This is the Message Centre for Rubber Face

Hi (officially)

Post 1


Hello Rubber Face,
I just wanted to explain why some of us go around on this site with letters after our names. We're not pretending to be important, honest.
ACE stands for Assistant Community Editor, and we ACEs are here to try to answer any questions you might have about h2g2. You can find a complete list of ACEs at
Another page that you might find useful is the Newcomers Welcome page - - where you can compare notes with some of the other life-forms who've recently joined us here, and find links to lots more handy pages.
Finally, may I recommend the place where I discovered much of the little I know about computing - The GuideML clinic, on
Welcome once again, and I hope I'll often see you around the forums here in future.
Oh, and by the way - have a fish. smiley - fish

Hi (officially)

Post 2

Rubber Face

Thanks for the welcome!

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