It is time!

Yes, it is time to introduce myself. I signed up with h2g2 weeks ago and have not been in the mood to tell you people anything about myself yet. But now it's time.

I am Rubber Face. A weird Swedish person whose face seems to be made of rubber. At least that's what my (future) husband says. He says that my face is the most fun face he's ever seen. It's very expressional, he says. Makes him laugh at least, I can tell you.

So I am Swedish but am living in Denmark since June -99. Am working at a publishing company. In the customer service office, am talking to subscribers on the phone all day long. Therefore my faith in mankind is (possibly) slightly different from other people's.

If you work in customer service you very quickly find out that people aren't as intelligent as A)they think they are, or B)as you thought they would be when you took the job. When I applied for this job I thought: "Customer service? Hey, how difficult can it be? It is people I'm going to talk to all day, aren't they?" Now I say: "What a joke!!! People are unbelievable. They are soooooooo stupid. Sometimes I wonder if they can read! They are cheap too. Horrible people.

But they can be funny in all their horribleness. In the end of May this fax came in to work: "I have paid the money you've tricked off me. I don't want anything to do with you. You can just go as far to hell as you possibly can. Bloody idiots." My god. This guy had got a bill for 45 SKr (equals £4)!!!

Well enough nagging about stupid Swedes. We aren't all stupid. I hope.

There is some light at the end of the tunnel at work though. I've been promoted in a way. I am now responsible for the customer service Internet sites! I'm the one who looks after the pages for Danmark, Norway and Sweden. i come up with ideas for changes and for improvements. Good fun, but I'd like to do more. I guess that I will get to do more as time passes. It's more or less up to me to make/take the time to do it.

There's even more light at the end of the summer! I'm getting married to my wonderful fiancé!!! Yes, he's on h2g2 too. OB1 Knordic is the man! Wedding date: 2nd of September! It's going to be so good. I am truly happy and very much in love. The wedding plans are going well. Almost everything is done and decided. Just have to find a nice pair of shoes to fit the dress. There's just one problem: How to find a nice pair of shoes in white/beige that don't make me look like a complete Johova's witness - who are the only ones who wear white shoes. Oh, and librarians, but that's no good either.

So that's a little something about myself. Will now venture out into the h2g2-world. A wonderful idea for a site. An Internet within the Internet!


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Rubber Face

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