This is the Message Centre for Sho - employed again!

~drool~ thread

Post 4281


I think Enterprise will be returning early next year Caer... smiley - sigh

Unless the kids happen to be watching the Simpsons or South Park, I can't think of any programmes on Sky1 that I have watched since the last season Enterprise closed. Sky1 really does air a load of rubbish and even though I thought that it could get any worse, it seems to have sunk to even lower depths with their reality TV (aka cheap!) programmes for the hard of thinking. smiley - cross

We have cancelled our subscription to Sky's movie channels, which haven't been much to write home about recently either. smiley - erm It works out cheaper to rent DVDs from rental website that we've just joined and there are still plenty of movies on the other channels to watch.

By the way! How is GB nowadays? Is she still about? smiley - bigeyes

~drool~ thread

Post 4282


We have to wait till the New Year? smiley - groan

The only things I watch regularly on Sky1 are Stargate and Malcolm in the Middle.

We have never subsribed to the movie channels, but we have pay per view through ntl's Front Row, but there is rarely a film that we want to watch as we tend to buy the dvds.

~drool~ thread

Post 4283

Sho - employed again!

It seems that smiley - elf boy is going to be in a film with Gabriel Byrne.

That's all I can remember I was too busy to remember any more details

~drool~ thread

Post 4284


I hope Gabriel doesn't play his father, it will really bring my age home to me smiley - sadface

~drool~ thread

Post 4285

Sho - employed again!

I don't care, I don't care I don't care that I'll be 40 next month

smiley - wahsmiley - wahsmiley - wahsmiley - wahsmiley - wahsmiley - wahsmiley - wahsmiley - wahsmiley - wahsmiley - wahsmiley - wahsmiley - wahsmiley - wahsmiley - wah

~drool~ thread

Post 4286

Leopardskinfynn... sexy mama

smiley - hug

But surely it's an excuse for lots of smiley - bubbly and a big party Sho?! smiley - biggrin

~drool~ thread

Post 4287

Sho - employed again!

thanks, but there will be no party. No nothing.

I've taken the friday before the horrible day off work, and the day itself. And I'll be crying for the whole weekend I suspect.

Mind you, (I may have mentioned it here) I've achieved one of the "things I want to do before I'm 40" recently (the magazine thing) and if the NaNoWriMo thing comes off ok (I've just gone over 20,000 words, so I think it's possible) I'll have done another.

but smiley - sigh... 40!!!!!!! when did that happen? Last time I looked I was 27.

smiley - wah

~drool~ thread

Post 4288


smiley - hugsmiley - cheerup

~drool~ thread

Post 4289

Sho - employed again!

who wants some smiley - cake and a smiley - cappuccino?

~drool~ thread

Post 4290


Last time I looked, my reflection was all foggy because I'd forgotten to put my specs on! smiley - doh

smiley - cheerup Sho! smiley - hug I remember feeling the same way about my 40th birthday and threatened anyone who even mentioned the word "party" with disembowelment, amongst other things...John's Mum wanted to come round and bring my brother-in-law, his wife and children over and even though I knew they meant well, I had to be quite insistent to ensure they didn't! Then of course the girls in the Red Cross Shop threatened to deck out the town centre and shop smiley - yikes so I was actually grateful when they restricted their attentions to the inside of the shop! smiley - rofl

It gets worse once you hit 45 and at 46...All I can think about now is how close I am to 50 and that it's only 14 years until I qualify for an OAP bus pass! smiley - doh Mind you, that's not a particularly bad thing to look forward to... smiley - winkeye

Just the smiley - cappuccino but with some soymilk instead please Sho... smiley - ta

Once you're over 45, certain people start having dreams that one is a smiley - zoom and has shaken one's broomstick out down their chimney! smiley - rofl

*Kicks Caer on the shin*

~drool~ thread

Post 4291


smiley - rofl

I do get a bit down at times when considering my 50th and it is only 20 months away smiley - yikes and smiley - yikessmiley - yikes, but there is b*gger all I can do about it and am trying to convince myself that I should be celebrating the fact that I have actually managed to survive for half a century.

If I have managed to lose a couple of stones by then there is a pretty good chance I can count on getting to 60 as well.

I have warned H that I am expecting a big fuss and a party to match so he had better start saving. I was also thinking of a cruise too, but with that virus going round, I'm having second thoughts that smiley - erm

I didn't find 40 as bad as I thought it would be and had specifically asked not to have any party, which was a shame as on reflection it would have been nice to have had a bit of fun.

