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Daydream Journal

Post 1261


smiley - rofl there is a kitten in my kitchen, although she has curled up on the sofa now, the brocolli is in a bag but she is doing a good job of guarding it

she likes to hide in the rhubarb patch in the garden...

Daydream Journal

Post 1262


Wow, now you remind me, it's been ages since I've had rhubarb!

Daydream Journal

Post 1263


mmm, rhubarb, I like a crumble, hot rhubarb with ice cream,

chilli rhubarb chutney...

Daydream Journal

Post 1264


not all at the same time, that would too much rhubarby goodness smiley - winkeye

Daydream Journal

Post 1265


smiley - rofl

smiley - rofl

You guys ... smiley - rofl

mmmmm smiley - drool rhubarb! I love a bit of rhubarb, funny word isn't it? Rhubarb. I wonder why rhubarb is called rhubarb? I remember my Dad's rhubarb patch, those huge leaves! When I was tiny I would sit amongst them and make a leaf roof, a rhubarb house. smiley - rofl.

(Just checking my newfound spirit guide, the Edited Guide smiley - rofl, yes! there's a rhubarb Guide Entry, excellent.)

The Edited Spirit Guide. smiley - rofl. Leads me into knowledge kingdoms.

You guys are so great, smiley - kiss, it makes me happy to check in with you, you are so real, all here together in the mish mash glory and glare of our humanity. With you I can chew my paws and open doors, rewrite my flaws, we don't keep scores.

smiley - coffee

I can let my story off the leash.

uh oh ...

smiley - rofl

Notes on the Stray Story

I like to let my story off the leash, let it wander around in search of alternative endings, a stray story rootling in the earth in search of runestones and a science fiction manuscript.

Daydream Journal

Post 1266

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

Amen. smiley - hug

Daydream Journal

Post 1267


I like the idea of a story that goes in search of runestones and science fiction manuscripts. smiley - smiley

I'm not sure about added rhubarb though. Rhubarb with the runestones and hi-fi with the sci-fi? smiley - biggrin

Daydream Journal

Post 1268


woodlands with wi-fi smiley - biggrin

Daydream Journal

Post 1269


Morning daydreamers smiley - coffee

Are you all alright in the wild weather

I was up early so I have picked up bits and bobs, visited my Mum and put an extra fiver on the leccy key. I'm twiddling my thumbs a bit now, I've been trying to do a random chore every other day, today I think I will clean door frames smiley - ermsmiley - biggrin

Daydream Journal

Post 1270


That's very conscientious of you, Peanut. smiley - smiley

I've been getting ready to go to France - we're catching the evening ferry from Portsmouth. Fortunately, in our part of the world, we've just had rain.

I'll bring back some virtual chocolate-coated prunes.

Daydream Journal

Post 1271

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

What the French for 'chocolate-coated prunes'? smiley - rofl

Daydream Journal

Post 1272

Elektragheorgheni -Please read 'The Post'

All food sounds better in French. Just beware the snails!

Daydream Journal

Post 1273


Evening all! Busy peoples of the world and otherworld.

Chocolate coated prunes? smiley - rofl.

Have a fine trip to France, mvp, although now you'll be on the ferry perhaps, how exciting, a night ferry! un petit sac de pruneau au chocolat smiley - huh in your pocket, watching the lights of France appearing on the horizon. Ahh, what is it about ferries? And horizons .....

smiley - redwine

How I've missed the surreal airwaves smiley - rofl. I've been a-wandering on the wilde Cornish coast with my niece, no woodlands with wifi, smiley - rofl, thinking about Manderley, and finding seaweed in my shoe because I trod in a rockpool.

Then returned to find the spouse staring at the computer screen having a hissy fit (as Peanut would say) smiley - rofl, going no google! no google! we had 24 hrs of server problems, that'll teach me to be mean about bing. Bing's revenge, heheh.

Sci fi hi fi wi fi, nice rhyme, I do love a bit of rhyme, helps me over the blank page, into the next stage.

Daydream Journal

Post 1274


smiley - laugh that is something I would say. Bet those walks blew the cobwebs away smiley - bigeyes

I hope mvp has got to France alright and the weather hasn't disrupted the travel plans too much smiley - grovel

Daydream Journal

Post 1275


Yes, the wilde wintry weather, invigorating if one wants to lose a cobweb or two. smiley - rofl. I am now imagining a rather beautiful painting of people walking by a wild coast somewhere with all these cobwebs flying out of their heads.

Off to the windy Brighton coast in a day or so, we'll be cycling around like daft health monsters. smiley - rofl That's what someone called us once, health monsters.

smiley - coffee

Strange coincidence, I was listening to Tom Petty on the headphones the other day, the way I often do. smiley - musicalnote Ah Tom smiley - love.

One of my fave songs is Down South, with the lyric 'pretend I'm Samuel Clemens' and every time I hear it I wonder who Samuel Clemens is.

Then I check Peer Review this morning and my Edited Spirit Guide (smiley - rofl wink wink smiley - winkeye )tells me about Samuel Clemens aka Mark Twain! I had no idea!

So there we are. Now I'm happy. Nice Easter present. smiley - chick

Still doing my random research. smiley - rofl. Typed in shamanism h2g2 and presto! A6084218. A973604. There's food for thought. I always did wonder about Santa.

Daydream Journal

Post 1276

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

smiley - snork Synchronicity, as Elektra and I just updated that Sam Clemens entry, making it about 2000 words longer...smiley - run

Daydream Journal

Post 1277


Yay! Mark Twain! Thankyou Edited Spirit Guide for guiding me to the kingdoms of knowledge. smiley - rofl.

I love this snork smiley. smiley - snork. What does it mean, snork? smiley - snork. it's good.

Further Notes On The Stray Story

Of course, once free, my stray story is insecure, and jumps around in a funny way snapping at butterflies and thistledown, staying close and watching me.

smiley - coffee

When it is on the leash it strains and strains, a bold explorer story yearning for the exotic and the erotic, mysterious continents with temples glinting in the hot white sunlight, and wounded love affairs with love itself.

smiley - coffee

And so we are inseparable, me and my stray story, we walk out together, not too far from home, stitching together the scraps and scattered details from the moments of our being.

smiley - coffee

Town walks are good for science fiction, stray science fiction, our type. One time it trotted down an alley and found an old silver foil pie container. First it chewed it, then we used it as a light reflector, a marvel! a flash of hot white sunlight glinting off a mysterious temple.

smiley - coffee

We travelled far that day, standing on the street eating takeaway chips. We watched a lady leave her building and head to the bus stop. She was the keeper of the light, and those who recognised her would find a light reflector and keep it as a gift. Then they would fall in love with her, and have a lifelong wounded love affair with love itself.

smiley - coffee

smiley - huh

smiley - snork

Daydream Journal

Post 1278



My stray story just bit me on the ankle for using sloppy grammar.

It should be 'my stray story and I' not 'me and my stray story', it reckons.

smiley - rofl

(limps off)

Daydream Journal

Post 1279


well at least it didn't jump up and bite you on the bum smiley - winkeye

Daydream Journal

Post 1280


It tried smiley - rofl, but I placated it with Chaucerian chocolate.

smiley - huh

What is Chaucerian chocolate, I ask myself? Did they have chocolate in the time of Chaucer? How do you say chocolate in Chaucerian English?

(exit pursued by the stray story) smiley - run

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