Manifesto for Demon Drawer and Joanna

1 Conversation

This document is yet to be set in Alabaster or Classic Goo1 it is still a living organism waiting for you the humble voter to let us know what you want. Thank you h2g2 I'm listening.

My Doughnuts/Donuts and other foodstuffs

All researchers should be free to eat and drink what they like in a friendly and welcoming environment. Not having to worry about calorie counting, ethics of food manufacture or hangovers the next morning. We encourage the creation of an H2G2 food village to cover the tastes of every reseacher, to serve food of every hue, spiciness and nation/planet. A Vote for us is a vote for FUN!!!

Eat and Enjoy

Space Exploration

Being a child of the space age2 I am saddened that in the 30 years since we have not set about sending a manned mission to Mars. I believe we should do all we can to get the h2g2 Sol IV edition up and running. So I will lobby the Great Italics at h2g2 Towers to move forward with a programme for manned missions to Mars.

To further enhance the chances of this happening I believe all researchers should be issued with a Sub-Etha Sens-O-Matic to greatly enhance our chances of getting there and greatly improving the rate of success of the SETI project. A vote for us is a vote for reaching the final frontier.

Ease of Use

Demon Drawer and Joanna have both been involved in testing changes to the site and will continue to do so3, trying to improve the site we all love so well.

We were amongst those who pointed out the problem with the new forum format and this is currently one of the things under review. We intend to continue to make this site as easy to use as possible and will listen to any problems you are facing with the site and put these forward to the Powers Who Work Very Hard at h2g2 Towers and try and get it sorted out. A vote for us is a vote for an easier to use h2g2.

Foreign Issues

h2g2 is no longer confined to DNA's head, nor has it been maintained within the English seaking world. Already there is a thriving German speaking community here at the guide. Why must or German, Spanish, Swedish or whatever speaking fellow researchers have to struggle in English? Where are our Babel fish?

If elected this will become one of our main challenges to the Italics, to somehow make the site accessible to the most common languages. All researchers are equal, but at the moment those with English as a mother tongue are more equal than others. A Vote for us is a vote for International understanding.

1Whatever your preferred viewing.2DD was a fairly well developed bump when Neil Armstrong set foot on the moon.3As long as Jim Lynn needs us.

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