This is the Message Centre for Phifty


Post 1

Cal - interim high priest of the Church of the Holy Tail

Welcome glad to see you’re here smiley - biggrin *waves*

Hi I’m cal, I’m your friendly neighbourhood <./>ACE</.>. (An ACE is someone who welcomes newcomers to H2G2) H2G2 or Hootoo as we call it, is a living, breathing guide to Life, the Universe and Everything, and it's something YOU can take part in. You can write entries on all manner of subjects, and if it's something you think would look good in our Edited Guide (where all the best research goes), you can submit it to Peer Review. Take a look at the <./>writing-guidelines</.> for more information.

I have brought you some smiley - cakesmiley - porkpiesmiley - popcornsmiley - cupcakesmiley - cheesecake to eat while you’re browsing.

Here is a useful links page A719840 It will tell you about some of the useful and entertaining places on H2G2 smiley - bigeyes

Keepers page A441596 I am the keeper of all things Tuc smiley - biggrin

And here are some fun places where you can be just plain silly smiley - winkeyeA2334007, A2920015, A579684, A3217664,

You can drop me a line just by hitting the reply button , feel free to drop by say hello smiley - wow


Post 2


Hullo to you too! Thanks for the food... I usually avoid eating over the computer though... crumbs in the keybord and all that :P

I've got two question for ya.

First, what is this Tuc you speak of? smiley - winkeye I looked all over and only found The Obsidian Concil on hootoo. :P

Secound, where is the best places to learn GuideML, I want to put together a few entries but I figure they'd look better if I had some idea of how to use it. smiley - smiley


Post 3


Hullo to you too! Thanks for the food... I usually avoid eating over the computer though... crumbs in the keyboard and all that :P

I've got two question for ya.

First, what is this Tuc you speak of? smiley - winkeye I looked all over and only found The Obsidian Council on hootoo. :P

Second, where is the best places to learn GuideML, I want to put together a few entries but I figure they'd look better if I had some idea of how to use it. smiley - smiley


Post 4


Gah... I hate 56k... sorry 'bout the repeat, just my internet connection going slightly insane.


Post 5

Cal - interim high priest of the Church of the Holy Tail

Tuc was my Brother, there is a link on my Personal Space to a mermorial that was built for him by RedDog smiley - biggrin

Try here for learning a bit more about guideML A1123354


Post 6


Ok, Thx!

smiley - run


Post 7

Cal - interim high priest of the Church of the Holy Tail

smiley - ok no probs

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