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one vegan wanting to join

Post 1

< donone1

Just thought i would add my name to the hopefully growing list of meatless eaters.
Have been a veggie for fourteen years but always thought it too difficult to become vegan, so became a lazy vegetarian, this year decided to shake myself up a bit so have tried to become vegan, it does need some planning but has been positive so far. Giving up milk was easy as i only have cereal and soya milk has improved no end since i first tried. The main thing that i have missed so far is cheese as vegan cheese leaves a little to be desired

Hopefully soon to be a HVS member

DONONE 1 smiley - towel

one vegan wanting to join

Post 2


Hi DONONE 1 smiley - hug from a fellow vegan. I've lived as a vegan for the past 20 years or so and have a 15 year-old daughter who has been raised as a vegan (despite her having a meat-eating Dad and brother!). smiley - biggrin

Which soya milk are you using? smiley - bigeyes I can drink almost any kind but prefer the unsweetened ones whereas my daughter will drink nothing else but the sweetened Plamil soya milk. smiley - laugh

one vegan wanting to join

Post 3

< donone1

Nice to hear from a fellow vegan smiley - ta

Impressed you have been vegan for twenty years and brought daughter up in the proper way smiley - ok pity about the rest of the family but not everyone can be perfect. I have been using so good soya milk which should be renamed not bad and have recently tried alpro which is a bit sweet for me(you could see what your daughter thinks)I have to put up with meat eating brother which is not pleasant, opening fridge can be horrible sometimes smiley - groan
I noticed from your page we have something else in common as i have just joined Amnesty International so keep up with the good work smiley - smiley

one vegan wanting to join

Post 4


smiley - laugh Fortunately my better half and son seldom eat meat, which probably has something to do with my inability to cook it and the fact that it's burned to a crisp! smiley - whistlesmiley - chefsmiley - winkeye

I heard somewhere that SoGood's soya milk products weren't suitable for vegans and I would check this out with the Vegan Society or SoGood if you want to use them in future. smiley - erm

I've found that Haldane Food's 'White Wave' unsweetened soya milk is really quite nice and it doesn't curdle in tea or coffee (unless the coffee is very strong). Another benefit is that Morrison's supermarkets retail White Wave sweetened/unsweetened at 65p per litre. smiley - ok

one vegan wanting to join

Post 5

< donone1

Thanks for the advice on no good sorry so good will stop having it straight away, i only have soya milk on cereal(green tea and black coffee).Just had surf around and cannot so good carton says suitable for veggies and vegans but i will see what further investigations bringsmiley - eureka
Shopping is taking me much longer searching out all the vegan productssmiley - cdouble but is worth it smiley>

one vegan wanting to join

Post 6

fords - number 1 all over heaven

Hi there,

Give me a bit, and I'll get you on the list. Really have to get this essay done! smiley - biggrin

one vegan wanting to join

Post 7

< donone1

No problems the essay comes first, can wait to be listed smiley - zen

one vegan wanting to join

Post 8

< donone1

Gwennie am sorry about the message last night obviously i was talking broken biscuits(vegan ones) just looked at so good site and looking through ingredients saw that it contains vitamin d which i am almost sure is animal based please could you confirm this as carton is hovering over bin as we speak smiley - smiley

one vegan wanting to join

Post 9


Done. Welcome to the Society! smiley - biggrin

one vegan wanting to join

Post 10

< donone1

smiley - ta

glad to be officially a member of H2G2 Vegetarian soceity smiley - smiley

one vegan wanting to join

Post 11

fords - number 1 all over heaven

smiley - bubbly

one vegan wanting to join

Post 12


I *think* (This is frequently difficult for me to do due to my age and since I had large portions of my brain cell removed during child birth!) that to be suitable for a vegan diet, vitamin D should be specified as D2. smiley - bigeyes

It might be an idea to whack an Email off to SoGood if you can find their address via their Web site/cartons.

one vegan wanting to join

Post 13

< donone1

Thanks for the advice i have sent e mail and awaiting reply will leave sogood alone until then. Keep on thinking, my brain cell has long since given up the ghost! smiley - smiley

one vegan wanting to join

Post 14


smiley - laughsmiley - ok

Please remember to let me know if you get a reply from SoGood. smiley - bigeyes

one vegan wanting to join

Post 15

< donone1

Sorry for the delay, just received e mail from so good which states that all their products are suitable for vegans, might have to get on to the vegan soceity to find out if they have any objections to so good and what they are? The investigsation continues!!
Will keep you informed of the outcome smiley - smiley

one vegan wanting to join

Post 16


Please do...I will be interested to find out - especially if my information was incorrect! smiley - blush My daughter will kill me if I am wrong as she loves SoGood's smiley - choc soya milk and I stopped buying it a couple of years ago! smiley - bigeyes

one vegan wanting to join

Post 17

< donone1

Sorry i am taking my time with the reply from the vegan soceity as it is obviously a matter of life and death. I will definitely get in touch with vegan soceity tomorrow and will give the answer a.s.a.p. Hopefully it will not result in the death of a valued h2g2 researcher.
DONONE1 smiley - smiley

one vegan wanting to join

Post 18

< donone1

Right i have just been on to the vegan society and they say that so good is ok but only the fresh cartons, the long life so good is non vegan as it contains d3 instead of d2. Hope that your daughter takes the news well and forgives you!!
DONONE1 smiley - towel

one vegan wanting to join

Post 19


Thanks! smiley - ta I'll pass the news on to my teenage mutant sulk-a-lot. smiley - bigeyes

So the good news is that fresh SoGood is okay for vegans, but the bad news is that the long-life cartons are unsuitable.

A second bit of bad news is that my local supermarkets don't sell the 'fresh' SoGood! smiley - erm

Oh well...Back to Green & Black's drinking chocolate and Plamil... smiley - cool

one vegan wanting to join

Post 20

< donone1

Your very welcomesmiley - smiley hopefully your daughter is forgiving i am sure she is reallysmiley - ok Disappointing to hear that your local supermarkets do not sell so good even Kwik Save here sells it and they hardly recognise vegetarian food smiley - doh
The funny thing is that i have got used to the alpro now but dont tell So Good smiley - towel

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