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Niten Started conversation Mar 5, 2002
Has anyone tried this stuff? It's funny that they don't want to call it 'fungus'. It's new to the US, so I haven't been able to try it. Is it any good?
In general, I don't go out of my way for meat substitutes, but I do still occasionally crave biscuits and gravy. (A side effect of my southern upbringing. It must be served with a coke to drink.) A passable country gravy can be made with just milk, flour and black pepper, but some faux sausage crumbles help a lot.
Fake sausage, it seems to me, is the perfect application for meat substitution, because sausage seasonings taste good, but sausage, itself, is...well, you know.
Anyway, I'm curious about this quorn stuff, having just seen an article about it.
C Hawke Posted Mar 7, 2002
Mmm Quorn, can be very nice can be terrible. They changed the recipe a few years back and the "raw" stuff tasted like cheap chicken.
When cooked with stuff that has high flavour, chiles, curries, it can absorb the flavours well. Also I like the texture of it.
It's low fat and a good protien source.
However it can be made to create fake chicken slices, fake bacon slices, fake anything meaty, I can't see the point.
Quorn sausages and burgers are nice.
Not the cheapest veg protein but worth a taste or two.
Surprised its only just hit the States.
Mistdancer-X-sporadically coherent Posted Mar 7, 2002
Wonderful stuff! And that from a carnivore!
I use the Quorn chunks in stir-fry and rice mixtures, and it works better than meat, in my opinion. If you marinate it in stock (veggie or meat) it tastes even better. The mince makes a great spaghetti bolognese or shepherds pie.
I actually prefer Quorn "chicken" burgers to real chicken burgers. The saussies are revolting though
$u$ Posted Mar 9, 2002
Quorn is fabulous stuff! I mostly use the chunks and mince, cos they are great in curries, stir fries, bolognese, etc. You can basically use them as a substitute for meat in any 'ordinary' recipe, which I find very handy, and non-veggies love Quorn too, so everyone is kept happy.
Only downside I've found is the cost. But I've yet to sample a Quorn product I didn't like (and I've tried most of them now!)
Indefatigable Posted Mar 24, 2002
Ooh, it's reached my side of the pond? But it was the US that was mentioned... now all they have to do is bring it north of the border.
Cupid Stunt Posted Mar 24, 2002
I thought some of the product around were a bit bland to start with, but now I just don't even notice it. Easy to become accostomed to. I quite like the sandwich stuff.
highlander2371 Posted May 4, 2005
Quorn is a fantastic food source! You can do anything with it. Some people try to rib me by asking why a Veggie would eat something that tastes like Chicken. It doesn't. To me it has a taste of it's own, The Deli slices that say chicken or Turkey style taste nothing like the flavours, but that could be because I've been a Veggie for 15 years.
I have made many things and fed them to my Dad when he has visited me. For all his 'I hate that veggie rubbish, no flavour!' He loves it. You should have seen his face when I told him he was eating 'that veggie rubbish'!
I do draw a line with the bacon rashers and ribsters. The smell of pork and Bacon make me sick as it reminds me of the reason I became a Veggie in the first place
Keseral - lost... Posted May 11, 2005
yes please!
I really love the Quorn stuff, people have said that I'm not being veggie properly if I eat it because it tastes of meat
, but I dont think thats the point!
It adds some lovely variety to meals (it's really good for you too)and personally I think that their "linconshire" sausages are the best!
Cupid Stunt Posted May 28, 2005
I'm often asked when eating quorn burgers, sausages etc "why do you eat vegetarian food made to resemble meat?". I think this is a bit daft - As far as I can see, it's not, and anyway I eat them because it is convenient to cook them in this form.
psychocandy-moderation team leader Posted Jun 27, 2008
I love Quorn! Our local Whole Foods started carrying it a while back, so we've been enjoying it once every couple of weeks for the last year or so. I love to put it in a casserole dish with some marinara sauce, shredded vegan mozzarella and topped with vegan parmesan sprinkles, then serve over pasta. Delicious!
Key: Complain about this post
- 1: Niten (Mar 5, 2002)
- 2: C Hawke (Mar 7, 2002)
- 3: Mistdancer-X-sporadically coherent (Mar 7, 2002)
- 4: $u$ (Mar 9, 2002)
- 5: Indefatigable (Mar 24, 2002)
- 6: Cupid Stunt (Mar 24, 2002)
- 7: highlander2371 (May 4, 2005)
- 8: Keseral - lost... (May 11, 2005)
- 9: Cupid Stunt (May 28, 2005)
- 10: psychocandy-moderation team leader (Jun 27, 2008)
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