Vote for Demon Drawer and Joanna

Demon Drawer is standing along with his running mate Joanna for virtual President and Vice President of H2G2.

In the Words of one Supporter

Five reasons to support Demon Drawer and Joanna

1. (and most important): I like both of you, guys

2. you are very busy in going around in h2g2: writting many articles, making many postings, so I guess, you love it the same way as I do

3. you are very good in involving newbies to this community - this IS important, 'cause at the beginning everyone feels a little bit lost

4. you have FUN, and this is the mood, in which we should communicate

5. on the other side: you are not passing by on difficult subjects; sometimes there is a need to be a little serious - the RL cannot be totally forgotten (allthough it would be much easier!)

Vote for us, you know we who we are

We have started to produce a living Manifesto. We would greatly appreciate your input post to a forum attached to that page.

Campaign Buttons

Vote for DemonDrawer and Joanna and Get a Free Donut/Doughnut in Every Drawer!

Fragilis the Melodical has very generously designed us some campaign buttons. smiley - smiley

Click here to get your own campaign button, available in a choice of three sizes.

We Don't Trust Opinion Polls

However we'd like all of our supporters to nip over to Dr. E Vibenstien's Big Probe and let your opinion be heard.

The Truth is Out There

Some things you need to know about our fellow candidates

Peregrin has said 'I'd like to make it known that I am not willing to take any monitory bribes.

I will, however, accept offers of sex with beautiful secretaries, and other decadence.'

Eomando and Captain Al Boy claim to have the Jedi powers necessary to save the Galaxy. May I remind you that the last Jedi to make such claims went on the become Emperor Palpatine. Do you really want to risk a leadership that may turn to the Dark Side of the Force1 the future of the galaxy truly is in your hands.

The Cheese has been caught on CCTV coverage trying to frame Peregrin for the vandalism caused at Mama Peta's a fine Italian Restaurant run by Demon Drawer electoral officials are currently looking into this whole episode.

More details will follow.....

1If they haven't already.


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Vote Demon Drawer and Joanna Your Presidential Team

Researcher U138592


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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."

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