Journal Entries
December 27th 1991
Posted Dec 27, 2009
That's the date of birth of the eldest Weatherwaxlet, it's hard to believe that he's 18 today .
He's turned out to be a lovely well-mannered human being and every thing I could have wished for in a grandson.
We're off to visit and attend his party tonight Gaz
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Latest reply: Dec 27, 2009
Merry Thingy
Posted Dec 24, 2009
O' eck, this Christmas thingy's crept up on me this year, got off to a good start posting cards early etc but thumping eck it's Christmas Eve
Pa's out of hospital, stiff, sore, badly bruised & aching for England but not too bad.
I'm spending most of these days batting backwards and forwards to his house which is why I've not yet had the chance to wish all of you everything you wish for for Christmas and a peaceful and prosperous New Year
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Latest reply: Dec 24, 2009
Traffic, Don't Talk To Me About Traffic
Posted Dec 17, 2009
It took me half an hour to get to the other side of Stockport this afternoon for an appointment with the
going anti-clockwise around the Great Northern Car Park (formerly known as the M60). Why oh why did it then take me one and a half hours to get home?
On a lighter note, Pa's had his second hip replacement done today. They used a spinal block due to him having COPD and he's very pleased with the proceedure apart from almost falling off the operation table laughing at the jokes & banter.
He's now decided that if he does have to eventually have his prostrate removed he wants it done using the same form of anaesthesia Having attended his out-patients appointments with the very nice lady
who looks after him for this I think they may have to provide cot sides for the table
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Latest reply: Dec 17, 2009
S'not Fair
Posted Nov 28, 2009
No2 grandson's gone to Nottingham to see W.A.S.P. and not taken me
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Latest reply: Nov 28, 2009
Ever Felt Like You Were In A 2 Ronnies Sketch?
Posted Nov 22, 2009
It was the turn of the youngest member of the Weatherwax clan to be chistened today.
As part of the Church of England ceremony it is custom for lighted tapers to be given to the newly baptised (or their representatives). As Milly was being christened along with two of her cousins and one other little boy, the vicar announced, "In a minute my helpers will be coming through with four candles".
The two pews containing Weatherwaxes were rocking
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Latest reply: Nov 22, 2009
Granny Weatherwax - ACE - Hells Belle, Mother-in-Law from the Pit - Haunting near you on Saturday
Researcher U140245
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