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one vegan wanting to join

Post 41

Leopardskinfynn... sexy mama

I've just discovered oat milk.....

Not wanting to drink cow's milk (or cow's puss as a friend of mine so eloquently puts it smiley - erm), or soya milk because of the fact that soya is highly oestrogenic (and seeing as I already have *far* too much oestrogen for my own good, definitely not a good idea) I was at a loss as to what to put in my tea...

But now I have found oat milk, I can have smiley - tea again! Hoorah! smiley - biggrin

one vegan wanting to join

Post 42


A 'friend' put me off eggs years ago by calling them Chickens' Miscarriages smiley - ill. So I didn't find eggs too hard to give up when I became vegan. Having worked as a breastfeeding counsellor I believe that the only milk we were meant to consume is that of our own mother. So dairy wasn't too difficult to forego either.

one vegan wanting to join

Post 43


I love soya milk and drink about 2 litres per day...

smiley - whistle

Mostly with gallons of smiley - coffee and yes I do know it's bad for me! smiley - blush

Every now and then I have to forego smiley - coffee when my dickey ticker starts putting in additional beats! smiley - yikes

one vegan wanting to join

Post 44


Hi Qwennie,
Yes - I remember you saying you'd travelled miles to buy soya milk in - where was it? Italy? I think I'd rather drink the local wine. smiley - drunk - tastes nicer, better for you than coffee (at least, red wine is supposed to be good for the heart!) and less travelling - so more environmentally friendly!

one vegan wanting to join

Post 45


Sorry Gwennie - just confused my G's and Q's there!!

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