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Daydream Journal

Post 781


Spiller has just been quite insistant that no one forgets the Annas

with the to glorying to the all ye Marys, hoes, Annas, bell ringers, singers, peoples, sing joyeusly and peace be with you smiley - zen

we are really really stuck as where to put our ' though so we are going with no '

hopes we have that grammatically correct , big smiley - kiss

Daydream Journal

Post 782


now that I have read that can I put capital 'H'

with Hoes though

Gloooor, ooor riahhh Hoes Annas in excelsis smiley - musicalnote


also being a bit wurzel. might have extra r's in there somewhere

Daydream Journal

Post 783


er, and also a Gloria, just pop that in

as has been sung in my right lughole

and bow, exit stage left

smiley - nur

Daydream Journal

Post 784


(enters stage right)(bows)

ah yes and holy holy!!.

Reminds of of Allen Ginsberg's beautiful Footnote to Howl

'Holy the supernatural extra brilliant intelligent
kindness of the soul!'

'Holy the.... (bodyparts smiley - bleep)'

smiley - coffeesmiley - coffee

Incredible postings, the party rocketh on. smiley - rofl.

smiley - coffee

I didn't know the streams ran red in Ashdown Forest. Might re-visit the Forest. It has a magic atmosphere. We used to go to Forest Row, to the cycle shop there, and to stop off for coffee and pizza, en route for the south coast.

We have rusty red soil here in South Devon. Sometimes the sheep go pinky rusty red because they've been sloshing around in it.

smiley - coffee

smiley - book

OK so confession time, I got given a book token, and spent it yesterday on Hallucinations by Oliver Sacks. I have been absorbed ever since, a page turner. Brilliant. I can relate to everything, it's like the way I see, even though I don't have hallucinations. My mother did, though, and my older brother does.

It's the same part of me that enjoys reading accounts of drug trips, even though I don't touch drugs. Henri Michaux's Miserable Miracle, Huxley's Doors of Perception ... etc. It's just more like my language, like my home terrain.

Should I be reading Oliver Sacks I ask myself? For some reason I have stayed away from Oliver Sacks books.

I think I felt scared, thought I shouldn't be looking in on these case histories, but in fact I find that through his writing the 'me and them' gap closes and its very interesting about consciousness and I am fascinated by neuroscience.

I might venture into Migraine and Musicophilia.

Typical me, I'll probably not read the famous one smiley - rofl. smiley - book

Will you still speak to me if I read Oliver Sacks books?

...and also I just got the DVD of Happy Feet, oh dear, (that's the Penguin movie, I saw it on the TV in the gym last week, and I fell in love with computerised singing penguins).

Happy New Year! Holy new Year! Holy computerised penguins!

Daydream Journal

Post 785


I haven't read Oliver Sacks, but I have read a number of books on psychology.- from 'Games People Play' to 'Emotional Intelligence'.

But I do get VERY CROSS smiley - steam with those experts who say, whatever a person's problem, it must be Mum's fault. It's more complicated than that.

Neuroscience is a different matter - a real science.

Daydream Journal

Post 786


Yes, I agree, mvp! smiley - grr I get annoyed with this blame the parents, it's just not the point at all. It was an uncomfortable 80s trend in the therapy worlds, I always had the notion to get beyond all that, into the mysterious mysteries of the workings of the brain. For me, the true insights, the true personal responsibility comes about when I get beyond blame.

ooh eh, getting philosophical now.

Daydream Journal

Post 787

Elektragheorgheni -Please read 'The Post'

Oliver Sachs is a great author CC. He is one doctor who really tries to do his best by his patients. He also has prosopagnosia, like Dmitri .Enjoy the book!smiley - hug

Daydream Journal

Post 788


smiley - coffee

Thanks Elektra! if you guys recommended Oliver Sacks, that's cool. smiley - cool

smiley - coffee

(heads back into book smiley - book, to learn about neurology and be part of life's trippy flippy mysteries)

Daydream Journal

Post 789

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

smiley - rofl I love Oliver Sacks. He's British, you know. smiley - winkeye He is the most terrific person. I haven't read 'Hallucinations' yet, but I've read the one about the Colour-Blind, and 'The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat' - you HAVE to read that one. smiley - rofl

Elektra stays subscribed to his webpage, which somebody runs for him because I don't think he can manage...

