Subject? What subject? Would somebody please tell me what they mean by "Subject"?

Lets see, to sum everything up, I have absolutely no idea what I'm doing here. You've probably concluded that just in realizing that I summed everything up before there was even anything to sum up. Now how did I get here in the first place? If I did, in fact, get here, I'm bound to have some clue as to what I am supposed to do, but I don't. Someone just sent me the Guide's site and I sort of nonchalantly cruised down the virtual highway (which always makes me rather drowsy), mosing my way towards the all-powerful Guide. Then, after a period of blankness and a run-through of Inna Gadda Da Vidda, I found myself here, being asked by a website on an internet server who's mission in life is to kick me off every 5 minutes, what my subject is. Humph. At least, I assume that they're asking for my subject because who's else would they be asking for? Well, I suppose I'll eventually need a subject, but I'm currently recovering from severe toe exhaustion. So now I'm gonna make a fish icon because never before have I seen a fish icon and I happen to think that it's very peachy... or fishy.... hmmmm... anyway, ><>


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Bigita, the Woman Who Sold the World

Researcher U145054


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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."

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