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Spirit Guides

Post 9161

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

I enjoyed the lady with the Spirit Guide. smiley - laugh But I decline to follow her advice.

Spirit Guides

Post 9162


I once knew this guy called Chester, who lost all his money in a poker game in a city named Winchester, which he always thought was rather ironic.

Win or lose, I'm on my journey, he said.

Which isn't relevant to anything, and not even true, but has vague links with another life which I spent peacefully in Paraguay. Very vague.


(searches for crumpled map of a town named Imagination)

Spirit Guides

Post 9163


She comes from Carefree Arizona! Seriously!

I love her. I think she's my Aunty.

smiley - rofl

This is a very strange event. Am I in the right journal? Yes? Was it always like this, before I became imaginary?

Spirit Guides

Post 9164

Phred Firecloud

ParaGuay smiley - snork

Spirit Guides

Post 9165


Excuse me, sir (peers at name tag) Phred Firecloud. Have you seen an Imaginary Spirit guide named Darrel wandering about around here?

Spirit Guides

Post 9166

The Lone Arranger

I was wandering in the desert...forgot how many days...looking for my imagination...then I had the a diamond to the center of the brain...I'd share it here but your human languages don't have the words...however...

here's the answer in Klingon loSmaH cha' jIH

Spirit Guides

Post 9167

Phred Firecloud

I bumped into him...he asked me to translate 42 into Klingon...hope klingons have ten tentacles.

Spirit Guides

Post 9168


I see. Ah, OK, so I asume he's not at the bus station then. Well erm.. thanks

Spirit Guides

Post 9169

Phred Firecloud

I spent my vacation deleting old H2G2 the end, only three remained active...then I started adding friends randomly hoping to have more random interesting journals end up n my conversation feed.

I hope that's not an etiquette breach, but if so I'm capable of much worse....and it's paying off...I know not to leave the door open for birds to fly in...

Spirit Guides

Post 9170


Imaginary Darrel!

A diamond in the centre of the brain? That is awesome poetic.

Will you go to the bus station please, so that I can say see you later at the bus station? and sound all interesting and mysterious, even though you might not take me on a journey on a bus to the place of souvenir stands?

That might be for the better of course because you'd speak Klingon all the way there and drive me nuts.

Spirit Guides

Post 9171

Phred Firecloud

Darrell texted back that he was headed for the imaginary Key West Bus station. It has homemade key lime ice cream an souvenir Earnest Heminghat Head beer mugs. He said no rush...he's stopping at the Flying Monkey Pub...

Spirit Guides

Post 9172


Ah! Thanks! I'm here now. I love this bus station! It has everything I need.

I might actually live here, eating homemade lime ice cream, in the shade of the souvenir stand.

The journey begins and ends at the bus station. I like it.

I'll wait till he exits the Flying Monkey then tell him my realisation.

He did in fact txt me earlier to ask where the bus station was. I sent him to the other one on 42nd St, just beyond the Diamond Pizza Place where my friend met a mysterious lady named Margherita, who turned out to be her spirit guide.

Luckily you put him right because I'm not sure if the 42nd St bus station actually exists any more.

Spirit Guides

Post 9173

Phred Firecloud

Key West is 180 Nautical miles South-Southwest of the Sunshine Skyway at the mouth of Tampa Bay. Panfilo de Narvaez sailed into Tampa Bay looking for gold in 1528. The fishing was phenomenal.

Darrell appears to be taken by the ambiance of the Flying Monkey Pub...once I came here to Sin City with four friends. They gave me their cash and made me the treasurer...I sort of blacked out and came up about $400 short of what I could remember paying for...My code required me to make it up, but then I resigned...

Spirit Guides

Post 9174

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

In addition to the bird flying in and out of my house, the wristwatch I ordered from Amazon arrived today. I checked the time an hour later and saw that the watch had not changed time. So I dug out the instructions and tried to make sense of things. I was supposed to push the little knob in to start the second hand moving. So I did, and it did.

it's a strange world we live in. I can't even remember to do simple things like that. smiley - blush

Spirit Guides

Post 9175

Phred Firecloud

Look...I don't know how to say this,'re sort of a posh English person...and...despite what they say about Prince Andrew...Posh Englishpersons may be taken aback by the general air of debauchery and nudity in Key West...

Tomorrow is Fantasy thinking about your costume... Genital nudity is against the rules but the police look the other way in the name of good times...

Spirit Guides

Post 9176

Phred Firecloud

Watch out for feral chickens..smiley - ok

Spirit Guides

Post 9177

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

I'm not an Englishman. I'm not generally posh. Genital nudity, if it happens at all, is likely to be accidental or at least tolerated because no one will see me.smiley - blush

Spirit Guides

Post 9178

The Lone Arranger

I personally prefer something more modest in attire....just explaining the actual local doesn't want to be caught flat-footed, what?... Pictures might get back to the queen...this monkey poop is hard to comb out of my hair... I have to go to the bus station...To learn what CC is up to now...

Spirit Guides

Post 9179

Askadodilges (hides His Foot)

Ok group...set up for video over where the bus will stop in slot seven. Park the Ducatis over behind that building to set up for the limo chase. Ask the guys in the sat-link truck to go get some coffee and burgers...the shots will be gold if she's really coming...get that strange drunk with the monkey-poop in his hair out of here!

The Fantasy Fest

Post 9180


Me?? A posh English person?

Actually, I am. I'm a posh English naturist.

I just lost all my smileys on my phone. Had to turn off my laptop because it was whirring and about to explode. .I think its the company its keeping. Hohohoho

Oh waitsmiley - teasmiley - chocthey're back.

Oh no! The Key West Fantasy Fest. I remember this from your blog.

Perhaps I won't live in the bus station.

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