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Post 21


smiley - laughYes several neighbourhood smiley - cats are already licking their lips too,I really worry one of them will pounce on a baby bird.I hope they will all survive.
I am sorry you have a cold,garlic is very good for a cold,although your friends may not like it so muchsmiley - winkeye
Hope you feel better soonsmiley - hug
I smiley - love yoga it helps clear my mind from revision and keeps me fitsmiley - smiley
Wrap up warm next time you take smiley - dog out
Bye for now
Wildamethystsmiley - bluebutterfly


Post 22


smiley - cheers for smiley - hug - feel better already smiley - smiley

Young blackbird was nipping about amongst the undergrowth of the front garden yesterday. It didn't seem to be particularly alert for any danger so I hope it's still alive. *fingers crossed*

I find a good dose of humour clears my mind. Just doesn't last long so have to keep topping up with comedy.

Got lots un loads un lots of jobs to do around the house now - bah - guess these things have to be done.

Now smiley - dog is bugging me to go out for a walk. Trouble is when he's in this mood the smiley - cat has to mind out 'cos he just want to play. She probably won't! smiley - laugh (unless he counts a wop across his nose from her paw)

Well, going again. See you later and take care

smiley - smiley


Post 23


Glad you feel bettersmiley - smiley and you got lots done in the house(never ends though does it)
Just a quick hello and cheerio tonight because I have my exam tomorrowsmiley - yikes
Give smiley - dog a smiley - hug and smiley - cat
Wildamethystsmiley - bluebutterfly


Post 24


Big and many good lucks with the exam. Although luck probably doesn't enter into it seeing as you've been swotting like mad. You have been swotting haven't you? smiley - laugh

smiley - dog half asleep and smiley - cat sitting on knee. I'm sure they'd both be wishing you good luck if they knew what was going on - ever smiley - laugh

Let me know how you think it went

smiley - smiley

PS smiley - dontpanic and here's a smiley - rose to take with you for good luck

smiley - cheers


Post 25


PPS don't forget your smiley - towel


Post 26


I passed smiley - somersaultsmiley - somersaultsmiley - somersaultand I am really pleased can you tell?
It must of been yoursmiley - rose.Thank you smiley - hug
Andsmiley - hug forsmiley - dog andsmiley - cat
I never forgot my smiley - towel
Until later
Wildamethystsmiley - bluebutterfly


Post 27


smiley - bigeyessmiley - wowsmiley - cool

Most excellent. Bigsmiley - hug from me.

smiley - zensmiley - biggrin

Nothing to do with my smiley - rose. Everything to do with you being a clever-clogs-fancy-pants smiley - winkeyesmiley - laugh

So is there a follow-up course? Are you taking anymore? (Googled ECDL but didn't study the page too heavily). And what is the full name of your qualification? And have you celebrated yet? And when do you want me to stop asking questions?

Once again: WELL DONE smiley - disco

smiley - smiley

PS. smiley - cat un smiley - dog said to say purr and tail-wag respectively (no really)


Post 28


There are another 6 exams so I have a long way to go,but am enjoying the challenge.Thanks for all the good wishes and tonight I go have funsmiley - somersaultbecause I haven't had a night out in so long,I am a little crazedsmiley - somersaultgoing out for a bite too eat and a couple of glasses of my favourite chablissmiley - droolwith friends who I smiley - love
So think of me my friend letting off a little steam because back to the smiley - booksmiley - book next week!
Wildamethystsmiley - bluebutterfly is going out to playsmiley - runsmiley - laugh


Post 29


SIX exams!!! smiley - headhurts

A couple of glasses?? Oh yeah. How much is a couple in your maths smiley - laughsmiley - drunk

Well I'm gonna sit here with my smiley - coffee and say smiley - cheers to the air and hope you get it.

Have fun

Yamsmiley - shark


Post 30


smiley - headhurtssmiley - laughDid have fun but decided to sit in quietly and continue reading a novel I started a couple of weeks ago that got hijacked by the course books.
The weather today has been mixed,sun,rain,hail more sun followed by more rainsmiley - smiley so fairly typical for May.
Hope smiley - cat andsmiley - dog are behaving and playing nicely.
Hope you are out having fun yourself
Wildamethystsmiley - bluebutterfly


Post 31


It's been rain (heavy at that) here for most of the day (Sat) and it's still raining now (1am-ish)!
Poor smiley - dog. We've had thunder and he was shaking like the proverbial leaf. I walked into the living room and I thought 'what's that noise?!' It was his HEART beating very very fast against the floor; the floor acting like a soundboard. I honestly think he could easily have a heart-attack at this rate smiley - sadface Good job he's a very fit smiley - dog. Trouble is he won't respond to fuss and smiley - cuddles - bless 'im. He's fine now though.
Btw - smiley - cat just hides and waits for thunder to go away. Guess that's the way to do it smiley - laugh

What's the novel you're reading? (nosy-mode) And do you live N,E,S,W, Scotland?

