BBC h2g2 researcher Hallettestoneion Seazoria Dragons discovery

You are reading the Bio for h2g2 researcher Seazoria. Thank you for your interest in the discovery of the prehistoric Hallettestoneion Seazoria Dragons. Through this author you will gain exclusive insiders access into one of the greatest discoveries in history. Dragons, the Dragon era, and the reign of the prehistoric sea dragons.

Dragons Discovery: Back in November of 2,003 I discovered the true prehistoric sea dragons, (remains). Ever since the day of discovery my life has never been the same. Now in the year 2,010 nearly 8 years after the initial discovery. News and information about the discovery of the Hallettestoneion Seazoria Dragons discovery is spreading out and being discussed around the world in Paleontology and scientific circles.

Completely new to science, all information about Seazoria Dragons must be obtained directly out of the field while working on actual Hallettestoneion Seazoria remains.This has required the development of a whole new specialized science that picks up where the current science of paleontology stops. This new specialized Science is called Hallettestoneology and is positioned in between the sciences of Geology and Biology

The Journal guide entries written about Hallettestoneion Seazoria Dragons that you can read here on h2g2 are first hand accounts of the Seazoria discovery, and the on going development and scientific development and overview of the Hallettestoneion Seazoria Dragons Dragons Research Project.

The information and published journal articles written by Seazoria are from the discoverers viewpoint and insight. I am not a classic writer, what I am is a discoverer working at the very leading edge of prehistoric biological life. The Hallettestoneion Seazoria Dragons are in fact the worlds largest, oldest, and most advanced forms of life ever discovered thus far in history.
Dinosaur paleontologists believe that the earliest forms of advanced life began around 267 million years ago. That is how the current fossil recorded has been interpreted and accepted over the past 50 years. Spring forward to a new date of 540 million years established by the discovery of the Hallettestoneion Seazorias.

Seazoria biology predates all known forms of advanced life, adding an entirely new chapter to the history book, with respect to the evolution of advanced biological life here on Earth. No scientist has ever even contemplated any type of advanced large scale life in the Precambrian time era ending 540 million years ago. Now science is beginning to understand that the Precambrian era once thought to only have invertebrate life the size of a fingernail, actually contained the largest and most advanced forms of life.

Welcome to the dragon era. The prehistoric Hallettestoneion Seazoria Dragons are the true prehistoric sea dragons that we have all known about but had not yet discovered. From a first hand eyewitness account of the Hallettestoneion Seazorias. There is only one word in the English language that can accurately describe the Hallettestoneion Seazorias. That one word is Dragons. While working on and excavating skulls and teeth of Hallettestoneion Seazorias I sometimes think that you could accurately apply the term "Super Dragons" to more accurately describe the Hallettestoneion Seazoria Dragons bodies that are buried in the Hallettestoneion Heights Seazoria Dragons graveyards located in Northern Utah, USA.

One of the greatest benefits of leading a Seazoria Dragons excavation is that you are the first person to see what a true prehistoric dragon looked like. The most dramatic example of being the first to see and experience a huge prehistoric Hallettestoneion Seazoria Dragon. Is when you are excavation a skull matrix. We dig down to the teeth and uncover them but leave them in place in order to study the skull matrix collapse.This in place study will allow for greater accuracy in reconstructing the skull matrix back into the original living condition position of the teeth,

During the skull matrix collapse study the teeth are exposed for the very first time. During the excavation researchers expose one tooth at a time while working their way up along the mouth. The most striking example of working on a prehistoric Hallettestoneion Seazoria Dragon occurs when you are standing in the mouth surrounded by highly specialized, instruments of death, 3 foot long Seazoria Dragon teeth. Compare 30 inch Seazoria Dragon teeth with a much earlier 150 million year old Tyrannosaurus Rex with 8 or 10 inch teeth, At that moment is when you realize that you are standing in the mouth of a prehistoric Dragon.

