This is the Message Centre for Goat_Starer AKA Das Boot
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I see you haven't
U2144927 Started conversation Jan 23, 2006
added anyone to your list of friends yet. I've added you to mine
I am a piano teacher (that's just one of my strong points) and I compose film music.
If you would like to listen to some of the stuff I have done please let me know here.
Have a nice day
I see you haven't
Goat_Starer AKA Das Boot Posted Jan 23, 2006
that's sweet! never had an online friend before. Have you composed any music for films I may have heard of?
I see you haven't
U2144927 Posted Jan 23, 2006
I've just seen the flying spaghetti monster hat. Did you design it yourself. I had a dream about some periscope eyes like that last August
I see you haven't
Goat_Starer AKA Das Boot Posted Jan 23, 2006
didn't design the hat I'm afraid although the Spaghetti Monster did once appear to me in the leaflet dispenser of a number 623 bus in Bradford. periscope eyes, meatballs and all. spooky!
I have just started writing a book so when the film rights are sold for millions I will build in to the contract the condition that you are to write the score.
My cousin is a great unpublished playwright. He has not done a screenplay as yet but his plays have been very well recieved.
I see you haven't
U2144927 Posted Jan 24, 2006
Now, about the worms... do you really like them sticking to your head like that? They tried invading my personal space last night but I managed to surgically remove them with my laser wand.
My son has one of those "shoot 'em up" computer games whereby you can kill wormlike zombies...
Great gobs of blood get splattered all over the screen unless you miss and then the zombie goes
I see you haven't
Goat_Starer AKA Das Boot Posted Jan 24, 2006
I think they are noodles not worms but I could be wrong! I have a game with zombies that look like and
and come at you like
. If you miss them you end up
I see you haven't
Goat_Starer AKA Das Boot Posted Jan 24, 2006
no problems - dont know anyone else who could writea film score (although my auntie has written some great childrens songs - we had one each when we were little! ).
If you would like to see the Spaghetti Mosnster as it appeared to me in Bradford it is on
PS. I am starting a campaign to get a goat smiley as this sheep is not quite right (MSN have one and H2G2 should be streets ahead).
I see you haven't
Goat_Starer AKA Das Boot Posted Jan 24, 2006
she wrote one about rainforests. and wrote one for me called "Ant would like to drive a car" when I was 2. She has also done some hymns and appeared on Songs of Praise!
I see you haven't
Goat_Starer AKA Das Boot Posted Jan 25, 2006
I have no idea. what is/are Bumblesnouts? sounds jolly!
I see you haven't
U2144927 Posted Jan 25, 2006
It's a children's music book
When I was a music teacher with loads of students we put on a production in the local theatre. It was about these little bees who wanted to save the World. Any proceeds I accumulated on this went to World WildLife Funda or whatever it's called...
I see you haven't
Goat_Starer AKA Das Boot Posted Jan 25, 2006
excellent stuff. have you had any music published at all?
I see you haven't
U2144927 Posted Jan 25, 2006
Not that anyone has told me about, but I print out my own. I haven't decided whether I'm going to put it up on websites or publish a book.
I see you haven't
Goat_Starer AKA Das Boot Posted Jan 25, 2006
you should put at least one bit online to spark interest and let nosey peole like me see what you do
I see you haven't
U2144927 Posted Jan 25, 2006
Well maybe I would but I am just about to start doing my ECDL in the library and when I have learnt a bit more and how to make my own website I will do so.
I see you haven't
Goat_Starer AKA Das Boot Posted Jan 25, 2006
If you cant be bothered making a big flashy site there are lots of places you could put it easily....
your personal space here
a freewebs website for the terminally lazy (like my one
then when you become a computer driver you can work your way up to publishing your music online with downloadable song files so everybody can hear how great ythey are (I am sure)
In no time the offers will be pouring in for work on arthouse cinema classics
I see you haven't
U2144927 Posted Jan 26, 2006
Thanks very much for that!
I'm going to tell you something that happened before I went out last night because I thought of you when it happened.
I have quite a few books in my house, but one of them is a little book of s. I often open a random page and this is what I got:
"Even the darkest soul passes, at least once in life, a ray of awareness of the supernatural, sometimes at the birth of a child or the death of a soul" Dagobert D. Runes (1902-1982) American writer
That is what happened when I saw the worms.
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I see you haven't
- 1: U2144927 (Jan 23, 2006)
- 2: Goat_Starer AKA Das Boot (Jan 23, 2006)
- 3: U2144927 (Jan 23, 2006)
- 4: U2144927 (Jan 23, 2006)
- 5: Goat_Starer AKA Das Boot (Jan 23, 2006)
- 6: U2144927 (Jan 24, 2006)
- 7: Goat_Starer AKA Das Boot (Jan 24, 2006)
- 8: U2144927 (Jan 24, 2006)
- 9: Goat_Starer AKA Das Boot (Jan 24, 2006)
- 10: U2144927 (Jan 24, 2006)
- 11: Goat_Starer AKA Das Boot (Jan 24, 2006)
- 12: U2144927 (Jan 25, 2006)
- 13: Goat_Starer AKA Das Boot (Jan 25, 2006)
- 14: U2144927 (Jan 25, 2006)
- 15: Goat_Starer AKA Das Boot (Jan 25, 2006)
- 16: U2144927 (Jan 25, 2006)
- 17: Goat_Starer AKA Das Boot (Jan 25, 2006)
- 18: U2144927 (Jan 25, 2006)
- 19: Goat_Starer AKA Das Boot (Jan 25, 2006)
- 20: U2144927 (Jan 26, 2006)
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