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Daydream Journal

Post 1301


erm yes .... the thing is ....

is what?

The thing is, all these visions from the shamanistic cultures are very intense, painful, grappling with spirits, on the borderline of life and death, and dealing with great psychic pain. The wounded man cave paintings show this, and how they link in with alien abductions, the Christian crucifixion imagery.

The wounded healer. == uh oh an equals sign.

The wounder healer = all of us, I guess.

Oh yes, and Ezekiel's wheels are mentioned in the book. smiley - rofl. Remember DG we were talking about that.

I suppose it's because it's tough, life is tough, intense, always has been.

There are rarely any funny hallucinations recorded in the cave paintings or beyond. There must be laughter, surely, in the spirit world. Laughter, the great healer. smiley - rofl.

Trouble with me is that these days I get stupid things as well as intensity. I don't hallucinate, I have no passport to the spirit world, smiley - rofl, but in my imagination I run into Max Mantis and he is really camp and sensitive and paranoid and he makes me laugh, because he is having problems with his hallucinatory identity, he is so not really here and yet he dances like Fred Astaire. smiley - rofl.

So if I did cave paintings I would draw Max Mantis and the archeologists wouldn't write books about me, which makes me so upset I'm going to have a cup of tea.

smiley - tea

smiley - kisssmiley - rofl

Daydream Journal

Post 1302

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

I could do with some funnier hallucinations right about now. smiley - laugh

I find this time of year stressful, and that's one of the reasons. Saturday night involved a fair amount of that 'shamanistic psychic pain' see, the problem is really simpler than most people think.

The universe is trying to ask questions. Questions need minds to answer them.

99.99% of the minds on this planet are trying to think about marketing strategies, phone apps, and where they're going on holiday.

The other .01% are getting the pain of the universe trying to figure out the next step.

Daydream Journal

Post 1303

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

I think I can say it better with a picture:

Daydream Journal

Post 1304


Great picture!

It is hard indeed to view the world from an altered perspective, to be an astral detective. heheh. I love that, I might quote it at the wedding tomorrow, if someone asks me who I am. Uh oh. smiley - rofl.

I always did wonder about the Hanged Man in tarot. I used to discuss it with the mangy cat that lived in our flat, somewhere betwen South London and Inner Hell. smiley - rofl.

Eventually, to me, he came to symbolise surrender, the Hanged Man, not the mangy cat, the blessing and the curse of viewing the world from an altered perspective.

smiley - coffee

smiley - coffee

Hmm, yes, I never know about all this. If the universe is asking me questions, it had better spell them out simply.

smiley - coffeesmiley - rofl

There's a whole chapter in this book I'm reading about consciousness, about the brain as a receiver, a processor, an interpreter of messages from the outside, like a tuned radio, rather than the creator of concepts.

smiley - coffee

I'm more in favour of the mystery of the moment, and that somewhere we are all in the soup together, although let's hope it's not Nigel Fuller's recipes haha that was so funny, I just realised in the middle of the night about the April 1st Post, even though I am reading it on April 2nd.

Sort of thing.

And I just realised about the first optical illusions, back to my cave paintings again, the clever artists from ancient times used the rock face, and the gradients of the rock, all the clefts and blemishes, to make it look like the animals and spirits were appearing from the other side of the rock, like the veil between us and the spirit world.

Ah yes! Yes!!

smiley - huh

smiley - boing

Sunlight today! smiley - boing

Daydream Journal

Post 1305


Hey cc I'm glad you are having a relaxing break smiley - cool and I hope you enjoy the wedding smiley - kiss

Spiller and I reckon this is the laziest holiday we have had and very enjoyable it has been too just messing around

Bit of a flurry this morning as Scratchy smiley - cat started to pee blood smiley - yikes He has a bladder infection, he has had some antibiotics, anti inflamatories and some pain relief

Now the pain relief has kicked in he is drinking and eating again smiley - biggrin

Daydream Journal

Post 1306


oh forgot to say we have had the first bottle of last years
it is wonderful smiley - drool

today we are making grapefruit vodka

Daydream Journal

Post 1307

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

smiley - cheerup Some flowers for Scratchy.

Daydream Journal

Post 1308


awww, thanks Dmitri - from Scratchy smiley - cat

sorry cc, I keep posting my mundane domestic stuff, I am starting to feel better, my imagination hasn't quite caught up with me yet smiley - erm

Daydream Journal

Post 1309

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

That's okay. smiley - smiley Taking care of kitties is part of the astral detective business, too. smiley - hug

I found some wonderful stories this weekend. They'll show p in a Post quiz one of these days, no doubt.

But I found out that Abraham Lincoln was a great animal lover. I know nobody in the UK knows much about Lincoln, so it's okay if you think of him as a great statesman. But really, he was the sort of person who would hang around in this thread. smiley - winkeye He was simply amazingly real.

All of those political and military men back then were very much on their dignity, very serious about Stuff. But to fight the Civil War and make important decisions, they had to talk to the President. And the President kept interrupting to play with the kids...or kittens...

