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Calling all guitar fans...

Post 21


i think that your right people will have different ideas about heros according to what era they grew up in

what makes some one a hero thats tough one

i think with the heros i have put down its more about makeing the music useing there obvious gift of beeing able to play the guitar more than the money or the fame i mean how many times have you seen slash/mark/hank in the paper for beeing kicked out of places or doing something stupid(compaired to the singers today)who are forever fighting smiley - bleeping moaning or smashing up guitars and they all came from humble beginings

Calling all guitar fans...

Post 22

Danny B

Hello everyone smiley - smiley

The Entry is now in Peer Review (F48874?thread=576550), so if you think I've missed anything, or I've misrepresented what you said, let me know!

And thanks for all your contributions smiley - cheers

Calling all guitar fans...

Post 23


I couldn't be more pleased with the entry! I am quite honored to be included in such a way with this entry. Thank you for all your hard work.

smiley - aliensmile

Calling all guitar fans...

Post 24

Danny B

Thanks, Sneaky smiley - smiley

smiley - cheers

Calling all guitar fans...

Post 25

Pink Paisley

Richard Thompson.

Perfected his technique over years and years. Developed his own distinct style and stands out as an individual amongst other guitarists. Even when he sneaks up on you by appearing on someone else's work you can spot him instantly.

Brian May looked a proper t*t stood on top of Buck House.


Calling all guitar fans...

Post 26

Pink Paisley

Re RT, I forgot to mention. I wish I could do what he does. I can do lots of what most of the others do. Lots of it is just tricks.


Calling all guitar fans...

Post 27


To me its about being able to recognise the style instantly on a record, and being creative. I'm sorry if you find it boring/predictable, but Brian May, Eric Clapton, Jimi Hendrix, George Harrison, Paul Kossoff, Mark Knopfler, Pete Frampton are guitarists who have that quality in their playing. Just because they're (loosely speaking) mainstream, doesn't mean that they could not be considered guitar gods etc. Actually, surely the fact that everyone knows them, makes them more likely to qualify??!! If you want to go all classical about it, John Williams. He's a stunning guitarist.

Calling all guitar fans...

Post 28


wrong posting. Damn. Now I've put my foot in it.

Oh well...Sorry.

Calling all guitar fans...

Post 29

Researcher 3547123

Anyone who takes all the stuff before and pushes it even further, that's a guitar hero for me.

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