This is the Message Centre for kari47

ace's welcome kari47!

Post 1


Good of you to provide an introduction, so many don't(thanks smiley - ok). But I'm popping in as one of the assistant community editors here, aka <./>aces</.>. We greet newbies*extends hand for handshake, such as yourself and help you get settled. To familiarize yourself with everything carefully review Feisor's list of Hints and Links at A719840. The first two features mentioned are the choice of skins and the assortment of <./>smileys</.>. However as you continue reading you'll see that much more awaits discovery!

in fact further down, you'll find a link to our weekly bewszpaper <./>thepost</.> an you'll notice that it has a links page...sort of a list within a list. This contains numerous items such as the Researchers' smiley - earthMap at A5076614 as well as various opportunities to socialize(an example being the smiley - bookworms Club at A745544 ). So take your time going over both lists, eamining the various links and of course rereading bits as need be. Should you have any questions feel free to leave me a message., Simply use the 'Reply' button below and I'll try to respond promptly, alright. smiley - cheers

smiley - dohBit of a PS, though not on the list(it being on another site), you might enjoy looking through our photo gallery - yes, photos! Azahar who began the gallery gives an introduction and details at A20917604.

ace's welcome kari47!

Post 2


smiley - erm Yes and a few typos Always seem to elude detection and correction. smiley - rolleyes

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ace's welcome kari47!

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