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Fell off the wagon...
Sho - employed again! Started conversation Oct 13, 2002
I haven't been here for ages, and I feel bad. But actually, I didn't really want to show my face round her.
You see, after 14 years of being vegetarian, I sort of had some kind of brain wobble and started eating meat. It sort of coincided with a... well, no idea really, but this year has vanished and I have no idea where spring and summer went so maybe it's a mid-life crisis (but I reckon I'm too young)
So, I just wanted to say, that having had a nice 2 week holiday in a fab vegetarian/eco friendly guesthouse in Austria (I've been there 3 times now) I have calmed down and gone back to being vegetarian.
And I have no idea why I just shared all that.
Fell off the wagon...
Hasslefree Posted Oct 13, 2002
I fell off wagon too. m
Mostly because vegetarianism was an 'enforced ' thing and I rebelled.Tthen I had an awful abbatoir dream and I'm back on the wagon
These things happen.
Fell off the wagon...
Sho - employed again! Posted Oct 13, 2002
It's nice to know I'm not alone.
Fell off the wagon...
Leopardskinfynn... sexy mama Posted Oct 13, 2002
I've had a few wobbles off the wagon over the years too, but always climbed back on again - I think that these things are to be expected from time to time, or at least understood, no?
Well done for getting back on the veggie waggon Sho!
Fell off the wagon...
Cupid Stunt Posted Oct 20, 2002
You've just given me an idea for a sketch set in an alcoholics anonymous meeting...
But seriously, well done. To give up something twice can't be easy. If you feel yourself wobbling again, we're all here for you. Virtually. Goodness me, I'm useless at this sort of thing...
Fell off the wagon...
Sho - employed again! Posted Oct 21, 2002
I actually don't feel as though I've given up anything by stopping eating meat. So that's not the problem (although I do love a nice blue steak)
which is why I feel so bad about the wobble. Still, I'm back with a vengence, and we're all much better for it.
all round I think!
Fell off the wagon...
HVS Posted Oct 28, 2002
I have to admit, I fell off too a couple of months ago.
I won't go into details, but on the day of a particularly nasty hangover, I was in the work's canteen and on passing the hot stuff bought a bacon roll. I slathered it in brown sauce and was really looking forward to it. I ate about half of it and although I was enjoying the smell and taste of it, the feeling of meat in my mouth was horrible. I've been veggie for so long my body just doesn't know what to do with meat, so I was ill. Serves me right!
I haven't fallen off since though - definitely a first/last situation.
Fell off the wagon...
Sho - employed again! Posted Oct 28, 2002
see... that's my problem.
Although (apart from the recent lapse) I haven't eaten meat for yonks (since July 1989) I actually love it. Steak more specifically, so I actually got very very torn between knowing I was doing the wrong thing for me by eating it, I still enjoyed.
Fell off the wagon...
fords - number 1 all over heaven Posted Oct 29, 2002
Oooh, mental note - go to the healthfood shop and get some veggie bacon!
Fell off the wagon...
Sho - employed again! Posted Oct 29, 2002
I don't like bacon that much. The things that get me are horribly greasy sausage rolls like we used to have at school for tea with baked beans on a Wednesday, and a really really blue filet steak.
Sorry to all those of a delicate disposition for that.
*stands up*
Hi, my name is Sho, and I really am a vegetarian.
*sits down again*
Fell off the wagon...
fords - number 1 all over heaven Posted Oct 30, 2002
I still feel really bad for giving it, I really do. But I know I'm not the first, and will definitely not be the last!
Fell off the wagon...
Sho - employed again! Posted Oct 30, 2002
well, I hope it doesn't happen to me again.
I can't live with the guilt!
Fell off the wagon...
Cupid Stunt Posted Nov 2, 2002
The only things I miss are scotch eggs and wine gums. And I *really* miss those. But the thought of the pig hung up by it's feet while it's throat is being slit, and the boiling horse just take all the fun out of it...
Fell off the wagon...
Sho - employed again! Posted Nov 2, 2002
OK, I have a fab recipe for veggie scotch eggs, do you want it?
Fell off the wagon...
Researcher 177704 Posted Nov 2, 2002
Hmm, the only things I really miss are spam sandwiches. But as Cupid said, the thought of that dying pig soon puts me off.
Fell off the wagon...
Sho - employed again! Posted Nov 2, 2002
but there are some excellent veggie versions of stuff like spam (well, we get sliced "german sausage" type stuff in Holland. Great with branston.
Fell off the wagon...
Researcher 177704 Posted Nov 2, 2002
I went to a very nice vegetarian Chinese restuarant in London last week which served some delicious imitation meat dishes made out of tofu and other soya products. I wouldn't have been able to tell that the food was meat-free if they hadn't told me
It was 'all you can eat' for £5, which was nice
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Fell off the wagon...
- 1: Sho - employed again! (Oct 13, 2002)
- 2: Hasslefree (Oct 13, 2002)
- 3: Sho - employed again! (Oct 13, 2002)
- 4: Leopardskinfynn... sexy mama (Oct 13, 2002)
- 5: Cupid Stunt (Oct 20, 2002)
- 6: Sho - employed again! (Oct 21, 2002)
- 7: Cupid Stunt (Oct 23, 2002)
- 8: HVS (Oct 28, 2002)
- 9: Sho - employed again! (Oct 28, 2002)
- 10: Hasslefree (Oct 29, 2002)
- 11: fords - number 1 all over heaven (Oct 29, 2002)
- 12: Sho - employed again! (Oct 29, 2002)
- 13: fords - number 1 all over heaven (Oct 30, 2002)
- 14: Sho - employed again! (Oct 30, 2002)
- 15: Cupid Stunt (Nov 2, 2002)
- 16: Sho - employed again! (Nov 2, 2002)
- 17: Researcher 177704 (Nov 2, 2002)
- 18: Sho - employed again! (Nov 2, 2002)
- 19: Researcher 177704 (Nov 2, 2002)
- 20: fords - number 1 all over heaven (Nov 2, 2002)
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