This is the Message Centre for givemefood


Post 1


smiley - biggrinsmiley - ok


Post 2


hello there


Post 3


Nice to make your acquaintancesmiley - smiley
Hope you are having a splendid week so far and it is nearly the weekend*cheers loudly**then remembers has to revisesmiley - wah*


Post 4


Smile? - You've not heard of P.U.D.D.I.N.G then?

smiley - laugh

Don't tell 'em I smiley - laughed, I maybe kicked outta the club smiley - cry

Oh's to smiley - smileying


Post 5


smiley - oksmiley - smileyIt will be our secretsmiley - winkeyesmiley - laugh
I am still knee deep in studysmiley - wah my exam is in 2weeks time so 'Don't Panic'
So I feel a little isolated at the moment just me and the smiley - booksmiley - booksmiley - book but I am planning a fun filled weekend after my examsmiley - somersaultsmiley - somersaultsmiley - boing before it is time for the next one smiley - yikes
What have you been filling your time with?smiley - biggrin


Post 6


Ooh, y'know, thisunthat. I'm not particularly exciting to most smiley - sadface Just prefer to play my guitar, walk the dog (bless 'im), stroke the cat (bless 'er) and talk to the chaps and chapesses on here smiley - biggrin

Love bird-watching. Looking to do some volunteer work for RSPB maybe. smiley - cool
Hoping to go ghost-watching (or listening or whatever one does )smiley - laugh un all. Should be nice and scary.


Post 7


Hellosmiley - smileyThere are 3 pairs of nesting blackbirds in my garden at the momentsmiley - biggrinI spend too long watching their comings and goings(they are so funny when they pretend that they aren't really going to the nest.They wander round then dive in the treesmiley - laughsmiley - magic)
This time of year is so good to watch birds and their chicks.
College for me today but I will be back in the afternoon and get out in the garden at least studying outside is far nicer than being couped up inside.
Enjoy your lovely walk today and give thesmiley - cat a smiley - hug from me
Speak to you soon
Ghost watching ?smiley - runsmiley - monstersmiley - laugh


Post 8


smiley - smiley

Wow - nesting blackbirds and three pairs at that! You lucky bleeder smiley - biggrin
You can't spend to long watching their 'comings and goings' I'm sure.
Love this time of year for Boidies. Who am I kidding, I love any time of year for Boidies smiley - laugh

Went out last night to a place that was (is) supposed to be haunted smiley - yikes and generally smiley - weird but never felt or saw anything. It was a large gravel pit were fisherman spend their time (not into that side of things) but there were plenty of water fowl which was fab. Brent Geese, Canada Geese, Great Crested Grebes, Ducks of all kinds. Pheasants, Barn Owls, Little Owls (well one of these). But no Ghosties. Stayed 'til after sunset and the only smiley - weird noises were the squabbling of the Geese as they tend to do anyway. Oh there was the odd fish jumping aswell. No smiley - monsters.

My step-father was fishing one evening upon one bank, his friend on the opposing shore. When they met up afterwards my step-dad's friend asked him who was that man standing next to you watching you fish. He'd been standing there for a good hour but my step-dad hadn't noticed anyone! Spoooooky!
A large branch broke off and nearly hit my step-dad's friend one-time. The same night as that happening the same chap bent down to pick something up off of the floor of his car and when he looked up there were two large Crows standing on his bonnet looking at him through the windscreen. I love all this but can't help but be cynical! So I want to see if anything happens to me. Guess I'll have to keep visiting.

My smiley - cat is currently out sunning herself in the back garden so she can have her smiley - hug later and the smiley - dog is waiting for his walk but he can have a smiley - hug now. smiley - smiley Love 'em both to bits.

