This is the Message Centre for Satan - Lord of the Underworld


Post 81

Archangel Tweetie (01/06/02...)

Yeah, let's get shallow again smiley - smiley
When you get reincarnated (that's my belief BTW), what animal would you like to come back as?


Post 82

Jedi Jade and her daemon Thras AKA Dr. Amelia T. "Bermuda" Rangel

...I think that I'd want to be a siamese cat, because they're so elegant and pretty.

...Or a wombat, because...

well, because I like the name.

(shallow enough, archangel-babes...? *lololol*)


Post 83

Will Jenkins (Dead)

cockroach, they survive everything (except a hard-soled shoe)


Post 84

Archangel Tweetie (01/06/02...)

Hmmm, yeah, I think I'd come back as a cat. You get to lie around all day, kill things for fun, and eat whenever you want smiley - smiley Good life.
Although, to be perfectly straight, I'd probably most want to come back as another human...
If she could just look like Liz Hurley...


Post 85

Jo (Dead)

I want to be a person again. It sounds silly, but to be quite honest, I don't think I'd learn much lying around in the sun all day, though it would be fun... smiley - smiley
I want to be a person and learn from my mistakes in this life.


Post 86

Archangel Tweetie (01/06/02...)

Except for that small problem of not remembering your past life...


Post 87

Jo (Dead)

Hence your sub-conscious. I do believe that that is a little voise from your past lives.


Post 88

Will Jenkins (Dead)

Yeah, it keeps telling me to buy CDs


Post 89

Jo (Dead)

Ye-es..... smiley - winkeye


Post 90

Archangel Tweetie (01/06/02...)

Mine keeps telling me to buy boots that I can't afford smiley - smiley And the CD thing... I get the CD thing too...


Post 91

Jo (Dead)

Am I the only one here with a sensible sub-concious? smiley - winkeye
Mine tells me not to do anything that I would be ashamed to tell my parents about. I've finished the hidden stash of chocolate now anyway.
I very seldom listen when it speaks. Which could explain why I'm in such a fine mess. smiley - sadface

Oh well! smiley - tongueout


Post 92

Will Jenkins (Dead)

Mine explains to me why my parents can go to hell smiley - tongueout But that's another story full of the woes of being a teenager!


Post 93

Jo (Dead)

You think you got it tough? Try being a teenage girl for one day and you'd crumble! smiley - bigeyes

And why aren't you on Y! anyway? smiley - winkeye


Post 94

Will Jenkins (Dead)

Iam, I'm just invisible smiley - tongueout My computer has to be connected at all times because it is a webserver, no connection - no webpage. A good way to get the connection to stay-alive is to run Yahoo! IM and ICQ because they send data back and for most of the time and both allow you to appear as though you aren't actually online, which is true in a way. I also have my email client check my mail every 5 mins. I have no life smiley - tongueout


Post 95

Archangel Tweetie (01/06/02...)

I know that feeling...


Post 96

Jedi Jade and her daemon Thras AKA Dr. Amelia T. "Bermuda" Rangel

Teenage girls.. pah.

try being a non-human female.

that's a toughie.


Post 97

Jo (Dead)

Humph. smiley - smiley


Post 98

Will Jenkins (Dead)

Congrats on getting married by the way.


Post 99

Archangel Tweetie (01/06/02...)

When'd that happ...
I mean... errr... congratulations smiley - smiley


Post 100

Jo (Dead)

Thank you. smiley - smiley
I'm not married yet. There has been no ceremony. There won't be any until next 28/29th October now. You are welcome to attend. smiley - smiley

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