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Daydream Journal

Post 4441

Elektragheorgheni -Please read 'The Post'

All Daydreamers check out it, the new issue of smiley - thepost is now ready for you. Check it out and get the latest dope on NaJoPoMo.

Daydream Journal

Post 4442


Splendid! smiley - kiss

Daydream Journal

Post 4443


Momeeee! My list won't open.

The NaJoPoMo update in smiley - thepost. It just says Unable To Find Your Page.

Could be my laptop. It's getting old, needs regular reboots. Like it's owner. I'll try.

Or perhaps it's because I'm teasing mvp about quinces, and now the spirits of hootooooo are telling me to be good or else I won't get my list. Like the Tibetan ghost dogs on Everest.Which didn't know about hootooo at the time, and in fact are quite irrelevant to this particular context.

Daydream Journal

Post 4444

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

This isn't working for you?

Daydream Journal

Post 4445

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

Aargh - there was a mistake on the Post FP!

Thank you for telling me. smiley - hug I fixed it.

Daydream Journal

Post 4446


Who's Walter Kelly?

I must meet this guiding star.

Daydream Journal

Post 4447


You fixed it already? Thankyou!

I think you are tinged with genius. heheh.

Daydream Journal

Post 4448


Yup, working!

Daydream Journal

Post 4449

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

Nah. smiley - snork I just know where the buttons are.

Walter Crawford Kelly, born in Philadelphia, raised in Bridgeport, Connecticut, home of PT Barnum.

Kelly was a lovely man, a genius, and a great cartoonist who spouted philosophy in language more like James Joyce than anything else.

He offended both McCarthyites and Communists equally. His comic strip Pogo espoused kindness, and exposed hypocrisy.

As for environmentalism? Try this:

Sayings of Kelly:

God is not dead—He is merely unemployed...

Don't take life so serious, son, it ain't nohow permanent.

Thar’s only two possibilities: Thar is life out there in the universe which is smarter than we are, or we’re the most intelligent life in the universe. Either way, it’s a mighty sobering thought.

And dialogue:

Albert: I'd give them a piece of my mind if I could find it! I mean, them!
Porky Pine [to Pogo]: Y'know, ol' Albert leads a life of noisy desperation.

Daydream Journal

Post 4450

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

Link again:

Daydream Journal

Post 4451


I love this guy! smiley - kiss Thanks for the info, my friend!

Porkypine and Pogo are in my life! They make me happy.

And great quotes!!

smiley - boing

Daydream Journal

Post 4452

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

Hehe, my work here is done. Another Pogo convert won. smiley - run

Daydream Journal

Post 4453


smiley - rofl Yes.

smiley - redwine

The other day, whilst on a car journey, we were playing a game, how many animals or birds or insects beginning with SH can you think of.

This was because he saw some sheep. So he said sheep! And there were lots, like sheltie, and shire horse and shetland pony and shark and shnake. Except he wasn't allowed shnake for snake. (except if you're drunk).

Anyway, for miles I had several exotic dog breeds (beginning with SH) trying to form in the back of my brain. We stopped for coffee, and after the coffee got through, I got them all!

Shih Tzu
Shar Pei
Shiba Inu

smiley - dog

This is perhaps the most riveting posting I ever posted on hootoo in all my years. smiley - rofl

Or not.

smiley - rofl

Daydream Journal

Post 4454


My mother's larder and pantry.

Erm... yes? And? ...

mvp's food thoughts have reminded me. If I was a novelist, my book would open with a description of my mother's larder. And pantry. With the creamsep. The creamsep!

She hated it, all of it. That's the grist of the novel. She wasn't a domestic women, but had no choice.

The creamsep was a large china bowl, with a kind of lip or spout, and it had The Creamsep written on it. We found it when we were clearing the house, after she'd died. It was all covered in dust, years and years of dust. It somehow symbolised her sorrow.

smiley - redwine

Fortunately for the world, smiley - rofl, I'm not a novelist, although I think my doomy creamsep novel would be quite interesting. I'll have to pay mvp to write it. teehee.

Shellfish! Shellduck!

What? I just got two more for the sh game.

Daydream Journal

Post 4455


I just checked online, looks like The Creamsep dairy bowl would have brought in more cash than my novel ever would have. I think we gave it away to a passing ghost. Damn.

Funny thing, I see a picture of it, it really makes me deeply sad.

smiley - redwine

Interesting thought.

Objects are just objects, things are just things, but they can become powerful bearers of emotion, because we transfer emotion onto them.

I guess it's safer to do that, than transferring onto sensitive lifeforms.

smiley - redwine

OK, I'm shutting up.

Shut up! (begins with sh. not an animal though.)smiley - rofl.

Daydream Journal

Post 4456


smiley - candlesmiley - candlesmiley - candlesmiley - candlesmiley - candlesmiley - candlesmiley - candle

smiley - candlesmiley - candlesmiley - candlesmiley - candlesmiley - candlesmiley - candlesmiley - candle

Nov 13

Daydream Journal

Post 4457


For a moment, I thought you were celebrating Hannukah, but you need eight candles.
smiley - candlesmiley - candlesmiley - candlesmiley - candlesmiley - candlesmiley - candlesmiley - candlesmiley - candle

We have a little menorah on a shelf in our house, with its eight branches and one extra to light the others. That's a sacred object, or was once. There are lots of sacred objects, from rocks with patterns scratched on them from the earliest human time to...
What would be a sacred object form our time? smiley - erm An I-pad?

Have we lost our sense of sacred objects, or does an object just need a connection to a dear person? I have a thing about old, black Singer sewing machines, because my mother had one. A manual ,on which I learnt to sew, I think. According to my brother she'd had a treadle earlier, but I would have thought a manual was harder, because you had to guide the material with one hand and turn the handle with the other. Progress? smiley - erm

Daydream Journal

Post 4458

Elektragheorgheni -Please read 'The Post'

Check out the new issue of smiley - thepost with the cute animals and clever magpies in Dmitri's writing column!

Daydream Journal

Post 4459


Hullo mvp! I love the menorah, very beautiful and sacred.

smiley - candle

I love your thoughts on Singer sewing machines, and how precious yours is to you.

I don't think we've lost our connection to sacred objects, just depends on how much heart we put into it. Sometimes perhaps it's because of a connection to a dear person, sometimes more.

Yes, that would be a good survey, what are the sacred objects of our time?

I still scratch designs on stones on the beach, mandalas mainly, if I'm needing to connect to the sacred, then watch the sea wash them away. It connects me to the past and the future. It's the process though, the ritual, rather than the end product.

I'm always making little altars out of trinkets and talismans and special things, always have done, since childhood.

And I think jewellry has its origins in the sacred. And gem stones are otherworldly.

I have my marble candle-garden I call it, a wide glass dish full of glass marbles, with a candle in the middle. The light reflects through all the marbles.

I don't think sacred objects have to be obvious, although I do like Jesus candles. smiley - rofl. And Buddhas, although I don't have a Buddha statue.

Sometimes I see the sacred in anything, from a squashed coke can glinting in the sun, to a plastic spoon, depends on the light and the heart and the intention.

smiley - huh I'll have to work out that cryptic almost poetic sentence. smiley - rofl Typing spontaneously here. Of course.

Now you got me started. smiley - rofl

And ...

Oh, have to go. smiley - run

Speak soon. smiley - kiss

Daydream Journal

Post 4460

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

smiley - eureka That would be a good Create theme for next year sometime. Thank you both! smiley - hug

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