The man who stares at goats
Nice to have you here .
Goat (Me) is 32 (at the time of revising) and living in Bradford, West Yorkshire (a place that has an ill considered 'Mostly Harmless' type entry on H2G2 - one day I will put that right. editorial note - Bradford now has a lovely sparkly new entry at but it was nothing to do with me! ) where I have the terrible task of helping to regenerate a city that has fallen on hard times. Originally from the Wirral (a place that has an ill considered 'Mostly Harmless' type entry on H2G2 - one day I will put that right) I am a Tranmere Rovers supporter and can often be found lurking on the league 1 boards of the BBC 606 message board. (or could until the BBC buggered them up!
Some of my interests can be gleaned from the Principles of the Goat Starer (below). Others can be discovered only by talking to me!
Principles of the Goat Starer
1) All men are equal but billy goats come in three sizes.
2) If it has horns don't stare too hard and wear a protective hat
3) Adherance to Larry Loves twelve step plan
4) An end to global capitalism and the establishment of peace amongst men, goats and toadfish. As George Bush once said "I know the human being and fish can coexist peacefully" 29 September 2000, Saginaw, Michigan

5) Piscine Monastic Humility
6) follow the Goatboy and he will set you free
Fighting the good fight since 1984 ('74-'84 were a bit of a washout)
Latest Messages
Messages left for this Researcher | Posted |
Hi there... | Nov 13, 2006 |
yo yo yo | Sep 10, 2006 |
Why thank you... | May 10, 2006 |
I see you haven't | Feb 19, 2006 |
Goat | Jan 27, 2006 |
Conversation Title | Latest Post | Latest Reply |
What's your pet's name and what is it doing right now? | Sep 9, 2006 | Nov 13, 2007 |
My day out | No Posting | Oct 2, 2007 |
hello | Feb 13, 2007 | No Replies |
6 of Swords (the card I drew today) | No Posting | Nov 24, 2006 |
Hi there... | Nov 12, 2006 | Nov 13, 2006 |
Goat_Starer AKA Das Boot
Researcher U1457398
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