This is the Message Centre for Clelba

The Clelba Fan Club!!!

Post 1


Here it is!

I'm running a BBQ if anyone wants smiley - hotdogs!

Come one, come all!

The Clelba Fan Club!!!

Post 2

Clive the flying ostrich: Amateur Polymath | Chief Heretic.

Mmmm. smiley - tongueoutsmiley - hotdog

Some onions on there'd be nice but no mayo (smiley - yuk). Anyone got any totmato ketchup? smiley - smiley

The Clelba Fan Club!!!

Post 3


smiley - wowsmiley - wowsmiley - wow!!!
i have a fan club!! thankyou guys smiley - smiley even if noone else joins i won't care
and can i have a smiley - hotdog please? ketchup, no mustard smiley - smiley
^. .^
= ' =

The Clelba Fan Club!!!

Post 4

Uncle Heavy [sic]

naturally ill join. of course, i waited ages for mine to get established...

The Clelba Fan Club!!!

Post 5


smiley - hotdogs to Clive and Clelba.

Hungry, Unc?

The Clelba Fan Club!!!

Post 6

Uncle Heavy [sic]

*saunters in*

no. i dined on turkey steak for lunch. yum.
why do you ask?

The Clelba Fan Club!!!

Post 7

Frankie Roberto

I'll join! smiley - smiley You're a smiley - star now Clelba! (I'm sure Cromwell thinks so too...)

The Clelba Fan Club!!!

Post 8


smiley - blush
let's not talk about that...smiley - tongueout
not until we've seen the photo, anyway smiley - winkeye
^. .^
= ' =

The Clelba Fan Club!!!

Post 9

Ming Mang

Aha! I thought I remembered you saying you had a fan club on Saturday. smiley - biggrin


The Clelba Fan Club!!!

Post 10

Frankie Roberto

Do you have a fan club Ming Mang?

*goes off to check*

No... Shall we start a Ming Mang fan club?

The Clelba Fan Club!!!

Post 11

Frankie Roberto

I've just posted a message to A595334 to add this fan club to the list...

The Clelba Fan Club!!!

Post 12


A turkey steak? Of the Bernard Matthews / mock-Bernard variety?

Hardly filling.
Have a burger!

The Clelba Fan Club!!!

Post 13

Uncle Heavy [sic]

no. of the extra specially minging school food variety.

The Clelba Fan Club!!!

Post 14


wow...this is the first scroll button on a mouse i've found which works...smiley - yikes
^. .^
= ' =

The Clelba Fan Club!!!

Post 15

Ming Mang

Your school has scroll buttons on the mice??


The Clelba Fan Club!!!

Post 16


smiley - yuk School turkey steaks! Made of dishwater!

Scroll mouse mice-scroll buttons? This one just has two ears and a cord smiley - sadface

The Clelba Fan Club!!!

Post 17

Uncle Heavy [sic]

i can think of many things i prefer to school food

clelba is but the tip of the iceberg...

there, thats your flattery quotient for this week

The Clelba Fan Club!!!

Post 18


awww! isn't he sweet! he says i'm better than school food!
wait a minute, that's not that good surely...smiley - erm
^. .^
= ' =

The Clelba Fan Club!!!

Post 19

Ming Mang

'Tis better than nothing! smiley - winkeye


The Clelba Fan Club!!!

Post 20

Sergeant Mushroom

smiley - blackcat

Anythink's better than College food...

But Clelba's better than a most of that, toosmiley - smiley

smiley - catsmiley - hug

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