~drool~ thread

Post 4292

Sho - employed again!

*spot who is procrastinating from writing*

Glad to hear 40 isn't sooooo bad. We're short of smiley - 2cents so no party is ok by my wallet as well as by me. I had hoped to go to the Amsterdam Hilton for a weekend in the John Lennon room, but it didn't happen (he's a big 'hero' of mine, he was shot on my 17th birthday, and now I'll be 40 - his age at death) it seemed like a good idea at the time. But maybe next year I'll get my tour round the Ballad of John & Yoko hotels instead.

On the other hand, celebrating smiley - dontpanic 42 seems like a better idea really. And it's not for a while, so I have time to either plan / not plan / procrastinate the planning as is my usual wont.

OK, so now I'm really off to write. This time writing for money!!
smiley - biggrin

~drool~ thread

Post 4293

Sho - employed again!

smiley - dontpanic England. You're still more smiley - droolworthy than those Welsh smiley - dragon - although it's close. There are 30ish smiley - droolable men on my tv, and I'm having a hard time breathing right now (and it has nothing to do with the fact that England are not winning)

smiley - drool you know it makes sense!

~drool~ thread

Post 4294

You can call me TC

My fiftieth birthday is in 12 months.

We haven't celebrated anything for ages. My 40th was awful - I had just been blamed for some awful cock up at work which I wasn't responsible for - hell! I only carry out instructions - it really depressed me and it took me two or three years to get out of it - coupled with hysterectomy and hormonal churnups around that time, I was in no fit state for anything. Work was preventing me getting a life of any sorts in those days too, (it's even worse now) so no way could I find the energy to prepare the house for a party.

We have had a Silver Wedding and my husband's 50th and my 45th in the meantime, plus one 18th and one 21st - and youngest was 15 this week.

However, we have revamped our living room (made three into one big one) and hope soon to have a party that everyone will talk about for years.

I'll let you know and you can all come. Seriously. Provided you help make sandwiches!

Sorry about that - had to get rid of a bit of autumnal, pre-birthday depression there.

~drool~ thread

Post 4295

Sho - employed again!

smiley - hug
I'll be having brunch and/or smiley - coffee and smiley - cake (of course, don't forget where we are!) on my birthday, well, the day before actually, but don't tell the Germans, they go mad if you celebrate before the event.

So, any droolers in the vicinity are more than welcome on 7th December. (Seriously, TC, we have room for an overnighter or two if you want)

I think there is too much stress involved making a party. Between work, kids, writing (i'm actually taking this seriously, I can't believe it) and some other poo going on in my life, not only don't I have time to prepare a party, I don't really feel like it.

Still, I've just been watching Welsh smiley - dragon totty and English (how come smiley - football gets a smiley, and at which we're good doesn't?) totty, so I'm pretty happy right now.

~drool~ thread

Post 4296

You can call me TC

May well take you up on that Sho - can I come on the Saturday evening (by train) and help you with the brunch? Or will I be in the way of the kiddies Nikolaus happenings?

~drool~ thread

Post 4297


It is a dilemma for my Dad as to who to support, he was entitled to try to for both England and Wales and would have done if WWII hadn't gone and broken out.

smiley - pirate of the Caribbean is out on dvd on 1st December, I suppose I had better be an smiley - angel and request it for Chrimbo rather than smiley - run out and buy it.

~drool~ thread

Post 4298

Sho - employed again!

TC, you're more than welcome to come up on the Saturday, we don't really do St. Nick (well, maybe some sweets in the shoes or whatever) but that's it, since we're a British island here.

But you don't get to help with Brunch. That's for me and the gruesomes to do, you can just relax and... well, watch some British TV if you want (oh, btw, I keep meaning to say, if you know something is coming up that you want to see, let me know and I can record it for you)

I really want otC, but since we're a bit strapped for cash, I'll have to settle for the next LOTR thing. I can't go without that. Nope, nosiree, if I don't get The Two Towers somehow, life as I know it will cease to be!
where's the smiley?

~drool~ thread

Post 4299

Sho - employed again!

drat, smiley - pirateotC that was meant to be

and I can't believe I haven't mentioned smiley - elfboy for ages!

~drool~ thread

Post 4300

Swiv (decrepit postgrad)

I'd quite like to debate that we're good at but it'd be too painful...

so I'll sit in a corner and meditate on the fact that at least the England team are still the prettiest.

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