Bye for now

smiley - smiley


Post 32


Poor smiley - dog hope he is back to his bouncy self.I live in East Scotland not far from Edinburgh(45 minutes on train but usually an hour because they are always late)
Am reading' Autographs in the rain' by Quentin Jardine I like a good murdersmiley - smiley
The aces were saying we are all on pre moderation tomorrow because of the BBC strike smiley - yikes
Off to cook some dinner nowsmiley - drool
Bye for now
Wildamethystsmiley - bluebutterfly


Post 33


You like a good murder?!?! - ulp smiley - yikes

Don't know what pre-moderation is but I guess I'll find out! smiley - laugh
Don't know about you and your politics but am in favour of strike-action. Am one for the workers me

smiley - dog fine. Never heard of Quentin Jardine - should I be ducking at this point? smiley - laugh

Hope you enjoyed your dinner

Apologise for apparent abruptness but am a bit hot un sweaty (more thunder un stickiness) and can't think of what to say at mo'.

Will speak/type again

Me smiley - smiley


Post 34


Wasn't on line yesterday with the strike,didn't want to spoil anyones industrial actionsmiley - smiley
My friend reccomended the novel and I haven't heard of him either,but it is a good read so far.
Was nearly run over today a lorry misjudged the corner and mounted the kerb.I got a real shock and feltsmiley - ill for the rest of the day.It left me feeling a little jumpy to say the least.
So I hope your day was far nicer than mine.
There is supposed to be another 48 hour strike next weeksmiley - yikes
Bye for now Yamsmiley - shark
Wildamethystsmiley - bluebutterfly


Post 35


smiley - yikes - mind the lorry - smiley - yikes

God that sounds awful smiley - hug and no wonder you felt smiley - illsmiley - sadface

You fine now? - god I hope so smiley - hug

Yes my day was far nicer than yours. Thankyou for asking after what happened to you smiley - ta

Yours worryingly

mesmiley - smiley


Post 36


smiley - hugYamsmiley - shark feeling much better today thank you.
It rained here all day,really heavily.Had to go to dentist for a check up but didn't need anything doing so smiley - biggrin
Been at college ,came home and was supposed to go to yoga but think I feel a little lazy tonight,so might fit in a double class tomorrow night instead.
How is smiley - dog andsmiley - cat? and have you seen any interesting birds of late....
I nearly forgot what are you reading nowsmiley - laughsmiley - smiley
Until next
Wildamethystsmiley - bluebutterfly


Post 37


smiley - cool you're not smiley - bruised after your encounter. Forgot to give you a smiley - cupcake with your smiley - hug and here's a smiley - tomato to throw at the next driver that's smiley - yuk 2 u!

Boidies - saw a couple of swans sitting on the opposite bank of the large dyke/drain. One had it's head tucked away and the other was preening itself. Both rested a beady eye on me as I passed with smiley - dog. There's a pair of breeding (I presume) Willow Warblers that I've probably mentioned but my step-father went fishing (smiley - sadface) the other day and saw a Buzzard which sounded fab. Wish I'd seen it. How are your blackbirds? Flown the nest by now I s'pose.

smiley - cat fine. smiley - dog fine. Usual y'know. Fascinatingly stupid at times bless 'em smiley - laugh

Brave, brave person going to the dentist. HATE dentists myself - yes tis a phobia. smiley - sadface - think I hate the instruments going into my mouth to be honest!

Reading wise - well finished Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas and am skimming through bits of Private Eye that I'd missed 'cos it'll soon be time for next one smiley - biggrin. None of my books are here at the mo'. Still at old address in Nottingham (long story).

Well, be seeing you

smiley - smileysmiley - biggrin


Post 38


Thanks for thesmiley - cupcakesmiley - droolsmiley - smiley
Natures just great isn't it,swans,willow warblers ,buzzards,smiley - dog,smiley - catsmiley - love them all.When you get out in the country you just forget all the stresses of modern living(for a while at least)It just makes my day to brush with nature.The blackbirds have flown the nest but they are loitering round the garden splendidly.
The mountain ash tree in the garden is spectacular at the moment ,laden with beautiful white blossom,but it won't last long.
Sorry to hear about your dentist phobiasmiley - hugsmiley - braveHave heard hypnosis can helpsmiley - smiley
Been to Nottingham once,saw that really old oak tree,that Robin Hood was supposed to have hidden insmiley - biggrin
Take care my friend
Wildamethystsmiley - bluebutterflysmiley - cupcake


Post 39


Sorry.........not ignoring you........just to hot (read: far to hot) to type and think or should that be the other way 'round?????

Will type a proper reply to your post between now and, well, er, then ,smiley - laugh

Just take care and try not to melt 'cos I am!!!!!


smiley - smiley


Post 40


It is chilly and raining heresmiley - sadface
Wish I was too hot,but heat does make me not think straight toosmiley - laugh but am often like that without heatsmiley - smiley
Have a nice cool drink
Wildamethystsmiley - bluebutterfly

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