Seazoria" > facebook/seazoria

Note Articles below most were written nearly two years ago. Since the time these articles were published my hands on Seazoria Dragons knowledge has grown exponentially. Continued refinement of the repeating, consistent internal growth spines locations within the foundational framework sub structure combined with the specialized inherent external shape features of the ZORIA REPEAT including predicable repeating mathematical equations with millions of specialized right or left handed specimen examples confidently add to the safety and comfort of knowing that due to the mapping and knowledge of the more than 200 super specialized inherent structural characteristics of the Zoria Repeat shape structure. When you convert all of the repeating structural characteristics which are predictable repeating mathematical equations. You realize that all the lab time spent mapping, studying, drawing, researching and comparing the complex array of biological structural features common to all Zoria Repeating biologically produced structures. When you add up all those features common to all Zoria Repeat you begin to confidently realized that due to all the repeating specialized inherent features it becomes mathematically impossible to anyone to successfully dispute or refute the discovery of the prehistoric Hallettestoneion Seazoria Dragons. Biologically, physically, structurally. chemically, and scientifically. The overwhelming number of specialized internal external repeating commonality features of the Zoria Repeat biological structures insure the fact that there is not a single person on the face of the planet who could successfully refute the discovery of the Hallettestoneion Seazoria. Every scientific life sciences biological researcher that comprehensively studies examines and compares the Zoria Repeat internal growth spines locations intricately and isolates the external features locations and structural mathematics will always arrive at the exact same conclusion. which is The Zoria Repeat is a biologically produced structure. Period. Simply biology is biology and it is mathematically imposable to deny that the Zoria Repeat is a product of biology. of study and Zoria Repeat comparisons with tens of thousands of examples comparison to mathematics with absolute certainty that it Through study, examination, comparison and analysis the Hallettestoneion Seazoria advanced prehistoric biological discovery is simply and mathematically imposable to deny.

Since the discovery of the Hallettestoneion Seazoria were were first announced to the paleontology, Geology, news media, and individuals in the Dinosaur profession. The Seazoria Discovery has been continually denied amongst the mainstream vertebrate land Dinosaur paleontologists. This across the board denial by paleontology professionals to visit the Seazoria Dragon graveyards. At the local, state and national levels has been absolutely appalling. The discovery of the Hallettestoneion Seazoria Dragons has been known within the national paleontology community for years, and is no secret. Over the years latterly hundreds of paleontologists, geologists and other prehistoric professionals have been personally contacted or visited in person by the Hallettestoneion discoverer. With field research documentation, photographs, and psychical Zoria Repeat specimens in hand. From across the room without one once of hesitation a paleontologist would dismiss the Seazoria discovery one of three criteria. size, age, location,

Paleontologists would dismiss Seazoria Discovery without evaluating the physical evidence and discovery facts. In spite of the fact that more than 100 examples of Zoria Repeat biological structures were staring up at the paleontologists, the denial was instant. Every single Zoria Repeat specimen is physically formatted in a distinctive right or left handed configuration. Triangular wedges growing to a specialized tip, with a blunt leading edge and a very specialized double cutter trailing edge. And all Zoria Repeating triangular biological strictures are always crowned on the outside face and are flat slightly concave on the inside face. Let alone the fact that all Zoria Repeats are either distinctive right or left configured. Repeats in rights and lefts. The fact that after nearly eight years not one single vertebrate land Dinosaur paleontologists have steeped forward and said "lets go take a look". This arrogance and blatant disregard for the very science that employs and supports these paleontologists. Has had a catastrophic effect on the Hallettestoneion Seazoria discovery. that the general public hold in trusted position of authority

the scientific and academic communities will have to embrace and integrate the Hallettestoneion Seazoria discovery into all affected scientific disciplines and academic historical representations written as to our new increased knowledge and scientific understanding as to the evolution of advanced prehistoric biological life. And the known cycles of prehistoric life that have existed and proceeded our own cycle of advanced evolutionary biological scientific life here on planet Earth.of the known advanced biological cycles of life time periods that have existed in prehistoric Earth history that have preceded the development of our own advanced scientific species." > />" > Photo albums Seazoria Dragons discovery. Including dig site videos." >

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An ACE G'day seazoria .... May 25, 2010


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