This is the Message Centre for Rubber Face

Tonight baby

Post 1

OB1 (retired)

What about wearing that red dress?? You look stunning in it (and out of it, but don't think they will let you in the club like that!!!).

Puss och kram

Tonight baby

Post 2

Rubber Face

I think I could wear the Dress. I love it. And I really feel stunningly beautiful in it - as stunning as I can get.


Tonight baby

Post 3

OB1 (retired)

What about me? What does Mathias recommend ?
smiley - tongueout

Tonight baby

Post 4

Rubber Face

I haven't got a clue. He got so excited about starting his holidays so he went home with a painy (yes, it's a word!) stomach. Poor thing. I think that you should be strokable tonight! Oh yes, strooooooookable. I like.

Tonight baby

Post 5

OB1 (retired)

Painy?!!! Must be the thought of meeting me again!!!! smiley - tongueout

Strokable eh? Have to see what is on the floor!!

Somethings wrong with Geocities, so can not update anything, grrrr. I know, I should be working, but .... it's Friday smiley - tongueout

Had a fun email war (of sorts) with the guy that runs CrowdSafe.Com ! I have it all copied to word so I can put it on the website soon.

One of the return emails I got was from a guy at Novo!!

/Love OB1

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