Sheriff Fatman

Why Sheriff Fatman? It's a song by Carter The Unstoppable Sex Machine that I loved moshing to on the dance floor at the local Ritzy when I first discovered the Monday night student night as a teenager. Me, I'm 27, was born in Stoke-on-Trent, though I have never worn white socks with jeans and trainers, or trousers, and I have never called anyone duck in my life 8-) I live in Newcastle-under-Lyme now, but have to tell people Stoke because otherwise they ask why I haven't got a Geordie accent like. Am the proud owner of my own company, Phoenix Data Ltd, although the title of Managing Director means Jack S**t. I'm an IT contractor, providing my programming / database / web design skills to other companies. Currently working my first contract with Phones 4u. Spent 9 years in the Air Cadets (both CCF and ATC) and am still a civilian instructor with one of the cadet air experience flights, although not been down there for a year so I guess my flying career is over. Have spent most weekend over the past 9 months worshipping at the alter of Soave, a very dry white Italian wine, with a friend (female) in Manchester.


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Sheriff Fatman

Researcher U134338

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