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Clematis and the Bohdi Tree

Post 9221


I remember clematis. I've seen it growing profusely somewhere (other than Clematis Station), but I can't remember where, right now. Could have been growing up a fence beside a footpath in Cornwall, or one of the pathways of my life ....

Does it attract bees?

smiley - coffee

Paul, I'm intending to do a marathon journey through the wondrous vignettes of Crepuscular Meadows, this weekend! I really am enjoying this journey. It enchants me.

smiley - coffee

And what is a bohdi tree I earlier asked myself, the tree made famous by the Buddha? For some strange reason I was drawn to check The Firecloud Report (Phred's blog), and lo! there's the latest entry, The Bohdi Tree!

smiley - coffee

Checks in backpack.

Fire extinguisher. Check.

Map of a Hopeful Place. Check.

Klingon dictionary. Check.

A lot of other dictionaries, of languages yet to be invented. Check.

Memories of Times Past. Marcel Proust. Unabridged. In case I become a fast reader overnight. Check.

War and Peace, Tolstoy, unabridged. In case I need a door stop. Check

A bag of apples mixed with some unidentified fruit. smiley - apple Check.

A chess set. I might learn. One day, one day .. Check.

A five bedroomed house. For no apparent reason. Check.

A five bedroomed time machine with ten reception rooms. Check.

And still space to spare! This backpack is amazing!!

OK off to find the wayward Guides ...

Ah! Yes!

Post 9222


Oh, I'm on a journey!!! How interesting. Are there souvenir stands? Is there a bright and sunlit place with strange puzzles written on the wall?

Oh! Buddhism!

Darrell! Phred Firecloud! Take me with you! I never thought I say that. heheh.

Ooooh eh

Post 9223


We're living in sort of a TV series and nothing happens without a reason.....

Let me consider this...

This is a bit multi layered extraordinarily deep and thought provoking.

I think Darrell and Phred Firecloud were wise all along. Even the pink golf cart disguised as a flamingo had a meaning ..

So, erm .. looks about .. where's the jungle gone? Oh, I might have to go backwards through the postings , go back go back says the turkey vulture ... remember your culture. I just said culture because it rhymes with vulture.

I quite like that though. Go back go back, remember your culture. What is that? Ancient. Ancestors.

Something is happening to me ...

(rootles in backpack, to see if she packed any tablets for a sudden onset of wisdom)

Clematis and the Bohdi Tree

Post 9224

Phred Firecloud

As we look around we see

-An ancient Klingon time travel device.

-100 very large jars with many turkey vultures eyeing the contents.

-An impenetrable tropical jungle

-A Bohdi tree in full flower. A single very comfortable hammock is under the tree near a bowl of chilled, peeled guava slices.

Bungle in the Jungle

Post 9225


ohhhhhh .... the symbols on the structure ....

Klingon time machine.

The whole jungle is an abandoned Klingon time machine???


To go where no Spirit Guide has gone before ...

I like the image of symbols on an ancient and abandoned structure.

This is all very poetic.

Clematis and the Bohdi Tree

Post 9226

Phred Firecloud

Actually, that pink flamingo golf cart in Key West is very cool. It has synergy. It's better than having a flamingo AND a golf cart by can't make stuff like that up...More evidence of THE WRITER in the background.

Bungle in the Jungle

Post 9227

Phred Firecloud

The Klingon symbols carved over the entrance say "The Time is Money". I'm thinking time travel device inside of some sort.

Clematis and the Bohdi Tree

Post 9228


Ah, right.

As we look around we see ....

These are very evocative images, in fact.

I wonder about the 100 jars. I hope the vultures have good digestion. Makes me feel a bit queasy ..

Funny how the pictures from the imagination can change.

I love to play and have a wild time, as if the imagination has to play, play is joyful, but it allows also the pictures to enter new areas, they are born of play, but they have other messages...

New depths ...

I'm in an incredibly deep and interesting space now. Ask me anything. I won't know the answer. smiley - rofl

I think we should all put on bow ties, and go out for a pizza, in the Diamond Pizza Place ..


The diamond at the centre of the brain.

Diamond Sutra ..


FWR and I often talk about the interconnected nature of things.

Ooooh eh ...

Bungle in the Jungle

Post 9229


The Time Is Money....

The Time Is Money ..

What does that mean exactly?

heheh. Nice. About the pink golf cart. I want one.

Bungle in the Jungle

Post 9230

Phred Firecloud

Darrell!...send all this junk back to the studio...our work here is done...Subscribe to the Buddha link...maybe read it again someday.

