This is the Message Centre for Emily 'Twa Bui' Ultramarine


Post 361

Mr. Odie, Man's Best Friend {not quite deceased}

This post has been removed.

Testicle Cuffs

Post 362

Mr. Odie, Man's Best Friend {not quite deceased}

Due to popular demand (well, just Lucinda, Pat and Frew) I have written a little old guide entry to testicle cuffs which you can access via my kennel (h2g2 homepage)...

Have fun,

Mr. Odie x

Testicle Cuffs

Post 363

simply scruff singing a rainbow

hey!! watch where you're putting that light sabre!!!!!!

Testicle Cuffs

Post 364

Mr. Odie, Man's Best Friend {not quite deceased}

Testicle cuffs to lightsabres, all beneath this huge white drape... Things are definitely beginning to liven up around here... Albeit slowly and rather tediously...

Still, it's better than nowt...

Testicle Cuffs

Post 365

Saint Patrick Patron Saint of Depression: Here to haunt your dreams and stalk your waking hours

Positivefreak I have found the oil and I don't object to sharing if we have to.

Stop using my page as a den of depravity!

Post 366

Emily 'Twa Bui' Ultramarine


Stop using my page as a den of depravity!

Post 367

simply scruff singing a rainbow

wahey sharing is perfectly fine by me!! just go for it whenever you're ready babe smiley - smiley

Stop using my page as a den of depravity!

Post 368

Mr. Odie, Man's Best Friend {not quite deceased}

Miss Em, please don't be such a spoilsport... You can't ban these cuffs and will have a lot of trouble trying as I have smuggled in several pairs and also carry a few spares in an area only customs officers would dare to probe... If only they would from time to time... (That's a joke... It actually hurts a HELL of a lot...)

Anyway, I'm off for some cake...

Mr. Odie x


Post 369

Saint Patrick Patron Saint of Depression: Here to haunt your dreams and stalk your waking hours

Goes over Positivefreak gets the oil and starts rubbing it in, caresing and massaging the breasts, moves hands and oil onto her stomach concentrating his hand actions there for a while.


Post 370

simply scruff singing a rainbow

*closes eyes and sighs with absoloute pleasure*

Back to the orgy

Post 371

Emily 'Twa Bui' Ultramarine

Jim!! God I've missed you... they're all scaring me with their hazardous bondage devices...

*offers smiley - smooch*

Back to the orgy

Post 372

simply scruff singing a rainbow

*opens eyes for a second*i'll say em. i vote someone finds ALL the testcle cuffes (wherever they may be) and DESTROYS them!!!!!!

Back to the orgy

Post 373

Jim, Lord of Fishnets

I know... Frightens the pants off of me...

How very fortunate...


Isn't it amazing how long people can spend thinking up e-art... Why do they bother?

Back to the orgy

Post 374

Jim, Lord of Fishnets

I've just had an offer of CCC from Bristol... That's the lowest offer they've made in years...



Back to the orgy

Post 375


If we want the testicle cuffs destroyed, I shall employ my Lightsabre. Anyone who is currently cuffed in that manner, may want to remove them before I start swinging.

Back to the orgy

Post 376

Martin Harper

I thought we'd escaped from the lightsabres when YK stopped posting... ho hum.

{testicle cuffs and lightsabres - rock and a hard place - devil and the deep blue sea}

Back to the orgy

Post 377

Saint Patrick Patron Saint of Depression: Here to haunt your dreams and stalk your waking hours

Slowly moves his fingers down towards the moist area, licking her pointed nipples as he does so...

Back to the orgy

Post 378

Mr. Odie, Man's Best Friend {not quite deceased}

Patrick, stop it... You disgust me...

*Grabs Lucinda, thrusting arm round his/her waist... Rotates him/her round, kisses him/her passionately whilst fiddling about with other hand...*

Sorry about that...

Mr. Odie x

Back to the orgy

Post 379

simply scruff singing a rainbow

*is cold*
just thought i'd point that out...........

Back to the orgy

Post 380

Emily 'Twa Bui' Ultramarine

*offers positivefreak a blanket, and a smiley - donut for good measure*

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