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Communication in the Modern NHS
Posted Oct 6, 2009
Or rather lack of it.
Pa was at the hospital for a Flow test yesterday. The lovely MacMillan told him that there was to be a meeting to discuss his case on Friday and that she would ring him on Monday to let him know which way forward they would be recommending. It looks like hormone treatment with surgery.
He had to go back today for an appointment to see how he would/will cope after his hip replacement which was scheduled for 5th November.
After hanging around waiting for 1 3/4 hours we were told that he had been taken off the waiting list for the op and thus his appointment today was cancelled .
OK, we can see why they wouldn't want to put an 81 yr old through two lots of anatheasia in a short period of time, but hips can be replaced using spinal blocks and WHY oh WHY did no one think to let us know that today's appointment had been cancelled?
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Latest reply: Oct 6, 2009
Cough, cough
Posted Sep 27, 2009
Just clearing my throat.
We're off for a short break, free, I won a competition two of the grandkids entered me in whilst on our hols. T'was a talent competition and the Camp finals are this week (holiday camp that is)
Think of me at about 8.00pm BST on Thursday, I'm doing an old Mama Cass number, not typecasting honest, I'm blonde
See you all on Friday.
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Latest reply: Sep 27, 2009
Posted Sep 22, 2009
Daughter and I took Pa to the hospital today for the results of some tests. He's developed prostrate cancer.
On the plus side, it's been caught early and as he's 81, the chances are quite good that it won't be that that carries him off (his words).
He told the very nice that he'd just ruined his last ambition which is to be sued for paternity at the age of 90
. Of course the answer was that they could do miracles for that sort of thing these days. We told the
to behave, I certainly don't want another sibling at my age
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Latest reply: Sep 22, 2009
Manky, manky, manky
Posted Sep 9, 2009
The cast came off on Monday and the hand and arm underneath looked awful.
I jumped straight in the bath when I got home from the hospital and armed with the exfoliator and with gentle scrubbing, after about 1/2 hour I no longer resembled something from Quatermass & the Pit except that my hand's the size of a melon
Next, I've gotta undergo the delights of the physioterrorists
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Latest reply: Sep 9, 2009
Vampire Strike
Posted Aug 31, 2009
Got the results of my latest blood tests back today, HbA1C = 6.8mmols/l. After the events of the last two months I'm very surprised, I've had a heavy cold, a water infection and the old hand op which has affected my ability to exercise, not least because I've not been able to go swiming. Not too bad
And the cast comes off in 6 days time
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Latest reply: Aug 31, 2009
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