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Daydream Journal

Post 861


and no one bats an eyelid, at the talk of magic strawberries, pizza ovens, spiral staircases, mud splatters and all

Daydream Journal

Post 862

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

Pizza, yum. Got any gluten-free?

It's your fault, CC. Here is a poem with a spiral staircase, a cellar, and sex in. A87782322

smiley - nur

Daydream Journal

Post 863


still I'm off for some kip soon


I am hoping a lovely morning tomorrow

Daydream Journal

Post 864


sim posted with Dmitri

clicked link, that is a well sexy poem

Daydream Journal

Post 865

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

Heh-heh. smiley - blush Inspiration from this thread.

Don't eat too much pizza before bed.

'Night, you! smiley - run

Daydream Journal

Post 866


what goes on in the attic smiley - bigeyes

Daydream Journal

Post 867


ok I am going...

Daydream Journal

Post 868


It's a lovely poem. smiley - applause

Does it matter whether the spiral staircase goes up to the attic or down to the cellar? Up to the attic ought to symbolise aspiring to higher things: a better life, a spiritual awakening.smiley - angel Down to the basement means reconnecting with the earth, one's animal instincts...smiley - devil

Daydream Journal

Post 869


Morning travellers!

smiley - coffee

I slept so sound last night, smiley - kiss the magic trusted talismanic spiral to protect my soul.

I didn't have the recurring basement dream, in fact I haven't had it for months. I'm going to ask for a spiral staircase leading to a recording studio to be installed in the basement, please dream spirits, for the next time I dream the dream. smiley - rofl.

mmmm smiley - drool, We get great gluten free pizza from this amazing wholefood shop in Brighton. Now I want to go there. smiley - drool

In the 80s I knew people who always asked for things to appear in dreams and it always seemed to work for them, at least they said it did. I never could figure it. I would ask for a healing dream about scented flowers, liquorice and Mexican Sacred Heart candles, and I would have nightmares about wars and ambulances...


smiley - coffee

But wait! wait! Another poet emerges from the cellar! Poems appearing overnight, from out of the deep subconscious, like mushrooms (in a spicy omelette). smiley - rofl....

She turned, also unexpected.
Stray sunbeam from above
Caught red hair. Sharp alien light on
One mischievous green eye,

How can that be so lovely? To paint light effects with words, that's just so lovely! And this poet, hullo this poet smiley - kiss, is also doing that poetry thing, that thing with the sentences, which makes me pace around, hungrily....

pace pace

Talking of recording studios ... in the basement of my memory ...

oh, have to go, recycling day! heheh. Laters ....

Daydream Journal

Post 870


I'm liking your symbolism mvp.

In my imagery the door opened to a landing, the spiral staircase went up to the attic and down to the cellar. The flat is the safe zone which you can always return to

If I was to interpret CC's dream, not that I particulary subscribe to the idea that dreams symbolise anything, but if I did I would say perhaps the cellar, represents fears and doubts, emotions or experiences that she is discomforted by. Walking through the door is a willingness to explore or address these even though it is uncomfortable to do so

Knowing the cellar is there, and that it changes the feel of the flat is acknowledging the exsistance this area of self, that it has an influence on your life and that your can't just shut them away completely

Processing these is uncomfortable, perhaps upsetting and unsettling.

Or it could just be a dream about a flat and a damp cellar smiley - winkeye

Daydream Journal

Post 871


Ah yes, interesting. Attics.

Funny, if I think of a spiral staircase, it's always going downwards into a basement.

A spiral staircase heading upwards into an attic, kinda like the Stairway to Heaven? That's interesting.

(threatens to launch into Stairway to Heaven smiley - musicalnote )

no! no!

smiley - rofl OK, I'll spare you my Led Zep rendition. smiley - rofl.

Perhaps some dreams mean something and some don't.

Someone I knew, who was into Jungian dream analysis, always used to say go with the initial instinct as to what it means, as if the dreamer knows best of all, what comes into your mind immediately you waken, don't intellectualise.

Although I think its good to find outside help, if one is worried.

