everywhere don't they. smiley - sadface
In Nottingham there were plenty of buildings that could've done with a bit of refurbishment and been acceptable to live in. Especially for the homeless. I know it's not as black-n-white as that but still....made me wonder.

I think - now that I've lived in a city - I'd like to live somewhere in between town and country. ie not fully one or t'other. I'd have to rely on public transport so that may be the only downer smiley - laugh

<> - routine keeps you sane apparently smiley - winkeyesmiley - laugh (A psychiatrist told me this once - well not in so many words but.....)

Did I say I saw a Yellowhammer on the smiley - dog walk? Male it was and a lovely thing. When I told my Step-Dad he answered "it's not mine, I only have a red one!" smiley - laugh
And Chaffinch babies - ahhhhhhh smiley - coolsmiley - biggrin

Sunny and cloudy here (british weather then!). Hope you enjoyed the garden again.
See you later
Yamsmiley - sharksmiley - smiley


Post 58


I admit I don't have credit card debt either,if I can't afford it I save up or go withoutsmiley - smileySeen some friends nearly destroy their selves with debt,it is a very bad thing.There is an alchohol fed culture emerging which is quite scarey.I like a glass or 2 of wine as a treat when I do go out rarely.I tend to be too busy enjoying my hobbies to find time to go out on the townsmiley - laughAm a wild nature lover and are at my happiest in the garden or out for walks,I absolutely hate to be couped up.I would dread to think what a psychiatrist would make of me,am a bit obsessive especially about the things I love,nature,gardening...Yoga helps me calm down and relax as I tend to be a little hyper active.I am quite a creature of habit on the wholesmiley - biggrin
Well I better go and make my yorkshire puddings to go with my roast beefsmiley - droolRarely eat red meat but took a notion for it today so decided to go the whole hogsmiley - laugh
Take care my friend until later
Wildamethystsmiley - bluebutterflysmiley - hug


Post 59


Packed in alcohol 2-3 years ago - found I got the hangover almost straight away smiley - laugh, really dislike the stuff now. So moved on to canabis and have now given THAT up along with nicotine (having to watch the weight though). I think I'm Mr boring now smiley - laugh.

Drying out at mo. Kept putting the smiley - dog walk off 'cos it threatened to rain. Eventually decided to go when, half way across this field/public footpath, the heavens opened smiley - doh. And I mean OPENED. Me + smiley - dog = drowned. No hood and wrong footwear smiley - laugh. I actually enjoy the rain but this was a bit too much!

I can go through periods of enjoying being couped up then other periods of outside-ness. Trouble is - not really keen on too many peeps being around smiley - sadface, so prefer outside-ness when it's back garden or weather that human beans don't usually enjoy.

See you later

yours soakingly

Yamsmiley - sharksmiley - smiley


Post 60


smiley - laughAm glad you gave up alcohol and cannibas and nicotine they would have made you smiley - illGet high on life like mesmiley - somersaultsmiley - boing
I don't think you are boring ,I think you are interesting and enigmatic with a sense of humour and a kind heartsmiley - hug
The weather was exactly like that yesterday!there was a real downpour or deluge might have been more apt.No hood and sandalssmiley - yikes bet you and smiley - dog got really wetsmiley - sadface.Can be fun though outside in the pouring rain splashing around in the puddles but only if you have waterproof clothing and welliessmiley - smiley
Did you see any more yellowhammers today?They nest in amongst the gorse up here(which at the moment is in bloom and smells wonderful like coconut)
There wasn't many birds in view today ,I could hear plenty but the hawks and buzzards were out so they were all keeping a low profile.
I can be quite happy with my own company and do really like my own space but I love my friends and do like to chat(suprising ehsmiley - winkeye
Am lucky really to have good friends and am close to my family.Although could swap my brothers occaisionally for a cute smiley - cat or smiley - dog might be nicesmiley - laugh
I do understand exactly how enjoyable it is to be outside especially on a cold snowy day with no one else aroundsmiley - magic
Take care my friend until next time
Wildamethystsmiley - bluebutterflysmiley - hug

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