Bungle in the Jungle

Post 9231

Phred Firecloud

I went to a village in Cambodia. They were teaching the kids English in a structure with a thatched roof and no walls.

On the blackboard were written the words "The Time is Money"...they might have been trying to explain Westen culture...I don't know...

I always liked the way it makes you think a little

Bungle in the Jungle

Post 9232


It does make you think.

Oh no! Guys! You're sending back the props? Oh, OK, we've travelled where we need to go.

For now.

It is interesting, what comes out of play.

I believe play is the foundation for a lot of art and deep things. Even when we're grown ups. Play is curiosity. Play is venturing into the unexplained.

The Hotel Saint Christopher

Post 9233


I'm interested in that spontaneous image I came up with somewhere between Key West and the jungle...

Its like deciphering a dream.

Of course the spouse thinks its about him, given the C name, but I tell him it isn't. smiley - rofl. He's huffy now.

The Hotel Saint Christopher. Its a peaceful place, there are fountains in the garden, and regardless of a Manager named Darrell and the paparazzo looking through the window, smiley - rofl, I think I might check in there more often.

Its a place of the mind. A hotel behind my third eye.

How interesting.

I can write postcards to Imaginary Aunts from a comfy chair in the lounge, a Spanish brandy on the table beside me. They might have their own writing paper. Hotel Christopher embossed on top of the page. How elegant. Far better than email.

Ralph might be playing the piano in the bar.

Ralph! My piano playing/angel Spirit Guide! Ah, I wonder if he knows ...

I won't ask right now.

Bungle in the Jungle

Post 9234

The Lone Arranger

Right! Just clean up the mess Darrell...we off for pizza without won't be needed further...not a word of what about my 8 weeks of back pay...and you promised me you would work on her about my knighthood

Sir Darrell...sounds good...I could even probably find a piano player toffs are all the same...never a thought for a working man.

Bungle in the Jungle

Post 9235


Uh oh!


Order in the journal!

Sir Darrell, you are my knight in shining spirit light, get in the car and shuddup. Drive, driver, drive! Diamond Pizza Place please. We'll sort it all out, over cider smiley - cider, iced water, and iced water turned into cider. smiley - cider And the other way round.

The Hotel Saint Christopher

Post 9236

The Lone Arranger

Entering the lounge of the Hotel Saint Christopher, Darrell sees CC engrossed in correspondence with a glass of Spanish brandy on the end table...he clears his throat...

"Excuse me Milady, but this telegram just came to our front desk. I took the liberty of taking it to your room, but with no answer there, I searched the gym, parking lot, pool, gift shop, and all three bars...and here you are...

The telegram is marked "Critically Urgent" in large red letters.

Darrell hand over the cable, bows and slinks away muttering about "toffs".

Bungle in the Jungle

Post 9237

Phred Firecloud

Darrell, get in the're confusing us all again...leave the hotel there just in case.

Quoting Robbie Stamp Quoting Douglas Adams

Post 9238

Phred Firecloud

“I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I needed to be.”smiley - bubblysmiley - bubblysmiley - bubbly

Quoting Robbie Stamp Quoting Douglas Adams

Post 9239


Absolutely. smiley - rofl The finest quote ever. And, for me, sums up my entire life.

Alternative Endings

Post 9240


smiley - rofl

I think we're venturing not just into parallel universes, but alternative endings also. smiley - rofl

I love alternative endings.

I'm always exploring them in my life, in fact. I am forever thinking, or saying

'If I hadn't turned left at the crossroads that day, would my life direction have continued on the main road, or would I have found another turning further along. And would this turning have taken me back to where the other turning would have taken me, or would it have led me somewhere else'

What? smiley - huh

If I hadn't bought a ticket for that midnight bus, which took me to a new phase in my life, would I have got to the new phase anyway?

smiley - stiffdrink

I'm wondering if I just spontaneously married Darrell, in the cab back there. smiley - rofl That's hilarious. My knight in shining spirit light. I love it. Probably best to leave that one, as an alternative possibility. Keep it abstract. smiley - rofl

Mind you, that's not exactly a marriage vow is it? I could say that to anyone. My knight in shining spirit light!' Good way to clear a train carriage. Get a seat to yourself. Social distancing. smiley - rofl

smiley - stiffdrink

I'll be there. At some point, perhaps in the next few days... Check into the Hotel Saint Christopher. I love this alternative route. I can't resist. I could get deep. And poetic.

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