There was one story: Ulysses S Grant, big-time general, and Admiral Porter, having a field conference with Lincoln on the eve of a major battle. But there were these three little orphaned kittens, mewing away.

Lincoln picked them up and cuddled them, saying, 'There, there. It's all right, we'll take care of you.' Speechless general and admiral.

I LOVE that man. smiley - hero

They all said they couldn't believe that he'd sit there and play with a kitten for half an hour. His snobby wife hated this. smiley - rofl

Don't worry about those movies. Nobody's got Lincoln right yet. smiley - winkeye

Daydream Journal

Post 1310


well, now I love him too Dmitri smiley - love and smiley - hero

Daydream Journal

Post 1311


Hellooo, anyone home yet? smiley - biggrin

*stokes up fire again, put some burnt sticks in the garden, a safe distance away to see if she tempt a (hopefully) friendly Hooganod to drop by*

*plonks self next to fire and await news about other daydreamers travels*

smiley - cake and smiley - coffee

Daydream Journal

Post 1312


Hello, I've just got back from France, with my pruneaux enrobes de chocolat (there should be an accent on the 'e' of enrobes.)

And I find everyone talking about smiley - catsmiley - cat, psychic pain and huganoods, and posting beautiful pictures of supernovas. smiley - galaxy It will take me a while to make sense of all this.smiley - erm

It was very cold in our old Fench house, and wet outside. The plum blossom was only just opening. But we saw long-eared owls (hibou moyen duc). One of them sat in our willow tree and made sounds like a sick cat.

When I got home, I found it was trying to snow. This is my fault for waffling on about April being a great time to go travelling - see Create - A87788353.

Daydream Journal

Post 1313


smiley - laugh at the long eared owl

Welcome home mvp smiley - hug

It is trying to snow here as well

Daydream Journal

Post 1314

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

Wow. You have had interesting travels. Welcome back! smiley - hug Owls and those pruneaux enrobes au chocolat. smiley - rofl

I love plum trees - my parents used to have three of them, damson plums, so tart the birds left them alone. Made great jam. smiley - smiley

So far, the Post has run the poem you and CC made. Next week, I'm running a travel story what I wrote. I hope they'll all get writing after that.

The problem is, they're all travelling. smiley - whistle We'll get the stories later. smiley - winkeye

Daydream Journal

Post 1315


Morning travellers! smiley - coffee

Just reading about Le Hibou Moyen Duc (great name!) making a noise like a sick cat smiley - huh, and plums and Scratchy and Abe Lincoln. smiley - love and all the marvels here presented. I'm totally into Abe now. smiley - cool

Welcome home mvp! smiley - kiss and hullo all dear onessmiley - kiss

I'm still on the road, been cycling by the sea in Brighton, yesterday it got sooo cold, with snow and tempest, and I felt like I had traversed the Antarctic like Scott before me, except I returned to central heating, and a nearby sauna, unlike Scott before me. smiley - rofl.

smiley - coffee

Wedding went great, I was a masterpiece of smile and grace. And modest too. smiley - rofl New energy came to me like holy water in a desert, as if I had prayed for it, which I did. Tired now though, but well pleased.

smiley - coffee

Happy Christmas! smiley - holly

smiley - huh

How long have I been away?

Speak soon!

Daydream Journal

Post 1316

Elektragheorgheni -Please read 'The Post'

Welcome back CC. I am glad the wedding went well for all ooncerned. Emjoy your sauna.smiley - biggrin

Daydream Journal

Post 1317


Hey cc, well done for being the masterpiece of smile and grace smiley - applause

I am glad that the wedding went well and I hope also you enjoyed it the time and good wishes to new marrieds and smiley - bubbly

It is a beautiful day here, sunny, a nippy wind, but not a gale, I hope it same for you smiley - hug

sauna and CH smiley - envy but don't begrudge it you at all smiley - kiss

Are you catching up with yourself now you are home mvp smiley - hug

Daydream Journal

Post 1318


Can you ever catchup with yourself? Isn't that one of those philosophical questions like can you ever cross the same river twice? smiley - headhurts
Because, by the time you've caught up, you're not exactly the same person as you were before. You might have met a person who's going to be important in your life, or had an exciting new experience. Except that I haven't. smiley - sadface

My son came home briefly, which is nice, and my husband and I went for a cycle ride. If things do change all the time, the hills definitely get hillier.

Daydream Journal

Post 1319


oh my days, I was just thinking bout Dr Who, extra head spin with the catching up in a Tardis

second thought though, have you ever felt that despite nothing significant changing, like meeting someone, or making a life change, or little steps/choices that have le a certain path,

that there is a something indefinable, an intangiable tangent, that is somehow significant it is just that can't quite put your finger on it...

for no reason at all

I have, once or twice, it is the just oddest feeling smiley - biggrin

Daydream Journal

Post 1320


led a certain path, and tangible, speling typos just the ones that I can now smiley - laugh

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