This is the Message Centre for Sho - employed again!

*wah* *sniff* *sniffle* feels sorry for self

Post 1

Sho - employed again!

Was out to get #2 a new bike (to replace the one that was mangled when she had her accident last year) but got a call before we got to the shop from smiley - chef.

Washing machine has died. We need a new one. No bikes...

smiley - wah

Just when I think everything is ok - BANG! some-flippin'-thing else

smiley - wah

*wah* *sniff* *sniffle* feels sorry for self

Post 2

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

smiley - hug

smiley - teasmiley - cupcake

smiley - cheerupnew Doctor Who tonight...smiley - tardis

*wah* *sniff* *sniffle* feels sorry for self

Post 3

Sho - employed again!

slightly taking the edge off it, but having a new doctor doesn't help
smiley - tea
heals everything

*wah* *sniff* *sniffle* feels sorry for self

Post 4


so murphy's law struck again
it's about the same here usually....
smiley - hug

*wah* *sniff* *sniffle* feels sorry for self

Post 5

Mol - on the new tablet

smiley - sadface Oh, that's not fair smiley - hug


*wah* *sniff* *sniffle* feels sorry for self

Post 6


Get her a nice used bike for now. smiley - cheerup

*wah* *sniff* *sniffle* feels sorry for self

Post 7

Sho - employed again!

we'll try to find one... there should be a lot available right now because it's the start of the cycling season.

*wah* *sniff* *sniffle* feels sorry for self

Post 8


Every city has auctions every now and then where they sell lost-and-found items that no-one ever came to claim. That's one way to get a nice bicycle cheap. smiley - 2cents

*wah* *sniff* *sniffle* feels sorry for self

Post 9


It's better this way around. Imaginge the washing machine breaking just *after* buying a new bike.


*wah* *sniff* *sniffle* feels sorry for self

Post 10

You can call me TC

I wish I could help you out with a bike, Sho. But my boys, being boys, never managed to keep a bike for long before it was "ridden to death".

*wah* *sniff* *sniffle* feels sorry for self

Post 11

Sho - employed again!

yep - you're right there, Y.

oh well... life is like that.
smiley - wah
Maybe I'll ask MMF if he can give me remote help...

*wah* *sniff* *sniffle* feels sorry for self

Post 12


I frecycle'd my daughter's bike a couple of months ago. I'll see if I can waft my karma-credit your way smiley - puff

*wah* *sniff* *sniffle* feels sorry for self

Post 13

Sho - employed again!

oh thanks - all Karma gratefully accepted

I'm flippin' well due some Karma smiley - cross

smiley - tea

*wah* *sniff* *sniffle* feels sorry for self

Post 14

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

Please tell your daughter I'm sorry I can't help smiley - erm

smiley - pirate

*wah* *sniff* *sniffle* feels sorry for self

Post 15


At the risk of stating the obvious, keep an eye on the newspaper ads - sometimes you can find excellent things for nothing, and bikes are popping up in them all the time.

*wah* *sniff* *sniffle* feels sorry for self

Post 16


#Tries to banish image of bikes exploding throughsmiley - thepost#

What sort of bike are you looking for? I don't know how old she is, but if she's still a kiddie, you might find putting a notice up at the school may help, since kids grow out of bikes so fast.


*wah* *sniff* *sniffle* feels sorry for self

Post 17


Did you get any Easter chocolate, Sho?

*wah* *sniff* *sniffle* feels sorry for self

Post 18

Sho - employed again!

Oh we are drowning in Easter Chocolate, JEllen! I got a huge Lindt bunny, and 2 smaller Lindt bunnies. (we live quite close to the factory)

KB, no bikes in the paper at the mo. Apparently, according to the bike shop she needs a 28" one - now I don't know how they measure over here, I think it's wheel diameter. Which means I'm in trouble because mine is that size, and Gruesome #1's is a 26" (and she's shorter)

I found one in the supermarket, unfortunately last week's offer, for EUR 129 - maybe we can get one elsewhere for around that price. Then she'll have money left to put towards yet anothre flippin' mobile phone.

smiley - hug to smiley - pirate thanks honey!

*wah* *sniff* *sniffle* feels sorry for self

Post 19

Sho - employed again!

Found a bike for #2 Gruesome in the local DIY store - since she had € 180 from the insurance when her bike was totalled last year, she could afford one of theirs which was on offer at € 150. So that's done and everyone is happy (especially since she now has EUR 30 towards her new phone fund)

And I found a washing machine for less than €350 (including delivery and removal of the packaging and the old one) which is, apparently €150 cheaper than the same model anywhere else
smiley - magic

*breathes easier*

*wah* *sniff* *sniffle* feels sorry for self

Post 20


Great news! Happy riding/ washing.

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