I think my basement dream is so classically archetypal, Jung might find it quite snoring boring. smiley - rofl. My interpretation is pretty much as Peanut reckons. Not sure about that wallpaper though. smiley - rofl. .

smiley - coffee

Attics. mwahahahahahaha. smiley - ghostsmiley - runsmiley - ghost . I grew up in an olde farmhouse, there were two attics.

And there were trunks ......

laters ....

Daydream Journal

Post 872

Elektragheorgheni -Please read 'The Post'

The new smiley - thepost edition is up ladies, for your delectation.

Daydream Journal

Post 873


yes! splendid! smiley - thepost!!! smiley - run my Spiritualism comic book! smiley - run and some other things smiley - run

(comes back in again, pale, shaken, yet inspired)

The Editorial says On Beyond Zebra, and then there's a very unusual picture there, this sort of like strange animal, and I love it, I think I fell in love. Just had to check in with the mystic spiral, in case the Post inspiration goes to my head, and I get erratic in the attic.

I had to say that, erratic in the attic. Someone had to say erratic in the attic.

I'm feeling very happy tonight.

smiley - musicalnotesmiley - musicalnotesmiley - musicalnotesmiley - musicalnote

I decided that it's enough to be me, in this moment of peculiar being.

Uh oh ....

Yes. I'm happy to be me.

Is that it?


Well, that's OK then.

(heads out again, to find supper and drink smiley - stiffdrink before returning to Post Heaven. smiley - thepost

Did that Editorial say On Beyond Zebra? I hope it did. Is that strange picture still there? I hope it is. smiley - rofl. Otherwise I really will worry about my dream brain. smiley - rofl.

Daydream Journal

Post 874

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

smiley - rofl I apologise. That Editorial should come with a warning label. smiley - blush

It really does say 'On Beyond Zebra', and that's a Cynocephale, or Dog-Headed Person, from a book owned by a Royal Person. smiley - whistle

I'm probably hazardous to everybody's mental health. smiley - winkeye

Daydream Journal

Post 875


Ah its the Ed!

I feel most marvellously unhinged already. Splendid editorial! My kind of magazine.

smiley - redwine

Daydream Journal

Post 876

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

smiley - rofl I have a Right Reader. O joy. smiley - somersault

And Z has told us about a book to read, which we're reading, all about humans, and germs, and Clovis cultures, and suchlike. smiley - cool

Daydream Journal

Post 877


In my dreams today

For some reason I was entered into what I can only describe as a Strictly Come Pole Dancing Competition, I was clueless and winging it, I did a couple off twirls round the pole but realised that I would have to do something on the pole not just around, I knew that I couldn't pull of any pole dancing moves

So I climbed it like someone climbs a coconut tree, only tried to sex it up a bit by waggling my bottom occasionally, then I slid down in twirls with one leg outstretched and pointy toes

I was grinning like a loon throughout,and was definately playing on I'm hamming it up and people were laughing with me not at me, I got smiley - applause and some wolf whistles smiley - fullmoonsmiley - whistle

I was realy chuffed

In another dream I was watching fireworks out of huge windows of an opulant city flat,it was high up, I was dressed in a camisole, sexy knickers a lacy longish cardi undone, and heels. I was drinking champagne in proper champagne glass and was smoking a cigerette through a cigarette holder. This didn't appear to be for anyone,or with the intention to seduce, it was just dress ups, and I had gone for dressing up as sex kitten, the cigerette holder and champagne were meant to be classy touches in these opulant surroundings smiley - erm,um, yes,well, anyway I was a little irked when some chap complimented me on my white knickers, as they were black,but I thanked him all the same

Daydream Journal

Post 878

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

smiley - rofl Peanut, what are you on? And are you sharing? smiley - rofl

Daydream Journal

Post 879


Pases Dmitri slice of gluten free pizza with mushrooms and a bowl of smiley - strawberries, I'm not sure you can have cream, it is optional and I'll put some in my smiley - coffee if you don't want it smiley - biggrin

Daydream Journal

Post 880

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

smiley - laugh I'll pass on the cream. But that looks good. (I'm waiting on my supper, so you're making me hungry. smiley - drool)

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