This is the Message Centre for The Gook, a.k.a. Sir Loin of Beef, the Master-at-Arms: Thingite Armoury, and his wolf Yoink.

Living on a Spork and a prayer

Post 8081

Joe aka Arnia, Muse, Keeper, MathEd, Guru and Zen Cook (business is booming)

Why, thank you smiley - smiley

*opens a packet of smiley - choc crisps and munches cheerily*

Living on a Spork and a prayer

Post 8082

Sergeant Mushroom

smiley - blackcat

Bet they taste oddsmiley - erm

Did you ever see the london meet photos?

Living on a Spork and a prayer

Post 8083

Captain Zog, Thingite Ambassador to the little people, back from his wanderings at last

smiley - bigeyes oh sorry, read that as meAt photos, my mistake

Living on a Spork and a prayer

Post 8084

Sergeant Mushroom

smiley - blackcat

smiley - nahnah

Living on a Spork and a prayer

Post 8085

Sergeant Mushroom

smiley - blackcat

smiley - nahnah

Living on a Spork and a prayer

Post 8086

Joe aka Arnia, Muse, Keeper, MathEd, Guru and Zen Cook (business is booming)

I saw some of them smiley - smiley


Living on a Spork and a prayer

Post 8087

Sergeant Mushroom

smiley - blackcat

Oh, just wondered...couldn't remember when you#d left H2G2smiley - erm

Living on a Spork and a prayer

Post 8088

Joe aka Arnia, Muse, Keeper, MathEd, Guru and Zen Cook (business is booming)

Back now smiley - smiley

*evil smiley - laugh*

Living on a Spork and a prayer

Post 8089

Sergeant Mushroom

smiley - blackcat

Ooh dearsmiley - bigeyes

smiley - run

Living on a Spork and a prayer

Post 8090

Joe aka Arnia, Muse, Keeper, MathEd, Guru and Zen Cook (business is booming)

Don't worry... I'm shortly going to implement my next big role-play and you're going to have a major part smiley - winkeye


*passes out due to lack of breathing*

Living on a Spork and a prayer

Post 8091

Sergeant Mushroom

smiley - blackcat

*now feels very, very scared*smiley - bigeyes

Living on a Spork and a prayer

Post 8092

Lady Scott

You can hide behind me Sarge!

Living on a Spork and a prayer

Post 8093

Sergeant Mushroom

smiley - blackcat

*hides behind Lady S*

Living on a Spork and a prayer

Post 8094

Pete *not quite dead yet*

smiley - footprints

Living on a Spork and a prayer

Post 8095

Plastic Squirrel /Back, on the good foot, and doing the bad thing

So what we all hiding from then?

Living on a Spork and a prayer

Post 8096

Lady Scott

I've forgotten. smiley - huh

Living on a Spork and a prayer

Post 8097

Uncle Heavy [sic]

from the awful truth

Living on a Spork and a prayer

Post 8098

Joe aka Arnia, Muse, Keeper, MathEd, Guru and Zen Cook (business is booming)

*evil smiley - laugh*

*thunder and lightening*

Living on a Spork and a prayer

Post 8099

random fat bird

Unc, we can be non alcoholic beverage consuming buddies, between us we could clean up at this meetsmiley - winkeye

Living on a Spork and a prayer

Post 8100

Sergeant Mushroom

smiley - blackcat

smiley - bigeyes

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