Good luck with studying and here's hoping it doesn't rain on you in the back garden.
smiley - smiley


Post 9


I like those kind of tales of eerie happenings.I believe there is something out there, just don't know what.If I have seen a ghost before then I wasn't aware of it.They say animals especially cats are aware of 'spirits' or ghosts but cats know everythingsmiley - laugh
How do you know that the ghost wasn't there watching yousmiley - yikesand you just didn't see him....
The geese I would have enjoyed seeing I smiley - love geese Canadian Pink footed geese are so beautiful and owls(they are supposed to be a sign of good luck)The ducks I go and feed when I can.
We have two pairs of buzzards nesting nearby and they include my garden in their territorysmiley - somersaultsmiley - biggrin
There are also a few sparrow hawks that are killing machines!they fly right into the trees to get the sparrows and very rarely miss.But they are so majestic looking and always seem a little haughty but quite rightly so looking so fine.
Take care if you are out by yourself at night watching for ghosts and do let me know of any more spooky storiessmiley - laugh
If you see two large crows looking at you suspiciously smiley - run
Until the next time
Wildamethystsmiley - bluebutterfly


Post 10


You have buzzards including your garden as their territory - wow wow wow. Just Er-mazing. It's absolutely not fair *stamps foot and turns green with envy*
smiley - smiley
Sparrowhawks are so adept at flying through the gaps in dense woodland to catch their prey. Not nice for the prey I guess but awesome to see.
Some of the Geese I said were Brent but they were Greylag, oops. Have lost my touch what with living in a city for many years and not managing to birdwatch much, well,at allsmiley - sadface But now I'm back in the country (ish) smiley - cool
I think it'd be great to have two crows that near to me. I'd be fascinated.

I have my smiley - cat on my knee at mo' and she's getting bored of me typing and not fussing her (her tails started to wag in that impatient way)so I go.

Have fun and smiles smiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smiley


Post 11


Good evening to you,hope that you had as lovely a day today as I hadsmiley - smileyWarm sunshine is just so nice to have aroundsmiley - magic
I saw the most gorgeous smiley - cat this afternoon it was a siamese and its face was so pretty and boy did it know itsmiley - laughIt was sunning itself(as they do)and thought it would come and say look at me the pretty kitty you could ever see.It purred so loud I justsmiley - love it.The lady that owns her also has a white persian smiley - cat who refuses to look at the siamese kitten at the momentsmiley - laughI hope they won't fight.
Having Buzzards around is great except they do leave rabbit skins and fur in the gardensmiley - yikes sometimes it looks like a battle has taken place.The baby rabbits are just easy pickings to the buzzards but they are birds of prey and that is what they do.To see them soaring around the evening sky is just fantastic.
Say hello to smiley - cat again but be careful if her tail is twitchingsmiley - laughsmiley - run
Until next time
Wildamethystsmiley - bluebutterfly


Post 12


smiley - cats smiley - cats smiley - cats. smiley - love 'em 2 bits. Ahhhh. Pretty Siamese and pretty persian. One thing that endears pussysmiley - cats to me is how they can act so aloof and self-important and have that air of 'yes, you can stroke me, wonderful me'. And when they purrrrrrrrrrrrr. Ahhhh smiley - laugh.

When I took the smiley - dog out earlier 2day the day looked lovely and warm but, as I got up the road, the wind struck smiley - sadface Nice and cold. smiley - dog didn't care bless him. Nearest lampost was all he cared about smiley - laugh

Oh yeah the smiley - cat has been ill. It was short and fleeting that's why I forgot about it. Think it's the richness of her food so she's gone back to supermarkets own brand - which she doesn't like so it's back to Felix when she's finished these couple of tins. Occasionally I'll stray from Felix smiley - catfood but she tends to throw up anything new. Probably in spite smiley - laugh

Was playing with her earlier. She's 14 and still chases leaves, butterflies and cotton. And still has the odd "mental" episode. And manages to keep the smiley - dog in order (most of the time).

Speak later

smiley - smiley


Post 13


smiley - laughYessmiley - cat's can be very particular especially about food.Ah bless her chasing butterflys in the garden,it just shows you the body may age but the spirit stays youngsmiley - biggrin
It was lovely here too but only if you were sheltered from the cool wind.
Hope you have a fun evening smiley - smileyEnjoy
Speak later
Wildamethystsmiley - bluebutterfly


Post 14


You know, what with your monicker and the smiley - bluebutterfly it all makes for a very pretty picture smiley - smiley It makes conversing with you a pleasure. Hope Yamsmiley - shark doesn't put you off?! smiley - laugh

smiley - cat gone out for a patrol 'round her territory. Hope she doesn't bump into the Ginger Tom that visits occasionally. It's a bully smiley - sadface and too much for her. Trouble is she won't back down and tends to get beaten up smiley - cry. Oh well. Cat's is cat's I s'pose.

Took smiley - dog for a walk today and the moment we got to an open field the wind hit me like a sabre. God it was cold. Very very sunny but very very cold.

