Journal Entries
Posted Jul 20, 2000
Alright, here's the deal. Everyone who reads this and feels inclined to do something pointless, send in your suggestions for a name for my fishy friend that inhabits my page. The winner will recieve a hearty pat on the back from my invisible friend Fred and 2 tickets to a 4 week, all-expenses-paid trip to Tahiti! You'll leave on September 31! Contest will end when people stop sending in names, or someone sends in a good one. Fair enough? Okay.
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Latest reply: Jul 20, 2000
The Guide is Mocking Me!
Posted Jul 20, 2000
First it torments me with that unanswerable question assoiciated with subjects, and now it's saying "We all lead interesting lives... Here you can talk about what you're thinking of doing, what you think about what you're thinking of doing, and when you're thinking of doing it." Did it ever occur to anyone that not all of us have lives? Yes, I'm living. Yes, I'm breathing. Yes, I have a perfectly normal heartrate. But as far as doing something interesting or productive, my life is zilch. Example: my major goal at the moment is to reserve the new Harry Potter book at the library before any of the slow-reading 1st graders get a chance. *Sigh* I created a completely different screenname and didn't tell anyone about it so that no one would know how much time I spend on the internet. If anyone who knows me is reading this... I never use that screenname because I never get any mail... maybe because no one knows about it, but anywho... Ya know, Mr. Guide, not all of us are thinking about doing anything simply because we gave up hope of actually doing whatever it was we happened to be thinking about doing. And I am feeling very resentful and whiny right now, so don't take anything personal. I love the Guide and everything about it... except that it keeps me online for long periods of time, which makes me feel like I have an even smaller life... which I guess would give me a negative life... hmmmmmm But my fish doesn't mind it I don't have a life. Fishy is my friend. It needs a name. Hey! Idea! Read next entry!
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Latest reply: Jul 20, 2000
What's in a name?
Posted Jul 19, 2000
The answer: not much. It's just something that people refer to you as in order to make you do the dishes, or other household chores you have left undone. It's also something that people (and/or things) can alter, thus turning into a tool of torment. They only have to alter it if your name is too drab, or they aren't quite sure how to pronounce it, therefore they don't use it to avoid feeling stupid. My name falls into both of these categories, so I decided to change it to Bigita, one of those altered names bestowed upon me by a wannabe ghetto schmuck mentioned in another part of the page. The other half is from a very good song by a very good singer (The Man Who Sold the World--Kurt Cobain). Well, my normal journal usually doesn't sound like this, but this isn't my normal journal... this can be read by however many million people that happen to drop by this site. What a perfect opportunity to scare people with one's inner thoughts and feelings
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Latest reply: Jul 19, 2000
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Bigita, the Woman Who Sold the World
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