Daydream Journal

Post 790


That's so great! smiley - musicalnotesmiley - musicalnotesmiley - musicalnote

I finished Hallucinations already, smiley - rofl. I either don't read at all, or devour books as if they were served with chips and peas. smiley - rofl.

I'm almost onto the next one now, Musicophilia, with a detour involving Tell Tale Brain by Ramachandran.

It all helps me with my scrambed ramble. I have further inspiration to add texture and pepper to the moment, in all its joyous absurdity. Yes! Yes!

The vision dance of silver smiles, too bright without shades.

(Crimson Whisper Mix) Part 11. (On the verge of philosophy, sleep and and an equation dressed for dinner)

The ....

smiley - tomato

Oliver Sacks though, dear fellow indeed, I just love his humour, and he's not a stranger to altered states.

In Hallucinations he describes how one time he thought he saw this spider on the wall. The spider says 'Hullo! Oliver replies 'Hullo yourself!' and then he and the spider continue a discussion consisting of technical matters of analytic philosophy. The spider's opening comment, after hullo! was

'did I think that Bertrand Russell had exploded Ferge's paradox?'

smiley - rofl that is so funny. much too clever for me smiley - rofl, what is Ferge's paradox? smiley - rofl, but I love that humour.

Daydream Journal

Post 791

Elektragheorgheni -Please read 'The Post'

For all the fine people on this thread a New Year's gift, since you are all fond of flora and smiley - bluebutterfly

Enjoy and have a great new year.smiley - bubbly

Daydream Journal

Post 792


smiley - bluebutterfly

heheh, that's so great, thanks Elektra luvvy and a Happy New Year to you too! smiley - kiss

Yes, the science just adds to the beauty of the flower, that's great I love that.

Daydream Journal

Post 793


I love it too smiley - kiss

science does it for me, it is beautiful and creative, still quantum stuff just blows my mind, smiley - boingsmiley - galaxysmiley - boing

so I stop when contemplating a flower, at biology, chemistry and geology and geological time smiley - zen and smiley - petunias

smiley - bluebutterfly

Daydream Journal

Post 794

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

smiley - smiley While you're contemplating, take a gander at the Post, which is up and new at A87773674. smiley - run

Daydream Journal

Post 795


Evening daydreamers

you got your party outfits on yet (damn it now I have typed that I wish I had suggested a theme for daydream thread earlier, as I like dressing the boys up smiley - evilgrin )

before I forget Spiller is using Jimmy our favourite smiley - hero duck as an account this year, we have both entered the deathlist competition but he says he doesn't mind if daydreamers still use it emergency account, as he only intentds to keep up with that thread and maybe stick the odd question on SEx

um he doesn't like to come on h2g2 too much because if feels like he might be reading my diary, or listening in to my personal conversations even though this is freely available to everyone and I wouldn't mind, that is how it feels to him

and it is kind of sweet, I get it, it is head space, and also I sort of like it

blah no smileys, and I going on, sorry

outfits, who is wearing what? smiley - bigeyes

Daydream Journal

Post 796

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

smiley - rofl I don't know. What do people wear to UK New Year's Eve parties? For us, it's just formal wear, if we go out - or bathrobes, if we don't. smiley - winkeye

Daydream Journal

Post 797


oh no, I don't have a bathrobe/dressing gown I am going to be so inappropriately dressed for staying in smiley - tongueincheeksmiley - diva

Daydream Journal

Post 798

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

smiley - yikes Shocking news. Peanut's seeing the new year in au naturel...smiley - runsmiley - moonsmiley - run

Daydream Journal

Post 799


smiley - snork but just to ruin bylines and calm everyones fears, dressing gowns are worn as over layers,

so even if I had one, there would be still a layer to go after that smiley - tongueout before even getting to my knickers and thermal vest and socks, I'll have you know smiley - tongueout

Daydream Journal

Post 800

AE Hill, Mabin-OGion Character of inauspicious repute

Peanut is a tease. smiley - run

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