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KB Posted Oct 24, 2013
Yes. There's not really any point trying to "keep up with" Twitter. I check it when I want to, and if I miss something while I'm not looking at it, well, I don't really care. When I'm not actively using Twitter it is a bit like Schroedinger's cat. I've no way of knowing its state, and I'm not too worried about it either.
(Actually, I think that's a good thing. There's so much information flying at us these days, that sometimes it's good to shrug and not worry if you miss something).
Where is everyone?
I'm not really here Posted Oct 25, 2013
I've been spreading my stuff about so I don't bore (or annoy) the same peope all the time. :/
Nice to catch up with the comedy conversation though, love all those shows! Except Bottom, which I thought was just plotless slapstick, and never been a fan of slapstick.
Where is everyone?
2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side... Posted Oct 25, 2013
Twitter can be great sometimes..... I was chatting to my butcher at about midnight, who I am off to his shop in a while very odd...
and giving myself beer-envy, by looking at tweets from pubs I know, some of which arn't even in this county
I rarely read back through more than about an hours worth of tweets, when I turn on teh PC, or come back to it, having been off for a while... Though I've a few lists, I follow, so can knock through quite a few hours worth of tweets, from particular groups of people, and keep up quite well like that
Where is everyone?
There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho Posted Oct 25, 2013
I mostly steer clear of those, unless I get a flash of inspiration, which is rare.
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There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho Posted Oct 25, 2013
Where is everyone?
There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho Posted Oct 25, 2013
I followed 2legs on Twitter for a while. It cost me a bloody fortune in psychiatric rehabilitation. Strangely enough, there were a few people at the same clinic who had been referred after drinking their first pan galactic gargleblaster.
Where is everyone?
There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho Posted Oct 25, 2013
Where is everyone?
There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho Posted Oct 25, 2013
Where is everyone?
There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho Posted Oct 25, 2013
I see. Which, of course, means I don't see. Modern English. Confusing people for 550 years.
Where is everyone?
KB Posted Oct 25, 2013
Well, we're never left wondering how life is for 2legs' nipples on Twitter, I mean.
We're just left wishing we *were*...
Where is everyone?
There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho Posted Oct 25, 2013
Where is everyone?
KB Posted Oct 25, 2013
If you followed James Blunt, you'll have to follow Richard Sharpe for balance!
Where is everyone?
2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side... Posted Oct 25, 2013
I really don't know why I followed him... Call it a moment of madness... A moment of weakness... or, perhaps, call it a moment of extreme followyness... or... not damnit... he's not followed me back...
Where is everyone?
There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho Posted Oct 25, 2013
Where is everyone?
KB Posted Oct 25, 2013
I think famous people would be wary of following you back, 2legs - people have appeared in the tabloids for less.
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Where is everyone?
- 61: KB (Oct 24, 2013)
- 62: I'm not really here (Oct 25, 2013)
- 63: 2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side... (Oct 25, 2013)
- 64: There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho (Oct 25, 2013)
- 65: There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho (Oct 25, 2013)
- 66: I'm not really here (Oct 25, 2013)
- 67: 2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side... (Oct 25, 2013)
- 68: There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho (Oct 25, 2013)
- 69: There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho (Oct 25, 2013)
- 70: 2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side... (Oct 25, 2013)
- 71: There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho (Oct 25, 2013)
- 72: KB (Oct 25, 2013)
- 73: There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho (Oct 25, 2013)
- 74: KB (Oct 25, 2013)
- 75: There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho (Oct 25, 2013)
- 76: 2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side... (Oct 25, 2013)
- 77: KB (Oct 25, 2013)
- 78: 2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side... (Oct 25, 2013)
- 79: There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho (Oct 25, 2013)
- 80: KB (Oct 25, 2013)
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