Hope you're evenings fun to

smiley - smiley


Post 15


Yamsmiley - shark is a pleasure to chat to yousmiley - hug.We share that smiley - love of nature and lovely creatures likesmiley - catsmiley - dogsmiley - tit
smiley - wowanother sunny day ,how lucky have we been this weeksmiley - smileyIt was quite warm in the shelter of the garden but you were right outside wassmiley - brr in that cool wind.
Will worry about smiley - cat meeting the ginger tom nowsmiley - yikesBut am sure she has learnt a trick or two in her time for dealing with bullys!
Birds were very vocal today it was a joy to listen too them.Blackbirds are doing well though the chicks haven't ventured out of the nests yet.
Enjoy your evening hope it is spendid until the next time
Wildamethystsmiley - bluebutterfly


Post 16


Nothing much to say but plenty to smiley - smiley about

Took smiley - dog for a walk in the sunshine and little or no wind.
smiley - cat sunning herself in the back-garden ahhhhhh smiley - love her loads.
People talk funny when they see babies. Well, smiley - cats do that to mesmiley - laugh She doesn't seem to have bumped into the Ginger Tom smiley - smiley
Thanx for smiley - hugsmiley - smiley
Same to you

Keep me informed about Blackbird and family. Didn't realize young ones had hatched smiley - doh

smiley - smiley


Post 17


Yes my Blackbird chicks have hatched but they are all at different stages which is nice.
I am reduced to talking to all animals in a baby languagesmiley - smileyand am sure most of them relate well to it.smiley - cat must of had a pleasant day in the sunshine.
I got a little sunburnt on my shoulders,my own fault for not applying sun cream.Shall remember next time.
Buzzards were circling high in the sky today ,didn't see the hawks though,hope they are on the nest.
Well I have to go and do some revision now,so enjoy the rest of your evening,and I added you to my friends listsmiley - hug
Wildamethystsmiley - bluebutterfly


Post 18



Added me to your friends list. Ooh I've gone all gooey inside smiley - hugsmiley - ta.

Nearly lost the smiley - dog twice today. Once when he upset a cock pheasant and chased it. Before I could draw a breath to shout his name he was nearly a spot on the horizon smiley - laugh. The second time was when I was running with him and he jumped up snapping at me (which he does playfully when you run with him), landed, kinda bounded sideways and disappeared down a small overgrown dyke. After a tussle with gravity he appeared again, stood still for a few seconds with the air of one that had meant to do that and wanted to carry on playing. smiley - laugh twas all rather amusing to be honest!

Saw Skylarks, Pheasants, Greenfinch and Goldfinch. A Tufted Duck aswell as plenty of Mallards and a bird that I think was a Willow Warbler but am going to have to go back for a second look. Oh and something that seemed to be a Thrush at first but wasn't and am going to have to go back and see that aswell!! I lurve to boidwatch.

Will stop boring you with mine and smiley - dogs exploits.

smiley - goodluck with revision. Hope your head doesn't hurt too much.

bye smiley - smiley


Post 19


smiley - laugh an incredible bouncingsmiley - dogsmiley - boing
I saw an unusual bird today too, think it was some kind of warbler,it was very edgy and nervous ,and wasn't comfortable round the other birds.Hope it comes back and give me time to look it up in the book.
One baby blackbird flew the nest today.I say baby but he was very big and obviously fed well.He wasn't afraid had a good look round him and gave himself a good preensmiley - smiley
Wished I had more time to watch the feathered friends but today it wasn't possible(college day)
Revision after dinner again but I did fit in a yoga classsmiley - biggrin
So give smiley - dog and smiley - cat a big smiley - hug from me
until next time
Wildamethystsmiley - bluebutterfly


Post 20


Aahhhh baby/juvenile blackbirds. Ahhhhhh. My smiley - cats licking her lips and I think would like to see for herself!!! I DON'T think so smiley - laugh

Revision, Yoga, Yoga, Revision. Mind and body all twisted up - guess it's good for the long-term smiley - biggrin

Have a cold so off to feel sorry for myself smiley - sadface Maybe shouldn't have gone out in wind and rain with Star (smiley - dog) yesterday but he enjoyed it and that's the most important thing smiley - smiley

Bye for now

Yamsmiley - sharksmiley - smiley

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