This is the Message Centre for Goat_Starer AKA Das Boot

I see you haven't

Post 21

Goat_Starer AKA Das Boot

morning! I have hundreds of books but far to many of them are left over from university and have titles like "The Anatomy of Soviet Man" and "Institutions and Political Change in Russia". Got any really good recommendations? I won £20 of booktokens yesterday in a competition I did not even know I was in smiley - magic so I need some good books to buy!

favorites of mine I have read (or re-read) recently include...

Catch 22 - Joseph Heller
the 5 people you meet in heaven - Mitch Albom
The End of the Affair - Graham Greene
The Baroque Cycle (Quicksilver, The Confusion and The System of the World) - Neal Stephenson

I see you haven't

Post 22


I don't have much time to read these days.
Sorry, can't help with that one.

smiley - sadface

I see you haven't

Post 23

Goat_Starer AKA Das Boot

not to worry! smiley - biggrin

I will just have to spend a happy hour or two in Waterstones smiley - magic

What takes up the time? music? life?

(I think I will have to buy this book with my tokens even if it is really a childrens book. it might tell me where time goes,6000,1582191,00.html)

sounds quite similar to this on which i loved when i was little

I see you haven't

Post 24


work mostly smiley - sadface

I see you haven't

Post 25

Goat_Starer AKA Das Boot

two sad posts in a row! You should have work you love!

smiley - artistsmiley - clownsmiley - divasmiley - jestersmiley - piratesmiley - magic

I see you haven't

Post 26


I'm waiting for the world to change.

More positive energy required everywhere.

I work harder than most people do to earn a crust.

Just you remember that.

smiley - peacedove

I see you haven't

Post 27

Goat_Starer AKA Das Boot

I work quite hard but it is very rewarding smiley - magic. and sometimes very disappointingsmiley - sadface. and frequently upsetting smiley - wah but always worthwhile smiley - biggrin

I see you haven't

Post 28


The best worms you can see are silk worms. I wrap my crystals in silk.

About the hat with eyes.

When I had a vision of those eyes back in August I wrote a piece of music entitled "Spores". I like it. I think it would make part of good soundtrack for spooky film smiley - weird.

"spores" has 74 bars.

Hope to hear from you again soon.

Have a nice day.

smiley - biggrin

I see you haven't

Post 29

Goat_Starer AKA Das Boot

hi CR, spores would make a good name for a film too. perhaps we should try to write it <laugh.

something about toadstools mutating after an unspecified government experiment. when they release their spores the people who inhale them fall into a coma but their spirits become evil and engage in poltergeist type activity. smiley - magic

I see you haven't

Post 30


smiley - rofl alright sunshine, I'll write you a letter smiley - smiley

I see you haven't

Post 31


Good morning plinky boots, how are you feeling today?

smiley - magic

I dreamt about Moby's tooth last night.
It must have something to do with my Lemurian crystal because I haven't had an alcoholic beverage for months or smoked any drugs for years

smiley - fairy

I see you haven't

Post 32

Goat_Starer AKA Das Boot

good morning. snowed under with work tring to make peoples lives nicer in Bradford - a hard task smiley - wah

but on the plus side I am thinking about the toadstool project....

spore - an experiment to create a fungal neurotoxin at porton down(based on psilocybin and probably true) goes terribly wrong when a terrorist explosion releases a cloud of spores over nearby towns. As the govenment rushes to cordon off the area and cover up the source of the contamination thousands of people simply collapse into a coma - cars crash as their drivers pass out at the wheel - general destruction etc. As clean up teams and medical units in NBC suits are sent in to deal with the crisis they find that strange fungal growths are appearing on the comatose forms of the affected population - growing rapidly and consuming the bodies of the afflicted then bursting and releasing further clouds of deadly spores. The teams begin to experience weirder and weirder events and individuals are killed in a variety of macarbre and supernatural ways.

Our story follows one test subject from Porton Down who survived and recovered from spore infection telling stories of a hell like experience, he believes that the spirits of the affected are existing in a limbo state - controlled by evil forces and compllled to reap supernatural havoc - but of course he is treated with contempt. He teams up with a maveric young scientist working on fungi and ultimately solves the problem with a mixture of psychic battles in the evil realm and good well grounded science.

A cinematic extraveganza...

think hercules C130 transport planes dumping tones of fungicide onto the comatose populations of British towns and being brought down in flames by systems malfunctions caused by the supernatural forces. creepy poltergeist moments, intiguing sciency bits. action, psychology, love in a time of crisis, redemption, etc etc etc

TBC..... smiley - magic

I see you haven't

Post 33


I will have to put a psychic shield around myself before I think of things like that, but I will go and have a look.

smiley - smiley

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