NaJoPoMo Update: What's Up in Journals
Created | Updated Nov 8, 2015
Do you NaJoPoMo?
What's Up in Journals

It's that time of year again: NaJoPoMo, when h2g2ers take up the challenge of writing a journal entry for every day of the month. (And yes, the month only has 30 days, so call us lazy.) There's some exciting reading unfolding out there, and some lively conversations are starting up. Here's a rundown of some of the Stuff you can read this month:
- bobstafford starts out by saying of this project '…this is like a Message in a bottle. Why? well it's tough to know where this will end up…' Yeah, but it's going to be fun finding out, Bob. Keep writing.
- Amy Pawloski assures us that '…Now, my NaJoPoMo won't be all chickens this year (probably) but I can safely tell you to expect incubating updates on Day 18…' We don't care, keep those chicken updates coming! Our urban farmers want to know.
- coelacanth reminds us that NaJo's been going on for several years now, and that our journals can serve as a sort of time capsule. Our writer also says, 'This year I did a few exciting things…', like being part of a live TV audience. We can't wait to learn more.
- Superfrenchie tells about some intriguing games people are playing. 'All nine friends meet up at 8 pm at the address that was given when they booked…' More games to follow…
- Bluebottle talks about many things...running, weird hairdressers...we expect to get at least one good conspiracy theory out of him before November's over.
- Your Editor, Dmitri Gheorgheni, is showing movies again. 'Freebie Film Tips #3' is an extravaganza of the weird and wonderful, courtesy of internet sources (mostly Youtube), with a bit of snarky background. Which do you prefer, black and white scifi like The Twonky, or outright satire, such as CSA: Confederate States of America? Hopefully, there's something for everybody by the time November's over.
- SashaQ, one of our tireless Guide Editors, reminds us that '…time is an illusion, and lunchtime doubly so…', and hopes to be able to complete, not only NaJoPoMo, but that other challenge. You know, the one about writing a novel in November…good luck, Sasha!
- Minorvogonpoet has promised us a 'month of food'. Yum! Even beans sound good in this journal.
- The Thinker wants us to pool together and discuss unusual winter customs around the world. Got any?
There are probably other people NaJoPoMoing out there, but they either haven't reported in, or they didn't give an A-space the Post can link to, so you'll just have to find them and subscribe to their journals if you want to read their projects. We'll bring more news if we find something we can link to. And as for the person who typed in a tongue-out smiley and wrote, 'Don't like it? You don't have to read it...' Well, okay, we won't. But maybe somebody will. Or, as bobstafford put it, ' like as not it shall drift unread for centuries...'
Have a fun November! Party on, froods! And be excellent to each other!

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